中华人民共和国民法典第一百六十八条 您所在的位置:网站首页 民法典第一百六十八条解释 中华人民共和国民法典第一百六十八条


#中华人民共和国民法典第一百六十八条| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一百六十八条 代理人不得以被代理人的名义与自己实施民事法律行为,但是被代理人同意或者追认的除外。 Article 168 An agent may not, in the principal’s name, perform a civil juristic act with himself, unless it is consented to or ratified by the principal.   代理人不得以被代理人的名义与自己同时代理的其他人实施民事法律行为,但是被代理的双方同意或者追认的除外。 An agent who has been designated by two or more principals may not in the name of one principal perform a civil juristic act with another principal whom he concurrently represents, unless it is consented to or ratified by both principals.   第一百六十九条 代理人需要转委托第三人代理的,应当取得被代理人的同意或者追认。 Article 169 Where an agent needs to re-delegate his authority to a third person, he shall obtain consent or ratification from the principal.   转委托代理经被代理人同意或者追认的,被代理人可以就代理事务直接指示转委托的第三人,代理人仅就第三人的选任以及对第三人的指示承担责任。 If the re-delegation of authority to a third person is consented to or ratified by the principal, the principal may directly instruct the third person to do the authorized task, and the agent shall be liable only for the selection of such a third person and the instructions given to the third person by the agent himself.   转委托代理未经被代理人同意或者追认的,代理人应当对转委托的第三人的行为承担责任;但是,在紧急情况下代理人为了维护被代理人的利益需要转委托第三人代理的除外。 If re-delegation of authority to a third person is not consented to or ratified by the principal, the agent shall be liable for the acts performed by the third person, unless the agent re-delegates his authority to a third person in an emergency situation in order to protect the interests of the principal.   第一百七十条 执行法人或者非法人组织工作任务的人员,就其职权范围内的事项,以法人或者非法人组织的名义实施的民事法律行为,对法人或者非法人组织发生效力。 Article 170 A civil juristic act performed by a person for fulfilling his responsibilities assigned by a legal person or an unincorporated organization, within the scope of authority and in the name of the legal person or the unincorporated organization, is binding on the legal person or unincorporated organization.   法人或者非法人组织对执行其工作任务的人员职权范围的限制,不得对抗善意相对人。 Restrictions imposed by a legal person or an unincorporated organization on the scope of authority of a person who performs the responsibilities assigned by the legal person or unincorporated organization are not effective against a bona fide counterparty.


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