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2024-06-28 08:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Introduction of Li Ziqi


Li Ziqi is a famous Chinese short-video internet celebrity, whose videos mainly showcase her rural lifestyle and festival customs in Sichuan Province. Her videos have not only gained popularity in China, but also started to become popular overseas. This article will use the topic of introducing Li Ziqi in an English dialogue essay, to introduce this Chinese internet celebrity.

A: Hi, do you know Li Ziqi?

B: Yes, I’ve heard of her. She’s a Chinese internet celebrity, right?

A: Yeah, she’s been really popular lately. Her videos are about her life in the countryside.

B: Oh, that sounds interesting. What does she do in her videos?

A: Well, she mainly focuses on traditional Chinese culture, like making clothes by hand, growing vegetables, and cooking traditional foods.

B: That’s pretty cool. What's special about her videos compared to other show-and-tell videos?

A: One of the things that makes her stand out is her high-quality production value. She has a whole team helping her make the videos that are beautifully shot and have peaceful music playing in the background.

B: That sounds nice. Is there anything else special about her videos?

A: Definitely. Another thing that makes her unique is the fact that she never talks in her videos. Instead, she lets the actions speak for themselves, which enhances the overall peacefulness and charm of the videos.

B: I see. Her videos must be really popular among people who enjoy slow-paced and peaceful content.

A: Yes, that’s why many people find her videos so calming and relaxing. It’s a nice escape from the fast-paced modern world.

B: I can imagine that. Have her videos gained any recognition outside of China?

A: Yeah, she has actually become quite well-known in other countries too. Her popularity began to skyrocket after some of her videos were shared on Facebook and YouTube, and now she has fans all over the world.

B: Wow, that's amazing. Li Ziqi's videos really seem to have captured people's hearts.

A: Definitely. She promotes traditional Chinese culture in a refreshing way that appeals to both Chinese and non-Chinese viewers. She's a great ambassador for Chinese culture and is definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen her videos yet.

B: I'm definitely going to check out her videos. Thank you for telling me about her, she sounds like an incredibly inspiring person.

A: No problem, happy to share. I’m sure you'll love her videos just as much as I do!




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