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2024-06-18 04:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

王文华,北京外国语大学法学院教授、副院长。曾担任江苏省宝应县人民法院审判员。中国人民大学法学博士后(2006年)、北京大学法学博士 (2002年)、法学硕士(1998年),苏州大学法学学士(1989年),加拿大蒙特利尔大学法律硕士(1999年),美国德保罗大学法学院访问学者。

王文华教授将审判工作经验融于教学,并对法学教育教学进行深入研究,教学成果优异,深受学生喜爱。研究成果丰硕且多项成果被转载、引用、获奖,在本 专业领域内具有一定影响。主要成果包括个人学术专著2部(《加拿大与中国经济诈欺犯罪比较》,中国检察出版社2003年版、《欧洲金融犯罪比较研究——以 欧盟、英国、意大利为视角》,外语教学与研究出版社2006年8月版)、译著2部、合著6部、教材1部(副主编),在《中外法学》、《政法论坛》、《法学 家》、《法学评论》、《比较法研究》、《光明日报(理论版)》等刊物上发表了60余篇学术论文,研究成果多次获得国家级、省部级和校级表彰奖励。其中12 篇被《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》、中国人民大学复印报刊资料、《人民检察》转载。论文《刑法学教科书60年回顾与反思》获得法学研究成果的全国性 最高奖项“中国法学优秀成果奖”二等奖(第二届,2011年)。论文《侵犯著作权罪新探》、论文《社会冲突、社会管理创新与刑法理念的发展》分别获得中国 法学会优秀刑法论文(2000-2005)二等奖、(2006—2011)三等奖。

王文华教授主持、参与完成了6项国家级、省部级科研项目,包括:主持完成司法部国家法治与法学 理论研究项目“中国传统复仇文化与当今和谐社会建设中的仇恨犯罪研究”、主持教育部人文社会科学研究项目“群体性暴力事件与‘仇恨犯罪’抗制研究”,并参与完成教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中欧金融犯罪比较研究”。2011年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划。兼任中国刑法学研究会理事、 中国欧洲学会欧洲法律研究会理事、北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院兼职研究员。

电子邮箱:[email protected][email protected]

Wang Wenhua, female, Professor, the Vice Dean of Law School of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). Bachelor of Law from Suzhou University, Master of Law from Peking University, Doctor of Jurisprudence from Peking University, DESS from University of Montreal, Canada, Postdoctoral of Renmin University of China A part-time researcher of College for Criminal Law Science of Beijing Normal University, member of the council of Chinese Criminal Law Society, member of the council of European Law Study Institute of Chinese European Society. She was judge of People’s Court of Baoying County, Jiangsu Province.

Main Rearch Area: economic crime & economic criminal law; hate crime; comparative criminal law; international criminal law; criminal justice and policy

Courses: criminal law; criminal procedure law; transnational economic crime & economic criminal law

Address:Law School of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Beijing, 100089, P.R.C

E-mail Address:[email protected]; [email protected]

Education Background

Sep 1985 – Jul 1989   Bachelor of Law, Suzhou University (Member of University Youth League, League Secretary)

Mar 1994 – Jan 1995   Senior Judge Training Course hosted by National Judges College of the Supreme Court in Peking University, Party secretary

Sep 1995 – Jul 1998    Master of Law, Law School, Peking University

Sep 1999 – Jul 2002    Doctor of Jurisprudence, Law School, Peking University

Jan 1991 – Oct 1999   Cooperation project between the Supreme Court and Canadian International Development Agency, LLM(DESS), University of Montreal, Canada

Aug 2002 – Dec 2004   Lecturer of Department of Law, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Sep 2003 – Jun 2005   Postdoctoral Research, Law School, Renmin University of China

(tutor: professor Gao Mingxuan)

Aug 2004 – May 2005  Visiting scholar of Law School of DePaul University, USA,

Jan 2005 – Jan 2011   Associate Professor, Law School, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Nov 2006 – present    Vice Dean, Law School, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Feb 2011 – present    Professor, Law School, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Dec 2010 – present   member of the council of European Law Study Institute of Chinese European Society

Oct 2011 – present   member of the council of Chinese Criminal Law Society

Nov 2011 – present  “New Century Excellent Talents” hosted by Ministry of Education

Work Experience

Jul 1989 – Dec 1998   Worked as clerk, assistant judge, judge in Criminal Tribunal of People’s Court Baoying County, Jiangsu Province and was awarded Judge Certificate of Jiangsu Province.

Sep 2003 – Jun 2005  Postdoctoral Research, Law School, Renmin University of China (tutor: professor Gao Mingxuan)

Mar 2006 – present  part-time researcher of College for Criminal Law Science of Beijing Normal University

Honors and Awards

Oct 2006  Thesis “A New Exploration on The Crime of Copyright Infringement” was awarded the Second-class Award of Excellent Criminal Thesis of China Law Society (2000-2005)

2011.10  Thesis “Social Conflict, Social Management Innovation and Development of Criminal Philosophy” was awarded the Second-class Award of Excellent Criminal Thesis of China Law Society(2006—2011)

2011.12  Thesis “Review and Reflection of the 60 years of Criminal Law Textbooks” was awarded the Second-class Award of The Excellent Thesis of China Law Society..on Tribune of Political Science and Law

Nov 2011  Admitted to Support Project “New Century Excellent Talents” hosted by Ministry of Education







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