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取得进步英语怎么说 (含例句)

2024-06-03 08:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. 进步的表述方式


- make progress in English:在英语方面取得进步

- achieve improvement in English:在英语方面获得提高

- show better performance in English:在英语方面表现更好

- upgrade one's English ability:提升自己在英语方面的能力

- make strides in English learning:在英语学习方面取得长足进步


- I've been working hard to make progress in English, and I think I'm starting to see some results.(我一直在努力学习英语,觉得自己有所进步。)

- She has achieved a marked improvement in English since she started taking private lessons.(自从她开始上私人英语课,她的英语水平有了明显的提高。)

- After struggling with English for years, he finally showed much better performance in the language.(在经历多年的英语挣扎后,他终于在英语方面表现出色。)

- I want to upgrade my English ability so that I can communicate more effectively with my colleagues at work.(我想提升自己在英语方面的能力,这样我就可以更有效地与同事交流了。)

- With the help of a good teacher, she has made great strides in her English learning over the past few months.(在一位好老师的帮助下,她在过去几个月里在英语学习方面取得了长足的进步。)

2. 具体做法的表述方式


- study hard at English:努力学习英语

- practice English every day:每天练习英语

- seek help from English tutors:寻求英语导师的帮助

- immerse oneself in English environment:沉浸在英语环境中

- adopt effective learning strategies:采用有效的学习策略


- I've been studying hard at English for years, and I'm starting to see the results of my hard work.(我已经努力学习英语好几年了,现在开始看到了我的努力带来的结果。)

- If you want to get better at English, you need to practice every day.(如果你想在英语方面取得进步,你需要每天练习。)

- When I was struggling with English, I sought help from a tutor who was able to help me overcome my difficulties.(当我在学习英语方面遇到困难时,我寻求了一位导师的帮助,他帮助我克服了困难。)

- To improve your English speaking skills, it's important to immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment.(如果你想提高英语口语能力,沉浸在英语环境中是非常重要的。)

- Adopting effective learning strategies can help you make progress in English faster than just studying aimlessly.(采用有效的学习策略可以帮助你比盲目学习更快地在英语方面取得进步。)

3. 情感层面的表述方式


- gain confidence in English:在英语方面获得自信

- overcome fear of English failure:克服对英语失败的恐惧

- feel proud of one's English progress:为自己在英语方面的进步感到自豪

- enjoy the English learning process:享受英语学习的过程

- find motivation in English learning:从英语学习中获得动力


- After months of hard work, she finally gained confidence in her ability to speak and write in English.(经过几个月的努力,她终于在说英语和写英语方面获得了自信。)

- Many students struggle with a fear of English failure, but it's important to overcome this fear if you want to make progress.(许多学生都担心英语失败,但是如果你想在英语方面取得进步,就必须克服这种恐惧。)

- I feel proud of the progress I've made in English, and I'm looking forward to continuing to improve.(我为自己在英语方面的进步感到自豪,期待着继续提高。)

- Learning English shouldn't be a c - it's important to find ways to enjoy the process.(学习英语不应该成为一种负担——需要找到享受学习过程的方法。)

- When you find motivation in English learning, studying becomes less of a c and more of a pleasure.(当你从英语学习中获得动力时,学习变得不再是一个负担,而是一种乐趣。)

4. 取得进步的时间表述方式


- make steady progress in English:在英语方面持续取得进步

- gradually improve one's English skills:逐步改善自己在英语方面的能力

- make slow but steady progress in English:在英语方面缓慢但是稳定地取得进步

- steadily work towards better English ability:持续努力提高自己在英语方面的能力

- improve English skills over a period of time:在一段时间内不断改善自己在英语方面的能力


- It's important to make steady progress in English, even if it's only a little bit each day.(持续在英语方面取得进步非常重要,即使每天只有一点点。)

- Gradually improving your English skills can help you achieve your goals over time, even if progress seems slow at first.(逐步改善你的英语能力可以帮助你在一段时间内实现你的目标,即使进步起初似乎很慢。)

- Making slow but steady progress in English is better than trying to improve too quickly, which can lead to frustration and burnout.(在英语方面缓慢但是稳定地取得进步比着急追求进步要更好,因为这样可以避免心理压力和疲劳。)

- If you want to steadily work towards better English ability, it's important to set realistic goals and focus on progress over time.(如果你想努力提高自己在英语方面的能力,那么就需要设定现实的目标,同时专注于在一段时间内取得进步。)

- Improving your English skills over a period of time can help you achieve your long-term goals, whether you're trying to get a better job or study abroad.(在一段时间内不断改善自己在英语方面的能力可以帮助你实现你的长期目







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