VIPER4Android FX 蝰蛇音效选项配置说明(中英双语) 您所在的位置:网站首页 viper4androidfx2505 VIPER4Android FX 蝰蛇音效选项配置说明(中英双语)

VIPER4Android FX 蝰蛇音效选项配置说明(中英双语)

#VIPER4Android FX 蝰蛇音效选项配置说明(中英双语) | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Reverberation uses mathematical methods to simulate an environmental feeling. For example, a song can be felt playing inside the auditorium, living room, bathroom, and so on.混响就是使用数字技术模拟 “环境感” 。 例如,播放一首歌时可以让人感觉自己在礼堂,客厅,浴室等场所内部。

Room size 房间大小Defines the virtual environment area size. The larger the value, the wider the sound定义虚拟环境区域的大小。 值越大,声音越宽。

Sound field 声场大小Defines the width of the room above, in meters. Assumed that the above room size is 100 square meters, here to set a width of 14 meters, then the length of the room will be 7.14 m.Therefore, the room size and width defines the aspect ratio of the virtual environment. The larger the value, the sound coming from both sides will felt more obvious.定义上方房间的宽度(以米为单位)。 假设上述房间大小为100平方米,此处将宽度设置为14米,则房间的长度将为7.14 m。因此,房间的大小和宽度定义了虚拟环境的纵横比。 值越大,从两侧传来的声音会越明显。

Damping factor 水汽含量Defines the humidity of air in the above virtual environment, the moisture vapor in the air will easily absorb the echoes. The bigger this value, the less echoes heard.在上述虚拟环境中定义空气的湿度,回声很容易被空气中的水汽吸收。 该值越大,回声就越少。

Dry signal 原始信号比例Defines the volume of the original sound定义原始声音的音量

Wet signal 混响信号比例Defines the volume of the simulated environment effect定义模拟环境效果的音量

For environments with low air humidity such as living rooms, auditoriums and other indoor environments, you can use room size and sound field to define the area of ​​the virtual environment: water vapor content values ​​from 0 to 20, the reverb signal values ​​20 to 50, the proportion of the original signal to take value of about 50. For environments with high air humidity such as bathrooms and other indoor environments that contain a lot of moisture, you can use room size and sound field to define the area of ​​the virtual environment: water vapor content values ​​of 50 to 100, the reverb signal values ​​40 to 80, the proportion of the original signal value of about 50.对于客厅,礼堂等室内空气湿度较低的环境,您可以使用房间大小和声场来定义虚拟环境的区域:水蒸气含量值从0到20,混响信号 值介于20到50之间,原始信号所占的比例约为50.对于空气湿度高的环境,例如浴室和其他含水量很大的室内环境,可以使用房间大小和声场来定义 虚拟环境区域:水蒸气含量值在50到100之间,混响信号值在40到80之间,原始信号值的比例约为50。






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