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Pampy in Star Wars

Pampy: Pattern Matching for Python

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Pampy is pretty small (150 lines), reasonably fast, and often makes your code more readable and hence easier to reason about. There is also a JavaScript version, called Pampy.js.

You can write many patterns

Patterns are evaluated in the order they appear.

You can write Fibonacci

The operator _ means "any other case I didn't think of".

from pampy import match, _ def fibonacci(n): return match(n, 1, 1, 2, 1, _, lambda x: fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2) ) You can write a Lisp calculator in 5 lines from pampy import match, REST, _ def lisp(exp): return match(exp, int, lambda x: x, callable, lambda x: x, (callable, REST), lambda f, rest: f(*map(lisp, rest)), tuple, lambda t: list(map(lisp, t)), ) plus = lambda a, b: a + b minus = lambda a, b: a - b from functools import reduce lisp((plus, 1, 2)) # => 3 lisp((plus, 1, (minus, 4, 2))) # => 3 lisp((reduce, plus, (range, 10))) # => 45 You can match so many things! match(x, 3, "this matches the number 3", int, "matches any integer", (str, int), lambda a, b: "a tuple (a, b) you can use in a function", [1, 2, _], "any list of 3 elements that begins with [1, 2]", {'x': _}, "any dict with a key 'x' and any value associated", _, "anything else" ) You can match [HEAD, TAIL] from pampy import match, HEAD, TAIL, _ x = [1, 2, 3] match(x, [1, TAIL], lambda t: t) # => [2, 3] match(x, [HEAD, TAIL], lambda h, t: (h, t)) # => (1, [2, 3])

TAIL and REST actually mean the same thing.

You can nest lists and tuples from pampy import match, _ x = [1, [2, 3], 4] match(x, [1, [_, 3], _], lambda a, b: [1, [a, 3], b]) # => [1, [2, 3], 4] You can nest dicts. And you can use _ as key! pet = { 'type': 'dog', 'details': { 'age': 3 } } match(pet, { 'details': { 'age': _ } }, lambda age: age) # => 3 match(pet, { _ : { 'age': _ } }, lambda a, b: (a, b)) # => ('details', 3)

It feels like putting multiple _ inside dicts shouldn't work. Isn't ordering in dicts not guaranteed ? But it does because in Python 3.7, dict maintains insertion key order by default

You can match class hierarchies class Pet: pass class Dog(Pet): pass class Cat(Pet): pass class Hamster(Pet): pass def what_is(x): return match(x, Dog, 'dog', Cat, 'cat', Pet, 'any other pet', _, 'this is not a pet at all', ) what_is(Cat()) # => 'cat' what_is(Dog()) # => 'dog' what_is(Hamster()) # => 'any other pet' what_is(Pet()) # => 'any other pet' what_is(42) # => 'this is not a pet at all' Using Dataclasses

Pampy supports Python 3.7 dataclasses. You can pass the operator _ as arguments and it will match those fields.

@dataclass class Pet: name: str age: int pet = Pet('rover', 7) match(pet, Pet('rover', _), lambda age: age) # => 7 match(pet, Pet(_, 7), lambda name: name) # => 'rover' match(pet, Pet(_, _), lambda name, age: (name, age)) # => ('rover', 7) Using typing

Pampy supports typing annotations.

class Pet: pass class Dog(Pet): pass class Cat(Pet): pass class Hamster(Pet): pass timestamp = NewType("year", Union[int, float]) def annotated(a: Tuple[int, float], b: str, c: E) -> timestamp: pass match((1, 2), Tuple[int, int], lambda a, b: (a, b)) # => (1, 2) match(1, Union[str, int], lambda x: x) # => 1 match('a', Union[str, int], lambda x: x) # => 'a' match('a', Optional[str], lambda x: x) # => 'a' match(None, Optional[str], lambda x: x) # => None match(Pet, Type[Pet], lambda x: x) # => Pet match(Cat, Type[Pet], lambda x: x) # => Cat match(Dog, Any, lambda x: x) # => Dog match(Dog, Type[Any], lambda x: x) # => Dog match(15, timestamp, lambda x: x) # => 15 match(10.0, timestamp, lambda x: x) # => 10.0 match([1, 2, 3], List[int], lambda x: x) # => [1, 2, 3] match({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, Dict[str, int], lambda x: x) # => {'a': 1, 'b': 2} match(annotated, Callable[[Tuple[int, float], str, Pet], timestamp], lambda x: x ) # => annotated

For iterable generics actual type of value is guessed based on the first element.

match([1, 2, 3], List[int], lambda x: x) # => [1, 2, 3] match([1, "b", "a"], List[int], lambda x: x) # => [1, "b", "a"] match(["a", "b", "c"], List[int], lambda x: x) # raises MatchError match(["a", "b", "c"], List[Union[str, int]], lambda x: x) # ["a", "b", "c"] match({"a": 1, "b": 2}, Dict[str, int], lambda x: x) # {"a": 1, "b": 2} match({"a": 1, "b": "dog"}, Dict[str, int], lambda x: x) # {"a": 1, "b": "dog"} match({"a": 1, 1: 2}, Dict[str, int], lambda x: x) # {"a": 1, 1: 2} match({2: 1, 1: 2}, Dict[str, int], lambda x: x) # raises MatchError match({2: 1, 1: 2}, Dict[Union[str, int], int], lambda x: x) # {2: 1, 1: 2}

Iterable generics also match with any of their subtypes.

match([1, 2, 3], Iterable[int], lambda x: x) # => [1, 2, 3] match({1, 2, 3}, Iterable[int], lambda x: x) # => {1, 2, 3} match(range(10), Iterable[int], lambda x: x) # => range(10) match([1, 2, 3], List[int], lambda x: x) # => [1, 2, 3] match({1, 2, 3}, List[int], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError match(range(10), List[int], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError match([1, 2, 3], Set[int], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError match({1, 2, 3}, Set[int], lambda x: x) # => {1, 2, 3} match(range(10), Set[int], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError

For Callable any arg without annotation treated as Any.

def annotated(a: int, b: int) -> float: pass def not_annotated(a, b): pass def partially_annotated(a, b: float): pass match(annotated, Callable[[int, int], float], lambda x: x) # => annotated match(not_annotated, Callable[[int, int], float], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError match(not_annotated, Callable[[Any, Any], Any], lambda x: x) # => not_annotated match(annotated, Callable[[Any, Any], Any], lambda x: x) # => raises MatchError match(partially_annotated, Callable[[Any, float], Any], lambda x: x ) # => partially_annotated

TypeVar is not supported.

All the things you can match

As Pattern you can use any Python type, any class, or any Python value.

The operator _ and built-in types like int or str, extract variables that are passed to functions.

Types and Classes are matched via instanceof(value, pattern).

Iterable Patterns match recursively through all their elements. The same goes for dictionaries.

Pattern Example What it means Matched Example Arguments Passed to function NOT Matched Example "hello" only the string "hello" matches "hello" nothing any other value None only None None nothing any other value int Any integer 42 42 any other value float Any float number 2.35 2.35 any other value str Any string "hello" "hello" any other value tuple Any tuple (1, 2) (1, 2) any other value list Any list [1, 2] [1, 2] any other value MyClass Any instance of MyClass. And any object that extends MyClass. MyClass() that instance any other object _ Any object (even None) that value ANY The same as _ that value (int, int) A tuple made of any two integers (1, 2) 1 and 2 (True, False) [1, 2, _] A list that starts with 1, 2 and ends with any value [1, 2, 3] 3 [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, TAIL] A list that start with 1, 2 and ends with any sequence [1, 2, 3, 4] [3, 4] [1, 7, 7, 7] {'type':'dog', age: _ } Any dict with type: "dog" and with an age {"type":"dog", "age": 3} 3 {"type":"cat", "age":2} {'type':'dog', age: int } Any dict with type: "dog" and with an int age {"type":"dog", "age": 3} 3 {"type":"dog", "age":2.3} re.compile('(\w+)-(\w+)-cat$') Any string that matches that regular expression expr "my-fuffy-cat" "my" and "puffy" "fuffy-dog" Pet(name=_, age=7) Any Pet dataclass with age == 7 Pet('rover', 7) ['rover'] Pet('rover', 8) Any The same as _ that value Union[int, float, None] Any integer or float number or None 2.35 2.35 any other value Optional[int] The same as Union[int, None] 2 2 any other value Type[MyClass] Any subclass of MyClass. And any class that extends MyClass. MyClass that class any other object Callable[[int], float] Any callable with exactly that signature def a(q:int) -> float: ... that function def a(q) -> float: ... Tuple[MyClass, int, float] The same as (MyClass, int, float) Mapping[str, int] Any subtype of Mapping acceptable too any mapping or subtype of mapping with string keys and integer values {'a': 2, 'b': 3} that dict {'a': 'b', 'b': 'c'} Iterable[int] Any subtype of Iterable acceptable too any iterable or subtype of iterable with integer values range(10) and [1, 2, 3] that iterable ['a', 'b', 'v'] Using default

By default match() is strict. If no pattern matches, it raises a MatchError.

You can instead provide a fallback value using default to be used when nothing matches.

>>> match([1, 2], [1, 2, 3], "whatever") MatchError: '_' not provided. This case is not handled: [1, 2] >>> match([1, 2], [1, 2, 3], "whatever", default=False) False Using Regular Expressions

Pampy supports Python's Regex. You can pass a compiled regex as pattern, and Pampy is going to run, and then pass to the action function the result of .groups().

def what_is(pet): return match(pet, re.compile('(\w+)-(\w+)-cat$'), lambda name, my: 'cat '+name, re.compile('(\w+)-(\w+)-dog$'), lambda name, my: 'dog '+name, _, "something else" ) what_is('fuffy-my-dog') # => 'dog fuffy' what_is('puffy-her-dog') # => 'dog puffy' what_is('carla-your-cat') # => 'cat carla' what_is('roger-my-hamster') # => 'something else' Install for Python3

Pampy works in Python >= 3.6 Because dict matching can work only in the latest Pythons.

To install it:

$ pip install pampy

or $ pip3 install pampy

If you really must use Python2

Pampy is Python3-first, but you can use most of its features in Python2 via this backport by Manuel Barkhau:

pip install backports.pampy

from backports.pampy import match, HEAD, TAIL, _






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