10 Delicious Side Dishes to Complement Your Roast Pork Belly 您所在的位置:网站首页 overcookedr 10 Delicious Side Dishes to Complement Your Roast Pork Belly

10 Delicious Side Dishes to Complement Your Roast Pork Belly

#10 Delicious Side Dishes to Complement Your Roast Pork Belly| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Roast pork belly is a thing of beauty and a joy forever (well, at least until the next day). But what to serve with it? We’ve got some ideas.

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1. Roast Potatoes

Potatoes roasted in the fat and juices from a roast pork belly are ridiculously good. The potatoes are creamy and tender, with a deeply brown, crisp crust. The roast pork belly, its crackling salty and crunchy, provides a rich, meaty counterpoint. This is a great example of a dish that’s better than the sum of its parts.

It’s important to use a waxy potato like Yukon gold, because they’ll hold their shape better than, say, a russet. It’s also important to cut the potatoes into equal-size pieces so that they cook at the same rate. You don’t want to end up with a bowl of potatoes that are overcooked and falling apart, or else they’ll just turn into a mushy mess.

To season the potatoes, I like to use a mixture of salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. The rosemary adds a subtle, woodsy flavor that pairs well with the pork. I also like to add a little bit of garlic, because, well, everything’s better with garlic!

When it comes to serving, you have a few options. You can serve the potatoes as a side dish, or you can use them to make a quick and easy meal. To make a meal out of them, simply top the potatoes with a few slices of roast pork belly and some sautéed greens.

2. Apple Sauce

Apple sauce is a traditional British side dish, commonly served as an accompaniment to a variety of meat dishes, including pork, chicken, and sausages. It is typically made by simmering apples in water or cider, with sugar and spices added for flavor. The apples are then mashed or pureed to create a smooth sauce.

Apple sauce is a healthy and nutritious side dish, as it is low in calories and contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also a good source of fiber, which can help support digestion and promote a healthy gut. Some varieties of apple sauce may also contain antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

Apple sauce is a versatile side dish that can be served with a variety of meals. It is often served alongside roast pork belly, as the combination of the crispy crackling and the sweet and tangy sauce is a classic combination.

3. Braised Fennel

Braised fennel is a delicious and easy side dish that pairs well with roast pork belly. The fennel is cooked low and slow in a flavorful broth, which infuses it with flavor. The dish is finished with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, which adds a bright, fresh flavor.

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Braised fennel is a great option for a side dish because it is easy to make and requires minimal ingredients. It is also a healthy choice, as it is low in calories and packed with nutrients. Fennel is a good source of fiber, which can help support digestion, and it also contains vitamin C and potassium.

To make braised fennel, trim the stalks from the fennel bulb and cut the bulb into quarters. Place the fennel in a baking dish and add enough chicken stock to cover the bottom of the dish.

4. Roasted Carrots

Carrots are a delicious and healthy side dish to serve with roast pork belly. They are easy to prepare and can be made in advance. Simply toss the carrots with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast them in the oven until they are tender and caramelized. You can also add other spices, such as thyme, rosemary, or garlic, for extra flavor.

Roasted carrots are a nutritious and tasty side dish that can be served with almost any meal, but they are especially good with roast pork belly. Carrots are packed with nutrients, such as vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, and they are low in calories. They also contain a variety of antioxidants that can help boost your immune system and protect against chronic diseases.

5. Mashed Brussels Sprouts

Mashed Brussels Sprouts

Why should potatoes have all the fun? These creamy, garlicky mashed sprouts make an excellent side dish to rich roast pork belly. Even better, they come together quickly — just 15 minutes — thanks to the Instant Pot. Baby sprouts, which are a little sweeter than their mature counterparts, work best here. To prep them for mashing, cut them in quarters and give them a quick steam in the Instant Pot. You can then mash them with a ricer or masher, or, for the smoothest result, blend them with an immersion blender. Either way, you’ll end up with a beautiful green mash. A little butter, salt, and pepper go a long way to round out the flavor.

In a nutshell

Pork belly is a thing of beauty. It’s a fatty, flavorful cut of meat that’s just asking to be roasted until it’s tender and served with all the best side dishes. And if you’re looking for the perfect side dishes to serve with roast pork belly, look no further. This blog post is packed with ideas. Roast Potatoes Fluffy roast potatoes are a must-have for any roast dinner, and they go particularly well with pork. The trick to getting them just right is to parboil them first, then toss them in a roasting pan with some olive oil and herbs. If you really want to take things to the next level, you can try making hasselback potatoes.






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