Take an instant IQ Test now. We are the most accurate IQ Test available with over 99% accuracy! 您所在的位置:网站首页 oqtestint Take an instant IQ Test now. We are the most accurate IQ Test available with over 99% accuracy!

Take an instant IQ Test now. We are the most accurate IQ Test available with over 99% accuracy!

2022-12-28 01:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Tips for taking an IQ Tests

Read the question/visually carefully. Our test is the most accurate IQ test available online. Our questions are all visually based but require you to really think and understand what is being asked. Study the question carefully.

Calculate your time. In our test you will be given 20 minutes to complete the test. Calculate your time carefully. An IQ test is about getting as many questions right, however the quicker you answer the higher your score will be. Look at the number of questions and the time you have and divide them to calculate how much time to spend on each question. It's important that you finish answering all questions.

Skip hard questions. As we have already established, it's about calculating your time. Some questions you might be able to solve instantly, and some may take you several minutes. But what if you can not answer a question ? Then SKIP IT. Most people are unable to answer all questions correctly, but do not randomly guess, if you genuinely do not know the answer, then skip the question.

Clear your mind. To get an accurate result from your IQ Test. It's important that you give your full self for the duration of the test. While our tests are extremely accurate at measuring intelligence, it's important that you give it your best effort. To do this, you need to clear your mind and focus.






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