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Fraunhofer FOKUS, NGNI

#Fraunhofer FOKUS, NGNI | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Non-existent or insufficient IT infrastructure still hinders the use of digital tools on today's construction sites in many instances. The combination of key technologies like 5G campus networks, edge computing, artificial intelligence and digital twins will be tested within the EConoM project in a variety of use cases to simplify the automation and optimization of processes within construction sites in the future.

Especially the possibilities of edge computing in combination with nomadic networks offer great potential for progress, as they enable the real-time processing of large amounts of data generated on the construction site. Research and development of the automation of construction sites is key to guarantee the competitiveness of the German and European construction industry, as well as for advancing Germany as a prime location for technology and innovation.

The Open5GCore of Fraunhofer FOKUS will be optimized within the project regarding its robustness and reliability for different innovative edge applications on an automated construction site. The nomadic robust edge-based campus network uses the optimized Open5GCore and OpenRAN base stations to simplify the automation and optimization of processes on large construction sites in the future.

The EConoM research project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) within the funding program "Innovative Network Technologies" for a period of 2 years. Fraunhofer FOKUS is one of 8 project partners.






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