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2024-02-14 18:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chrome Launcher GitHub Actions Status Badge NPM chrome-launcher package

Launch Google Chrome with ease from node.

Disables many Chrome services that add noise to automated scenarios Opens up the browser's remote-debugging-port on an available port Automagically locates a Chrome binary to launch Uses a fresh Chrome profile for each launch, and cleans itself up on kill() Binds Ctrl-C (by default) to terminate the Chrome process Exposes a small set of options for configurability over these details

Once launched, interacting with the browser must be done over the devtools protocol, typically via chrome-remote-interface. For many cases Puppeteer is recommended, though it has its own chrome launching mechanism.

Installing yarn add chrome-launcher # or with npm: npm install chrome-launcher API .launch([opts]) Launch options { // (optional) remote debugging port number to use. If provided port is already busy, launch() will reject // Default: an available port is autoselected port: number; // (optional) When `port` is specified *and* no Chrome is found at that port, // * if `false` (default), chrome-launcher will launch a new Chrome with that port. // * if `true`, throw an error // This option is useful when you wish to explicitly connect to a running Chrome, such as on a mobile device via adb // Default: false portStrictMode: boolean; // (optional) Additional flags to pass to Chrome, for example: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu'] // See: // Do note, many flags are set by default: chromeFlags: Array; // (optional) Additional preferences to be set in Chrome, for example: {'download.default_directory': __dirname} // See: // Do note, if you set preferences when using your default profile it will overwrite these prefs: {[key: string]: Object}; // (optional) Close the Chrome process on `Ctrl-C` // Default: true handleSIGINT: boolean; // (optional) Explicit path of intended Chrome binary  // * If this `chromePath` option is defined, it will be used. // * Otherwise, the `CHROME_PATH` env variable will be used if set. (`LIGHTHOUSE_CHROMIUM_PATH` is deprecated)  // * Otherwise, a detected Chrome Canary will be used if found // * Otherwise, a detected Chrome (stable) will be used chromePath: string; // (optional) Chrome profile path to use, if set to `false` then the default profile will be used. // By default, a fresh Chrome profile will be created userDataDir: string | boolean; // (optional) Starting URL to open the browser with // Default: `about:blank` startingUrl: string; // (optional) Logging level // Default: 'silent' logLevel: 'verbose'|'info'|'error'|'silent'; // (optional) Flags specific in [flags.ts](src/flags.ts) will not be included. // Typically used with the defaultFlags() method and chromeFlags option. // Default: false ignoreDefaultFlags: boolean; // (optional) Interval in ms, which defines how often launcher checks browser port to be ready. // Default: 500 connectionPollInterval: number; // (optional) A number of retries, before browser launch considered unsuccessful. // Default: 50 maxConnectionRetries: number; // (optional) A dict of environmental key value pairs to pass to the spawned chrome process. envVars: {[key: string]: string}; }; Launched chrome interface .launch().then(chrome => ... // The remote debugging port exposed by the launched chrome chrome.port: number; // Method to kill Chrome (and cleanup the profile folder) chrome.kill: () => Promise; // The process id number; // The childProcess object for the launched Chrome chrome.process: childProcess ChromeLauncher.Launcher.defaultFlags()

Returns an Array of the default flags Chrome is launched with. Typically used along with the ignoreDefaultFlags and chromeFlags options.

Note: This array will exclude the following flags: --remote-debugging-port --disable-setuid-sandbox --user-data-dir.


Returns an Array of paths to available Chrome installations. When chromePath is not provided to .launch(), the first installation returned from this method is used instead.

Note: This method performs synchronous I/O operations.


Attempts to kill all Chrome instances created with .launch([opts]). Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of errors that occurred while killing instances. If all instances were killed successfully, the array will be empty.

import * as ChromeLauncher from 'chrome-launcher'; async function cleanup() { await ChromeLauncher.killAll(); } Examples Launching chrome: import * as ChromeLauncher from 'chrome-launcher'; ChromeLauncher.launch({ startingUrl: '' }).then(chrome => { console.log(`Chrome debugging port running on ${chrome.port}`); }); Launching headless chrome: import * as ChromeLauncher from 'chrome-launcher'; ChromeLauncher.launch({ startingUrl: '', chromeFlags: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu'] }).then(chrome => { console.log(`Chrome debugging port running on ${chrome.port}`); }); Launching with support for extensions and audio: import * as ChromeLauncher from 'chrome-launcher'; const newFlags = ChromeLauncher.Launcher.defaultFlags().filter(flag => flag !== '--disable-extensions' && flag !== '--mute-audio'); ChromeLauncher.launch({ ignoreDefaultFlags: true, chromeFlags: newFlags, }).then(chrome => { ... }); Continuous Integration

In a CI environment like Travis, Chrome may not be installed. If you want to use chrome-launcher, Travis can install Chrome at run time with an addon. Alternatively, you can also install Chrome using the script.

Then in .travis.yml, use it like so:

language: node_js install: - yarn install before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - export CHROME_PATH="$(pwd)/chrome-linux/chrome" - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - sleep 3 # wait for xvfb to boot addons: chrome: stable






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