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practical [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈpræktɪkəl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈpræktɪkəl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(prakti kəl) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 practical adj (uses)SCSimplified Chinese 实用的 shí yòng de TCTraditional Chinese 實用的   SCSimplified Chinese 有用的 shí yòng de ,yǒu yòng de  This is a practical app; it helps me in several ways.  这是一款很实用的应用程序,给我提供了多方面的帮助。 practical adj (solution)SCSimplified Chinese 切合实际的 qiè hé shí jì de   SCSimplified Chinese 切实可行的 qiè hé shí jì de ,qiè shí kě xíng de  Andrew didn't really want to move back in with his parents after university, but he could see it was the practical thing to do.  安德鲁不想在毕业后搬回去跟父母住,但他也知道,这种做法比较切合实际。 practical adj (person: handy)SCSimplified Chinese 动手能力强的 dòng shǒu néng lì qiáng de  Eugene is very practical; he's good at putting up shelves and fixing things around the house.  尤金动手能力很强。他善于组装置物架,家里有坏了的东西他也都能修。 practical adj (person: sensible) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 理智现实的  Belinda is much too practical to throw away a good career because of a man.  贝琳达太理智现实,是不会为了一个男人而白白放弃一份好职业的。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 practical adj (relating to practice)SCSimplified Chinese 练习的 TCTraditional Chinese 練習的   SCSimplified Chinese 训练的 TCTraditional Chinese 訓練的  The students have a practical lesson this afternoon. practical n UK (examination)SCSimplified Chinese 实践考试 TCTraditional Chinese 實踐考試  I did well on the written exam, but not on the practical. practical n UK (lesson) (课程)SCSimplified Chinese 实践 shí jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 實踐  The science course includes both theory lessons and practicals.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 for all practical purposes adv (effectively, in effect)SCSimplified Chinese 实际上 shí jì shàng TCTraditional Chinese 實際上   SCSimplified Chinese 事实上 shí jì shàng ,shì shí shàng TCTraditional Chinese 事實上  For all practical purposes my shares are now worthless. for practical purposes adv (effectively)SCSimplified Chinese 实际上 shí jì shàng TCTraditional Chinese 實際上   SCSimplified Chinese 事实上 shí jì shàng ,shì shí shàng TCTraditional Chinese 事實上  He isn't a licensed mechanic but his work's good for practical purposes. practical ability n (manual skill, competence)SCSimplified Chinese 实践能力 shí jiàn néng lì TCTraditional Chinese 實踐能力  Students can greatly improve practical abilities when given on-site training. In the classroom she was no big deal, but she had a lot of practical ability. practical consequence n (application, actual relevance)SCSimplified Chinese 实际结果 shí jì jié guǒ TCTraditional Chinese 實際結果   SCSimplified Chinese 实际后果 shí jì jié guǒ,shí jì hòu guǒ  Her theory's interesting, but I'm not sure it has any practical consequence. practical joke n (trick, prank)SCSimplified Chinese 恶作剧 è zuò jù TCTraditional Chinese 惡作劇  Many people play practical jokes on their unsuspecting friends on April first. practical joker n ([sb]: plays pranks)SCSimplified Chinese 搞恶作剧的人 gǎo è zuò jù de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 恶作剧者 gǎo è zuò jù de rén,è zuò jù zhě TCTraditional Chinese 惡作劇者  Some practical joker had filled my shoes with drawing pins. Some people think practical jokers are funny, but I don't. practical knowledge n (information that can be applied)SCSimplified Chinese 实用知识 shí yòng zhī shí TCTraditional Chinese 實用知識   SCSimplified Chinese 实践性知识 shí yòng zhī shí,shí jiàn xìng zhī shí  I have some practical knowledge of physics but couldn't begin to explain quantum theory. Those fishermen have a lot of practical knowledge when it comes to fixing their boats. practical nurse n US, Can (nursing: less trained) (美国、加拿大体系)SCSimplified Chinese 执照护士 备注: 相比注册护士,培训更简单时间更短,提供的服务相对基础practical skill n (dexterity, expertise in practice)SCSimplified Chinese 实用技能 shí yòng jì néng TCTraditional Chinese 實用技能   SCSimplified Chinese 实践性技术 shí yòng jì néng,shí jiàn xìng jì shù   SCSimplified Chinese 实践性技术 shí yòng jì néng,shí jiàn xìng jì shù  There are two parts to the test: theoretical knowledge and practical skill. He's brilliant at theory but has no practical skill at all. practical test n (exam: measures skill, competence)SCSimplified Chinese (技能)实测 jì néng shí cè   SCSimplified Chinese 实用测验 jì néng shí cè,shí yòng cè yàn  She passed her theory test but failed the practical test. purely practical reasons npl (pragmatic considerations)SCSimplified Chinese 纯实用的考量 chún shí yòng de kǎo liáng   SCSimplified Chinese 完全实用性的考虑 chún shí yòng de kǎo liáng,wán quán shí yòng xìng de kǎo lǜ  She decided not to go for purely practical reasons.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: practical [ˈpræktɪkl] I adj 1 (=not theoretical) [+ difficulties, experience] 实(實)践(踐)的 shíjiàn de 2 [+ ideas, methods, advice, suggestions] 切合实(實)际(際)的 qièhé shíjì de 3 (=sensible) [+ person, mind] 有实(實)际(際)经(經)验(驗)的 yǒu shíjì jīngyàn de 4 (=good with hands) 动(動)手能力强(強)的 dòngshǒu nénglì qiáng de 5 (=functional) [+ clothes, things] 实(實)用的 shíyòng de II n [c] 1 (=examination) 实(實)践(踐)考试(試) shíjiàn kǎoshì 2 (=lesson) 实(實)习(習)课(課) shíxíkè 在这些条目还发现'practical': 在英文解释里: abstract - Applied Art - April Fool - clinical - common sense - commonsense - concreteness - cutup - empirical - field officer - graduate training - hands-on - have the sense of - have your head screwed on - hoaxer - hotfoot - humanly possible - in practice - inexperience - learn by experience - leg-pulling - lesson - lifehack - LPN - manageable - matter-of-fact - matter-of-factly - moot - moot point - nitty gritty - nonfunctional - nuts and bolts - object lesson - operable - polytechnic - practically - practicum - pragmatic - pragmatically - pragmatics - pragmatism - pragmatist - prank - pull a prank - realistically - realpolitik - savvy - sensible - shrewd - skill set 中文: 实用 - 切实 - 务实 - 实事求是 在单词列表中: Desirable personal qualities, 更多……同义词: functional, feasible, reasonable, rational, possible, 更多……习惯性搭配: UK: is studying for his practicals, UK: has her [biology, calculus] practical on [Monday], UK: [passed, failed] the practical, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'practical' 的论坛讨论:

as soon as may be practical Licensed Practical Nurse, Licensed Vocational Nurse (whether it’s) practical or not - English Only forum [have never / had never] in practical use - English Only forum a by-product of something quite different and much more practical? - English Only forum A commonplace, practical reply, [out of] the train of his own disturbed ideas - English Only forum A joke (verbal, practical...) - English Only forum a matter of great practical to the scientific detective - English Only forum A practical joke - English Only forum A practical word/idiom - English Only forum accumulate/gather practical experience - English Only forum All theoretical aspects are internalized by practical exercises and role-play - English Only forum an efficient, fair, and practical approach - English Only forum an exercise of practical reason - English Only forum applicative practical?? - English Only forum Articles in context (description of student practical training) - English Only forum as a practical matter - English Only forum as is safe and practical - English Only forum As long as practical - English Only forum Being ( ) and practical at the same time. - English Only forum book entitled "Practical English Usage" written by [comma?] - English Only forum but of limited practical utility - English Only forum buy 'Practical English Usage', by Michael Swan [comma?] - English Only forum Considered the plan practical/practically - English Only forum convenient/practical/appropriate - English Only forum convenient/practical/useful/efficient and their opposites - English Only forum Defining aesthetic of ‘practical indulgence’ - English Only forum department of practical matters - English Only forum deterred practical joking - English Only forum down-to-earth vs practical - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'practical'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "practical" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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