人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题) 您所在的位置:网站首页 hoofsized 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)

人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 单元主题训练(Word版含答案,无听力试题)

2023-03-26 02:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


PAGEUNIT 2 单元主题训练Ⅰ.阅读理解Urban rewilding projects are attracting nature back into our cities, from creating city butterfly grasslands to building unlikely homes for deadly birds.The middle of London's busy West End doesn't seem like the likeliest location for one of the UK's rarest birds.There are only approximately 20-40 breeding pairs of black redstarts in the country.But in recent years, without being artificially introduced into the area, this rare bird has started to make a home in this crowded part of Central London.The black redstart isn't the only unexpected species of wildlife to start living in urban landscapes.Moths, butterflies, woodpeckers and even serotine bats, more commonly found in the countryside, have also been on the rise in this part of London.These changes are the result of increasing efforts to transform urban areas from wildlife dead spots into attractive, practical homes for nature alongside citizens.One new initiative is even trying to get offices to keep bees.Urban rewilding initiatives often have multiple levels of benefit — greener spaces not only make people happier, but they also help solve water drainage (排水) problems and prevent flooding, as well as providing a home for bees and other animals.But perhaps one of their most valuable features is to make us feel more connected with nature and be more aware of our relationship with the environment.The long game is not just to build green compromises into existing city areas, but to shift what development looks like in a city.Until recent years, urbanisation has meant turning green areas grey with the concrete, asphalt and glass of traditional buildings.That transformation has unsurprisingly ended up being bad for our mental well being, physical health, environment, ecosystems and wildlife.Rewilding is one way to completely change that process: prioritizing (按重要性排列) plants and animals first, and paving the way for the benefits to our health, well being and the urban environment that follow.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了城市再野生化的诸多益处。1.Why are black redstarts referred to in Paragraph 1 A.To stress the importance of rare birds.B.To show urban rewilding has paid off.C.To suggest their love for living downtown.D.To prove man lives in harmony with nature.解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可推知,提到黑色红尾鸲是为了证明城市再野生化工程有了效果,这种稀有鸟类“不请自来”。2.What can be learnt about serotine bats A.Their homes have completely changed.B.People build more homes for them.C.Their population is increasing in cities.D.They are uncommon in urban areas.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,这种蝙蝠在伦敦的数量在上升。3.What is the author's attitude to urbanization A.Critical. B.Approving.C.Ambiguous. D.Objective.解析:选A 观点态度题。根据最后一段第二、三句可知,作者提到了城市化的坏处,由此可推断,作者对城市化的态度应是批判的。4.What is the best title for the text A.Wildlife Is Coming Back to CitiesB.Urban Rewilding Benefits Both Man and WildlifeC.Man Is Making Efforts to Project Wild AnimalsD.We Need More Urban Rewilding Projects for Nature解析:选B 标题归纳题。文章前两段讲述的是城市再野生化对野生动物的好处,第三、四段提到了城市再野生化对人类的好处,最后一段再次强调:优先考虑植物和动物,这样做能为我们的健康、福祉以及城市环境带来好处。由此可知,本文主要讲述的是城市再野生化惠及野生动物和人类。Ⅱ.阅读七选五Mountain gorillas are strong, with long muscular arms and a big chest.They have thick black hair that protects them from the cold in high mountain areas.__5__ Although they are very strong, mountain gorillas are shy animals.They normally don't attack humans.__6__ During the 40 to 50 years that a female lives she gives birth to two to six babies.The first baby is born when she is about eight or ten years old.She then has further babies every three to four years.In most cases single gorillas are born, but she sometimes gives birth to twins.__7__ They need about 30 kilograms of vegetation every day to survive.They also eat insects but rarely drink water because there is enough moisture in the plants.Life for mountain gorillas, however, is not peaceful.__8__ More and more people are moving to live in the rain forests.There they cut down trees to get more farmland, and build roads and settlements.The habitat of mountain gorillas is getting smaller and smaller.Gorillas are also threatened by poachers, who sell their babies to zoos.It is believed that there are only about 600 mountain gorillas left.__9__ There are always wars and other conflicts going on in these countries.A lot of soldiers often hide in the rain forests where the gorillas live.Still many Africans are working hard to keep them safe.The African Wildlife Foundation has developed a conservation program to save the last mountain gorillas.A.They are endangered in many ways.B.Female mountain gorillas have a few babies.C.However, it will climb into fruiting tree if possible.D.As for food, mountain gorillas mainly live on plants.E.It is difficult for us to protect those mountain gorillas.F.Playing helps them learn how to behave within the group.G.A large male gorilla may reach a height of almost 2 metres.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了大猩猩的身形特点、生存环境及目前的处境等。5.选G 根据上下文可知,本段主要是关于山地大猩猩的一些外貌介绍,故G选项符合语境。6.选B 下文提到了关于雌性山地大猩猩的生育情况,介绍了雌性山地大猩猩会生育几个孩子,故B选项符合语境。7.选D 下文主要介绍了山地大猩猩的饮食习惯,提到了山地大猩猩以植物为食,D选项符合语境,且选项中plants对应后文中plants。8.选A 本段主要讲述了山地大猩猩所面临的生存威胁,A选项符合语境。9.选E 下文提到了山地大猩猩所在国家总是发生战争和其他冲突,所以推测要保护山地大猩猩很困难。故E选项符合语境。Ⅲ.完形填空Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) __10__ guest using his pool.A large moose (驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end, __11__ in the solar cover (太阳能覆盖膜).“I looked out in the backyard and there's the moose absolutely panicked and ___12__,” Koch told The Dodo.“She stepped on the solar cover and put her __13__ through it and she was __14__ trying to get free.”Koch has __15__ more wildlife around his home in Ottawa, but he had never seen an animal__16__ impressive before.He rushed outside and pulled the solar cover off the __17__ moose, who continued paddling around the pool, __18__ to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer.The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool, so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could __19__ a hand.“She looked so pitifully sad out there that my wife said, ‘I want to give her a __20__.’”Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot, but they couldn't __21__ it until she was out of the water.“The best thing that happened was that after 3.5 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and __22__ the fence,” Koch said.The moose __23__ unscratched, but the same can't be said for Koch's pool — which now has two hoof sized holes in the __24__.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了加拿大的一只母驼鹿误入Koch家的泳池并被困其中,Koch通过向警察和野生动物保护组织求救,帮助驼鹿从泳池脱险的故事。10.A.informal B.ordinaryC.usual D.uninvited解析:选D 根据空后“A large moose(驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end”可知,驼鹿误入Koch家的泳池,因此它是位不速之客。11.A.abandoned B.wrappedC.removed D.forbidden解析:选B 根据后文“in the solar cover(太阳能覆盖膜)”可知,这只驼鹿是被太阳能覆盖膜缠住了。12.A.struggling B.shakingC.shouting D.searching解析:选A 根据“there's the moose absolutely panicked”可知,驼鹿当时非常惊恐,奋力挣扎。13.A.shoulder B.footC.face D.back解析:选B 根据“She stepped on the solar cover”可知,驼鹿的脚踩进去而导致被困。14.A.narrowly B.likelyC.desperately D.unwillingly解析:选C 根据“trying to get free”可知,此处是指拼命地。15.A.survived B.madeC.noticed D.ordered解析:选C 根据“he had never seen an animal ________ impressive before”可知,Koch看到过很多野生动物。16.A.this B.well C.almost D.rather解析:选A 此处this用作副词,相当于so,修饰形容词impressive。17.A.relaxed B.happy C.tired D.poor解析:选D 驼鹿不小心掉进游泳池,挣扎着想出去,看上去很可怜。18.A.proving B.refusingC.helping D.trying解析:选A 根据“continued paddling around the pool”可知,驼鹿证明自己是一个出人意料的游泳能手。19.A.donate B.hurtC.lend D.cure解析:选C 根据“Koch called the police and wildlife services”可知,此处是指看他们是否能帮忙。lend sb.a hand意为“帮助某人,搭把手”。20.A.lift B.hugC.smile D.credit解析:选B 根据前面的描述“She looked so pitifully sad out there”可知,妻子动了恻隐之心,她想拥抱安慰一下这只被困的母驼鹿。21.A.update B.witnessC.cancel D.manage解析:选D 根据上文“Workers from ...safer spot”和空后的“until she was out of the water”可知,此处是指野生动物服务部门的工作人员本打算把她带到一个更安全的地方,但他们没能做到,直到她从水里出来。22.A.watched out B.cut downC.jumped over D.dived into解析:选C 根据“she climbed out of the shallow end”可知,此处是指驼鹿从泳池的浅水处逃离泳池后跳过围栏。23.A.escaped B.participatedC.hesitated D.insisted解析:选A 根据“The best thing ...the fence”可知,驼鹿在未受伤的情况下成功逃脱。24.A.top B.bottom C.wall D.cover解析:选B 根据上文第二段的“She stepped ...to get free.”可知,Koch家的泳池就没有未受伤的驼鹿那么幸运了——泳池的底部留下了两个蹄子大小的破洞。Ⅳ.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walk to the nursing home a few blocks away from our house to visit some of the old people who live there.First we visit Mrs Sokol.I call her “The Cook.” She likes to talk about the time when she was a well known cook back in Russia.People would come from miles around, just to taste her famous chicken soup.Next we visit Mr Meyer.I call him “The Joke Man.” He tells us jokes, and laughs at his own jokes, shaking up and down and turning red in the face.Grandpa and I can't help but laugh along with him, even when the jokes aren't very funny.Next door is Mr Lipman.I call him “The Singer” because he loves to sing for us.Whenever he does, his beautiful voice fills the air, so clear and strong that we always sing along with him.Then we visit Mrs Kagan, “The Grandmother,” who shows us pictures of her grandchildren.They're all over the room, in frames and even taped to the walls.One day Grandpa got sick and had to go to the hospital.The doctors said they didn't think he would ever get better.Saturday came.How could I go visiting the nursing home without Grandpa Then I remembered what Grandpa once told me: “Nothing should stand in the way of doing a good deed.” So I went alone.Everyone was happy to see me.They were surprised when they didn't see Grandpa.When I told them that he was sick and in the hospital, they were sad.They told me that Grandpa would have a complete recovery.The Cook went on to reveal some of her secret recipes.The Joke Man told me his latest jokes.The Singer sang a song especially for me.The Grandmother showed me more pictures.After a while, I said goodbye to everyone.A few days later, Grandpa was still in the hospital.He was not eating, he could not sit up and he could hardly speak.I went to the corner of the room so Grandpa wouldn't see me cry.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Paragraph 1:Suddenly the nurse came into the room and said, “You have some visitors.”  Paragraph 2:That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry.  参考范文:Paragraph 1:Suddenly the nurse came into the room and said, “You have some visitors.”I looked up and saw The Joke Man.Behind him were The Cook, The Singer, and The Grandmother.The Cook brought Grandpa a hot bowl of chicken soup.The Joke Man told us some new jokes, and everyone had to dry their eyes from laughing so hard.Next, The Grandmother showed Grandpa a get well card made by her granddaughters.The Singer started singing, and we sang along with him.Before I knew it, visiting hours were up.Everyone said goodbye and told Grandpa that they would see him again soon.Paragraph 2:That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry.Soon he began to sit up.Finally he was able to get out of bed.Each day, Grandpa felt better and better, and he grew stronger and stronger.Soon he was able to go home.The doctors were shocked.They said his recovery was a medical miracle.But I knew the truth: Our friends' visit had made him well.Grandpa is better now.Every Saturday, without fail, we walk together to visit our friends.PAGE1PAGEUNIT 2 单元主题训练Ⅰ.阅读理解Urban rewilding projects are attracting nature back into our cities, from creating city butterfly grasslands to building unlikely homes for deadly birds.The middle of London's busy West End doesn't seem like the likeliest location for one of the UK's rarest birds.There are only approximately 20-40 breeding pairs of black redstarts in the country.But in recent years, without being artificially introduced into the area, this rare bird has started to make a home in this crowded part of Central London.The black redstart isn't the only unexpected species of wildlife to start living in urban landscapes.Moths, butterflies, woodpeckers and even serotine bats, more commonly found in the countryside, have also been on the rise in this part of London.These changes are the result of increasing efforts to transform urban areas from wildlife dead spots into attractive, practical homes for nature alongside citizens.One new initiative is even trying to get offices to keep bees.Urban rewilding initiatives often have multiple levels of benefit — greener spaces not only make people happier, but they also help solve water drainage (排水) problems and prevent flooding, as well as providing a home for bees and other animals.But perhaps one of their most valuable features is to make us feel more connected with nature and be more aware of our relationship with the environment.The long game is not just to build green compromises into existing city areas, but to shift what development looks like in a city.Until recent years, urbanisation has meant turning green areas grey with the concrete, asphalt and glass of traditional buildings.That transformation has unsurprisingly ended up being bad for our mental well being, physical health, environment, ecosystems and wildlife.Rewilding is one way to completely change that process: prioritizing (按重要性排列) plants and animals first, and paving the way for the benefits to our health, well being and the urban environment that follow.1.Why are black redstarts referred to in Paragraph 1 A.To stress the importance of rare birds.B.To show urban rewilding has paid off.C.To suggest their love for living downtown.D.To prove man lives in harmony with nature.2.What can be learnt about serotine bats A.Their homes have completely changed.B.People build more homes for them.C.Their population is increasing in cities.D.They are uncommon in urban areas.3.What is the author's attitude to urbanization A.Critical. B.Approving.C.Ambiguous. D.Objective.4.What is the best title for the text A.Wildlife Is Coming Back to CitiesB.Urban Rewilding Benefits Both Man and WildlifeC.Man Is Making Efforts to Project Wild AnimalsD.We Need More Urban Rewilding Projects for NatureⅡ.阅读七选五Mountain gorillas are strong, with long muscular arms and a big chest.They have thick black hair that protects them from the cold in high mountain areas.__5__ Although they are very strong, mountain gorillas are shy animals.They normally don't attack humans.__6__ During the 40 to 50 years that a female lives she gives birth to two to six babies.The first baby is born when she is about eight or ten years old.She then has further babies every three to four years.In most cases single gorillas are born, but she sometimes gives birth to twins.__7__ They need about 30 kilograms of vegetation every day to survive.They also eat insects but rarely drink water because there is enough moisture in the plants.Life for mountain gorillas, however, is not peaceful.__8__ More and more people are moving to live in the rain forests.There they cut down trees to get more farmland, and build roads and settlements.The habitat of mountain gorillas is getting smaller and smaller.Gorillas are also threatened by poachers, who sell their babies to zoos.It is believed that there are only about 600 mountain gorillas left.__9__ There are always wars and other conflicts going on in these countries.A lot of soldiers often hide in the rain forests where the gorillas live.Still many Africans are working hard to keep them safe.The African Wildlife Foundation has developed a conservation program to save the last mountain gorillas.A.They are endangered in many ways.B.Female mountain gorillas have a few babies.C.However, it will climb into fruiting tree if possible.D.As for food, mountain gorillas mainly live on plants.E.It is difficult for us to protect those mountain gorillas.F.Playing helps them learn how to behave within the group.G.A large male gorilla may reach a height of almost 2 metres.Ⅲ.完形填空Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) __10__ guest using his pool.A large moose (驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end, __11__ in the solar cover (太阳能覆盖膜).“I looked out in the backyard and there's the moose absolutely panicked and ___12__,” Koch told The Dodo.“She stepped on the solar cover and put her __13__ through it and she was __14__ trying to get free.”Koch has __15__ more wildlife around his home in Ottawa, but he had never seen an animal__16__ impressive before.He rushed outside and pulled the solar cover off the __17__ moose, who continued paddling around the pool, __18__ to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer.The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool, so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could __19__ a hand.“She looked so pitifully sad out there that my wife said, ‘I want to give her a __20__.’”Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot, but they couldn't __21__ it until she was out of the water.“The best thing that happened was that after 3.5 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and __22__ the fence,” Koch said.The moose __23__ unscratched, but the same can't be said for Koch's pool — which now has two hoof sized holes in the __24__.10.A.informal B.ordinaryC.usual D.uninvited11.A.abandoned B.wrappedC.removed D.forbidden12.A.struggling B.shakingC.shouting D.searching13.A.shoulder B.footC.face D.back14.A.narrowly B.likelyC.desperately D.unwillingly15.A.survived B.madeC.noticed D.ordered16.A.this B.well C.almost D.rather17.A.relaxed B.happy C.tired D.poor18.A.proving B.refusingC.helping D.trying19.A.donate B.hurtC.lend D.cure20.A.lift B.hugC.smile D.credit21.A.update B.witnessC.cancel D.manage22.A.watched out B.cut downC.jumped over D.dived into23.A.escaped B.participatedC.hesitated D.insisted24.A.top B.bottom C.wall D.coverⅣ.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walk to the nursing home a few blocks away from our house to visit some of the old people who live there.First we visit Mrs Sokol.I call her “The Cook.” She likes to talk about the time when she was a well known cook back in Russia.People would come from miles around, just to taste her famous chicken soup.Next we visit Mr Meyer.I call him “The Joke Man.” He tells us jokes, and laughs at his own jokes, shaking up and down and turning red in the face.Grandpa and I can't help but laugh along with him, even when the jokes aren't very funny.Next door is Mr Lipman.I call him “The Singer” because he loves to sing for us.Whenever he does, his beautiful voice fills the air, so clear and strong that we always sing along with him.Then we visit Mrs Kagan, “The Grandmother,” who shows us pictures of her grandchildren.They're all over the room, in frames and even taped to the walls.One day Grandpa got sick and had to go to the hospital.The doctors said they didn't think he would ever get better.Saturday came.How could I go visiting the nursing home without Grandpa Then I remembered what Grandpa once told me: “Nothing should stand in the way of doing a good deed.” So I went alone.Everyone was happy to see me.They were surprised when they didn't see Grandpa.When I told them that he was sick and in the hospital, they were sad.They told me that Grandpa would have a complete recovery.The Cook went on to reveal some of her secret recipes.The Joke Man told me his latest jokes.The Singer sang a song especially for me.The Grandmother showed me more pictures.After a while, I said goodbye to everyone.A few days later, Grandpa was still in the hospital.He was not eating, he could not sit up and he could hardly speak.I went to the corner of the room so Grandpa wouldn't see me cry.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Paragraph 1:Suddenly the nurse came into the room and said, “You have some visitors.”  Paragraph 2:That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry.  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