英语课本上学不到的英语·英式英语俚语表达 您所在的位置:网站首页 hellohellohellohowareyouimgood 英语课本上学不到的英语·英式英语俚语表达


2023-08-31 17:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

•Bomb - really expensive, reallywell, or really fast 要么特别贵要么特别好要么特别快的东西

•Bottle – courage 鼓励~

•Brill - short for"brilliant"; cool 酷酷哒~brilliant的简称

•Budge up - move over and makesome room 让让,把腿收一下啊

•Bung - throw it, bribe 不要了啦

•Cheeky – flippant 轻率无礼的

•Cheerio - friendly way of sayinggoodbye 更加礼貌的说再见的方式

•Chivvy along - hurry up! 快点快点~

•Cobblers – rubbish 垃圾,切。。

•Cock up - a mistake 这是一个错误

•Cracking - the best 最棒哒~

•Crikey - expression of surprise卧槽?另一表达方式

•Do - a party 一个聚会

•Doddle - cinch, easy 简单

•Dodgy - not to be trusted不可信任的

•Dog's bollocks - reallyfantastic 超级赞的!

•Duff - useless, junk, trash 垃圾L

•Dull – boring 无聊透顶

•Engaged – busy 忙

•Fagged – bothered 被打扰了

•Fancy – desire 喜欢~这个真的很常用

•Fit - good looking or tasty 看起来很好吃的样子诶

•Flog – sell 卖

•Flutter - a bet 一个赌

•Full monty - the whole thing 整件事情

•Full of beans - lots of energy 能量满格!!(想到吃豆人)

•Gander - look around 我就假装看风景

•Getting off - making out,kissing, etc. 约会然后内啥

•Give us a bell - call me 打我。。电话!

•Gobsmacked – amazed 惊人的

•Grub – food 吃哒

•Hiya - hi there, hello 嘿;-)

•Horses for courses - to each tohis own 为了自己

•Hunky-dory - cool, no worries 不要担心啦

•I'm easy - I don't care, it'sall the same to me 管我P事?

•Jolly – very 非常

•Knees up - dance, party 跳起来燥起来!

•Knock up - wake someone up 把你打醒

•Leg it - run, run for it 跑过去

•Mate – friend 盆友~大叔特别喜欢说

•Naff – uncool 一点都不酷

•Not my cup of tea - not to myliking 不是我的菜

•Off your trolley - bonkers,crazy, mad 你疯了吧

•On about - talking about 讲到

•Peanuts – cheap 便宜的(花生表示不服。。)

•Posh - high class 高等级的

•Quite – absolutely绝对的

•Read - your major at school你的专业

•Right – very 非常

•Ring - calling someone on thephone 带手机

•Rubbish - trash, garbage 垃圾~

•Rugger - short for rugby 橄榄球简称

•Smart - refers to the way youare dressed 你穿的很科学

•Smashing – terrific 极度的

•Snog - making out, getting off约会

•Sorted - fixed a problem 解决问题

•Stonking – huge大的

•Swotting - to study hard, cram 努力学习,天天向上

•Ta – thanks谢谢~

•Taking the biscuit out-doeverything else, takes the cake 做一些其他的事情

•Waffle - to talk on and onabout nothing 喋喋不休又不知道说了啥

•Watcha – Hi 嘿;-)

•Wobbler – tantrum 耍脾气哟

•Wonky - shaky or unstable 颤抖的

•Zonked – exhausted 精力耗净了







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