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Trump Allegedly Went Through Documents After Subpoena

2023-04-05 05:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I switched away from CNN's breathless coverage of El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago's arrival in New York because the 2015 flashbacks had grown too thick in my memory. Are we really going to have this again, where his every move is treated as a news event? Even as a criminal defendant? It was just too much. So, instead, I dove into the Washington Post's explosive new revelations that Himself had gone tip-toeing through the Pool Shed Papers, winnowing the documents even after he'd received a subpoena for them.

The new details highlight the degree to which special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the potential mishandling of hundreds of classified national security papers at Trump’s Florida home and private club has come to focus on the obstruction elements of the case — whether the former president took or directed actions to impede government efforts to collect all the sensitive records...The Trump investigation team has spent much of its time focusing on events that happened after Trump’s advisers received a subpoena in May demanding the return of all documents with classified markings, the people familiar with the matter said. Smith is trying to determine if Trump or others mishandled national security documents, and if there is enough evidence to ask a grand jury to charge him with obstructing the investigation.

And it sounds as though Special Counsel Jack Smith has the goods, thanks to some new information that he has obtained. And, yes, the odds that we might be covering three indictments at once just dropped to 6-5.

Investigators now suspect, based on witness statements, security camera footage, and other documentary evidence, that boxes including classified material were moved from a Mar-a-Lago storage area after the subpoena was served, and that Trump personally examined at least some of those boxes, these people said. While Trump’s team returned some documents with classified markings in response to the subpoena, a later FBI search found more than 100 additional classified items that had not been turned over.

And one should never lose sight of the fact that some of the people you're investigating may be both vainglorious and stupid.

As investigators piece together what happened in May and June of last year, they have been asking witnesses if Trump showed classified documents, including maps, to political donors, people familiar with those conversations said. Such alleged conduct could demonstrate Trump’s habits when it came to classified documents, and what may have motivated him to want to keep the papers. The Post has previously reported that Trump told aides he did not want to return documents and other items from his presidency — which by law are supposed to remain in government custody — because he believed they belonged to him.

This is the most believable part of the saga. The sheer arrogance that it takes to show off to your toadying donor class that You Know All The Secretz (!) is so deeply in character that I'm surprised he didn't charge those people 50 bucks a shot to look at photos of an Iranian missile site. It is the Trumpiest bit of Trumpism ever Trumped. And none of this has anything to do with that for which he's he's being arraigned tomorrow in lower Manhattan. As Blackstone put it centuries ago, "Whoooo, doggies!"

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Headshot of Charles P. PierceCharles P. Pierce

Charles P Pierce is the author of four books, most recently Idiot America, and has been a working journalist since 1976. He lives near Boston and has three children. 






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