Diabetes Online Programme (for Type 2 or prediabetes) 您所在的位置:网站首页 font-type Diabetes Online Programme (for Type 2 or prediabetes)

Diabetes Online Programme (for Type 2 or prediabetes)

#Diabetes Online Programme (for Type 2 or prediabetes)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Book now to join our new group programme, held remotely on Zoom, starting Tuesday 30th May 2023, 10am–12.30pm

Week 1 – 30th May 2023 Week 2 – 6th June 2023 Week 3 – 13th June 2023 Week 4 – 20th June 2023 Week 5 – 27th June 2023 Week 6 – 4th July 2023

(NB: We require a minimum of 6 people booked on for this programme to run).

Our award-winning X-PERT Diabetes Prevention & Management Education Programme is designed to support anyone with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes regardless of treatment (newly diagnosed or established). Attending the X-PERT Diabetes programme will increase your knowledge, skills and understanding of your condition and help you to make lifestyle choices to manage your blood glucose levels more effectively. An overview of the X-PERT Diabetes Programme can be found here.

We are passionate about the quality of our education. We believe that with a greater understanding of diabetes and weight management, you can make different choices towards transforming your health, reducing medication and ultimately achieving remission.

This course covers six sessions of education and learning, offering choices with flexible options:

What is Prediabetes and Diabetes? Nutrition for Health including what to eat on different dietary approaches: Low Carbohydrate, Low Fat, Mediterranean, Intermittent Fasting. Carbohydrate Awareness of Everyday Foods Psychology of Eating, Food Labels and Physical Activity Possible Complications of living with diabetes Recapping & The Way Forward

Benefits of attending the programme:

You will have the opportunity to explore how your body works and how lifestyle modifications may help to improve your diabetes control. The aim is not to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do, but to help and support you in setting realistic goals to address concerns that you may have with your lifestyle such as what you eat and how active you are. Possible benefits from attending are:

Lower blood glucose Dispelling dietary myths allowing increased dietary freedom Healthier eating Increase carbohydrate awareness Increased energy levels Improved fitness Improved wellbeing and quality of life Lower blood pressure Lower blood cholesterol Weight loss if appropriate Reduced risk of heart disease and other long-term condition Learning to deal with illness






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