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2023-03-25 05:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I was just gonna say, ahh man floats are fun, so easy and so much can be done with it! It is golddd

HumblePoom, founder of Driverz NFT

I created a Float for my Twitch viewers that served as an entry for future giveaways. It was extremely easy to set up and very user friendly for my viewers to collect the Float. For 85-90% of them - it was their first NFT! Floats are great for groups!

bigedude33, Gaming & Musical Comedy YouTube Star

I love the potential that exists with FLOATS - being able to gate exclusive access to something, and for the host to be able to find a way to reward those who attended later on! It paves a way for new possibilities on web3

rko, Flow Community Legend

Floats brought an important ability to Flow. They allow anyone to create a proof of attendance or a proof of support. Being able to verify if someone owns a specific float, allows community leaders to create gated areas in discords using the Emerald Bot! I am very grateful. ♥️

Jimbo, Flow Community Extraordinaire

FLOATs are practical, easy to use, and brings an extra layer of fun within the web3 community. Creating or claiming a FLOAT couldn’t be easier. Thanks Emerald City!

Nick, #1 Dad on Flow

FLOATs bring the ability for community groups to celebrate their collections, their fandom, their shared experience. With FLOATs, anyone can take part in the fun of web3 without worrying about barriers such as technical know-how, cost of entry, potential for bad actors, etc.

They truly represent a key part of bringing a billion people to the blockchain and I can't wait to see how they evolve and grow over time.

eldumbo, Annoying Flow NPC






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