175 Tone Words: The Ultimate List To Describe Author's Tone 您所在的位置:网站首页 fearadj 175 Tone Words: The Ultimate List To Describe Author's Tone

175 Tone Words: The Ultimate List To Describe Author's Tone

2024-05-29 21:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

As a writer, you know how important it is to choose the right word for the meaning you’re trying to convey.

And part of that is knowing what tone words are and which one to use in a particular context. 

The wrong one is like an errant note in an otherwise flawless performance. Even if it has the same dictionary definition, it just doesn’t sound right. 

But where do you go to find the words with just the right tone and cadence to make the sentence flow as it should? 

Welcome to our ultimate list of tone words. 

What’s In This Article:  [show]175 Words to Describe Tone for AuthorsPositive Tone WordsNegative Tone WordsSad Tone WordsNeutral Tone WordsFinal Thoughts What Are Tones in Writing

Tone in writing is like the voice or mood that jumps off the page when you’re reading a story or an article. For example, when listening to your favorite song notice how it can make you feel happy, sad, excited, or calm.

Tone in writing works the same way but through words. It’s the writer’s way of showing their point of view toward the subject or the audience.

Understanding tone is like being a detective for feelings and attitudes, helping you get the real vibe of what you’re reading. It makes reading more colorful and helps you connect with the written words.

175 Words to Describe Tone for Authors

Any tone words list (worth the time it takes to make it) should provide the fuller meaning of each word — i.e., not just the denotation (dictionary definition) but it’s connotations, too. 

For this tone words list, you’ll see each tone word example explained with a short definition or with synonyms that have the same general tone.  

woman hugging dog outdoors List Of Tone Words

All you have to do is open a thesaurus to find synonyms for a particular word to realize that some of those words do NOT have the tone you’re looking for.

Some are obviously negative. Some are positive. And the rest are more or less neutral. 

Related: 111 Negative Adjectives To Describe A Person

The tone word you need for the moment is the one that evokes the right emotions and that allows your sentence to flow without speed bumps.  

Positive Tone Words

Positive tone words are those that evoke positive emotions.

If you hear a person described in words with a positive tone, you’re more likely to think favorably of them, even before you’ve met.

Adoring — loving ardently; worshipping; venerating  Amused — entertained or diverted; pleased Animated — lively; full of excitement or enthusiasm; vibrant; spirited; impassioned Appreciative — grateful or thankful; showing gratitude, approval, or pleasure Assertive — sure of oneself; brave or fearless; self-confident; authoritative Ardent — passionate; enthusiastic; fervent; zealous Benevolent — kind; generous; compassionate; tolerant; well meaning Blithe — in good spirits; of a sunny disposition; happy; cheerful Bold — audacious or daring; assertive; fearless or seeming to be fearless Calm — serene or tranquil; unruffled or unshaken; placid Candid — honest or truthful; straightforward; unreserved Celebratory — paying tribute to; glorifying; praising or honoring; making merry Cheerful / cheery — positive or uplifting; optimistic; salutary;  Comforting — consoling; healing; warming or calming; soothing Comic — funny/humorous; amusing or entertaining; diverting Compassionate — empathetic or sympathetic; nonjudgmental; quick to forgive Contented — wanting for nothing; grateful; accepting  Curious — inquisitive or questioning; wanting to know more Direct — straightforward; blunt; lacking in hesitation Earnest — serious; wholehearted; sincere or showing deep sincerity or feeling Ebullient — high-spirited; brimming with enthusiasm or excitement; exuberant Elated — joyful or jubilant; in high spirits; happy or proud Elevated — exalted; lofty; honored Eloquent — beauty or fluidity of expression;  Empathetic — showing empathy; feeling the emotions of others Enchant — cast a spell over; entrance; bewitch Endearing — inspiring warmth or affection Enthusiastic — excited; energetic; optimistic; bubbling over Exhilarated — invigorated; enlivened or feeling alive; stimulated; made cheerful Forthright — straight to the point; frank; outspoken; unambiguous; direct Gentle — kind; considerate; tender; soft; not severe; gradual; moderate Hilarious — amusing; uproariously funny; ridiculous or laughable Inspirational — motivating; energizing; reassuring; instilling hope; catalyzing Intimate — familiar; confidential; confessional; private Joyful — filled with gratitude; elated or exuberant; supremely happy Laudatory — praising; extolling; recommending Learned — educated; knowledgeable; erudite; involved in the pursuit of knowledge Lighthearted — positive; carefree; relaxed; optimistic; in good spirits Lively — full of life; energetic; vigorous; animated; spirited; sprightly; vivacious Lofty — exalted in rank; elevated in tone, style, or sentiment Loving — affectionate; showing deep concern or solicitude for someone Modest — free from ostentation; unpretentious; showing humility  Objective — without prejudice; fair; basing judgment on facts rather than feelings Optimistic — hopeful; cheerful; expecting good; disposed to taking a favorable view Powerful — potent; efficacious; having or exerting great power; forceful Reassuring — restoring hope, security, or confidence Reflective — given to reflection, meditation, or contemplation; thoughtful Relaxed — calm; free or relieved of tension, trouble, or anxiety Respectful — full of or showing politeness, sympathy, or deference Reverent — showing deep respect; holding someone or something in high esteem Righteous — morally right or justifiable; pious; guiltless; upright Romantic — imbued with idealism; preoccupied with love, adventure, justice, etc. Sanguine — hopeful; cheerfully optimistic; confident of a good outcome Scholarly — learned; educated; committed to furthering one’s education Self-assured — having or showing self-confidence; bold or fearless; forward Sincere — honest; truthful; not false or deceitful; free of hypocrisy; genuine Stable — not likely to fall or give way (as a structure/support); steady Stately — grand; imposing in size or magnificence; elegant; majestic Straightforward — honest; straight to the point; not roundabout; direct Sympathetic — understand what another is feeling; showing compassion Tender — gentle; soft-hearted; compassionate; kind; delicate; young Thoughtful — considerate of others; thinking before acting; pensive Tolerant — open-minded; patient; charitable; sympathetic; lenient; accepting Tranquil — calm; unruffled; unprovoked; peaceful; placid; serene Vibrant — full of life and vigor; lively; full of vivid color; vivacious  Whimsical — playful or fun; offbeat; mischievous; quaint; capricious; fanciful Witty — quick-witted; entertaining; amusingly clever; intelligent Wonder — admiration; fascination; awe; curiosity; amazement; admiration Negative Tone Words

Anything described in negative tone words is likely to leave you with a bad impression, whether the thing described is a place, a book, or a group of people.

Choose your words carefully. If this is a time for honest negativity, this list will help you find the right words.

Abashed — embarrassed or ashamed; humiliated; shy Abhorring — hating; despising; loathing; abominating; detesting Abstruse — difficult to understand; esoteric; secret or hidden; obsolete Absurd — laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous; senseless; illogical; untrue Accusatory — suggesting someone (else) has done something wrong Acerbic — biting, abrasive, cutting, or sharp; hurtful; severe Aggressive — hostile, forceful, argumentative, contentious  Angry — irate or furious; menacing or threatening; resentful  Annoyed — irritated; agitated; provoked; disturbed; bothered Antagonistic — argumentative or contentious; contrarian; belligerent Anxious — focused on negative thought loops; feeling out of control Apathetic — indifferent or lacking concern; unemotional; showing little interest Apprehensive — worried or nervous; expecting the worst Arrogant — conceited or self-important; overbearing; condescending Authoritarian — domineering or bossy; insisting on complete obedience Belligerent — bellicose or warlike; antagonistic; combative  Bewildered — baffled, confused, or flummoxed; lost Bitter — angry; acrimonious; resentful or dwelling on past injury Boorish — dull; pretentious; arrogant or self-absorbed Brusque — abrupt or dismissive; rough; blunt Callous — uncaring or unfeeling; indifferent; lacking in compassion Caustic — making cutting or corrosive comments; intending injury Censorious — critical or quick to judge or condemn;  Choleric — quick to anger; short-tempered; hot-blooded; irascible Churlish — critical in a mean-spirited way; nasty; belligerent; bullying Cliché — overused; trite; stale; unimaginative; hackneyed; commonplace Clinical — humorless; detached; unfeeling or uncaring; aloof; cold Complicated — unnecessarily complex; difficult to comprehend Condescending — patronizing; talking down to those you consider beneath you Confounded — confused; befuddled or mystified; bewildered; damned Confused — bewildered; unable to think clearly; vague; perplexed; disoriented Contemptuous — hateful; spiteful; quick to hold others in contempt; toxic Contentious — argumentative or combative; quick to stir the pot Critical — finding fault; complaining or criticizing; disapproving  Cruel — causing pain or suffering; unkind; spiteful; devoid of humane feelings Cynical — critical of motives; quick to assume the worst; mocking or sneering Derisive — mocking; sarcastic; dismissive or scornful; snide  Derogatory — insulting or demeaning; disrespectul; unkind  Detached — aloof or distant; uncaring; unfeeling; frigid; machine-like Diabolic — demonic or satanic; evil or malicious;  Diffident — lacking confidence in your ability or worth; timid or shy Disgusted — appalled; repulsed; repelled; disappointed Disparaging — critical; scornful; dismissive; insulting Distressing — saddening or heartbreaking; troubling; disturbing  Dogmatic — thinking in black and white; intolerant; inflexible; close-minded Domineering — imposing your beliefs and/or authority on others; tyrannical Dubious — questionable or having questionable motives; inclined to doubt  Egotistical — ego-centric; self-centered or self-absorbed; vain; arrogant Enraged — furious; unhinged; infuriated; extremely angry Evasive — cryptic or unclear; avoiding; ambiguous; elusive or evanescent Facetious — inappropriate or impertinent; flippant or dismissive; glib; shallow Farcical — ridiculous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly improbable Fatalistic — pessimistic; expecting the worst as inevitable Fearful — frightened; afraid; terrified; paralyzed or immobilized; shy Flippant — casual or thoughtless; glib; inconsiderate; dismissive  Foppish — dandified; pretentious; vain; excessively refined and fastidious Foreboding — dread; strong feeling of impending doom or evil Frivolous — unnecessary and costing more than it’s worth; silly or lacking  Frustrated — feeling thwarted in your efforts; feeling besieged or undermined Ghoulish — delighting in the loathesome, perverse, or revolting Grim — serious or humorless; of dark intent; macabre; depressing Hapless — unfortunate or appearing to be doomed to perpetual bad luck Harsh — unkind or unmerciful; unnecessarily painful; unyielding  Humble — modest; deferential; self-confident; unassuming; respectful Inane — foolish; stupid; silly or nonsensical; vacuous; empty; insignificant Incredulous — disbelieving; unconvinced; suspicious; questioning; skeptical Malicious — having ill intent; mean-spirited; spiteful; vindictive Naïve — unsuspecting; gullible or easy to deceive; unsophisticated Narcissistic — self-admiring; pathologically self-centered Obsequious — fawning; overly submissive or obedient; servile; groveling  Outraged — furious or extremely angered; deeply offended Pretentious — affected; artificial; grandiose; flashy; superficial Satirical — mocking to show a weakness; ridiculing; derisive; scornful Sarcastic — ironic; saying the opposite of what you mean to mock or ridicule Scathing — harsh; critical; cutting; unsparing; vicious; harmful or injurious Sensationalistic — inaccurate; hyped up; exxagerated; provocative Subjective — biased; prejudiced; based on emotion rather than facts Sulking — resentful; sullen; bad-tempered; grumpy; self-pitying Tragic — calamitous; disastrous; catastrophic; devastating Uneasy — worried; ill at ease; edgy; nervous; unsettled Vindictive — vengeful; spiteful; petty; unforgiving; hateful World-weary — bored; tired; cynical; pessimistic

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Sad Tone Words

Some negative tone words leave you with an impression of sadness rather than disgust or anger.

Here’s a sampling of these, most of them described using other sad tone words.

Apologetic — full of regret or remorse; repentant; acknowleding failure  Depressed — lacking in energy or buoyancy; apathetic; emotionally blunted Despairing — hopeless; sinking without an attempt to rise; seeing only darkness Disheartening — discouraging; depressing; demoralizing; undermining; sad Gloomy — depressing; dreary; discouraging; sad or low-spirited; pessimistic Grave — serious; morose or moribund; solemn; weighty; important Hollow — lacking substance; empty; meaningless; joyless Melancholy — sad or prone to sadness; having a gloomy outlook Pathetic — evoking pity; marked by sorrow or sadness; pitifully inadequate Somber — gloomy; solemn; grave; melancholy; depressing  Wretched — miserable; sorrowful; distressed or in agony; despairing Neutral Tone Words

When you want a neutral tone in writing, it can be hard to find.

It doesn’t take much for us to associate words with an emotion or to feel the emotional undercurrent of a word — whether positive or negative and to whatever degree. But some neutral words remain. 

Ambivalent — uncertain; having mixed feelings; undecided Cautionary — raises awareness; gives warning; admonishing Compliant — in conformity with rules/expectations; flexible; acquiescent Conciliatory — meant to pacify or placate; seeking to please  Colloquial — familiar; everyday language; casual or informal Defensive — defending or guarding a position; watchful; preventing aggression Formal — respectful; following accepted rules/styles; preserving form/custom Impartial — objective; not favoring either side over the other Intense — deeply felt; concentrated; passionate; earnest; extreme Introspective — inward-focused or turning inward; contemplative Pensive — lost in thought; introspective or reflective; contemplative Pragmatic — realistic; dispassionate or detached; ruled by logic; practical Solemn — serious; not funny; in earnest; sober; reverent; grave; mirthless Urgent — insistent; implying something must be done as soon as possible Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve looked through our list of tones, which ones stood out for you the most? What kind of tone did those words have (positive, negative, or neutral)? 

Sometimes, our moods make certain words stand out for us as more fitting or more resonant. And sometimes we just see them because we’ve used them or heard them used recently — in a way that made them stick.

I hope your life gives you plenty of reasons to use positive tone words. But some situations and contexts call for the opposite. Your current work in progress might call for plenty of the opposite. 

And in certain contexts, even the neutral tone words sound more negative than otherwise. The right context can even change the tone of words that are usually considered positive.

I hope the words you use to describe yourself are kind and encouraging. And at the end of the day, may the balance of your words leave you with a smile. 






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