Wounded sperm whale washes ashore in Bali, locals successfully return it to the ocean (VIDEO) 您所在的位置:网站首页 cocoouts Wounded sperm whale washes ashore in Bali, locals successfully return it to the ocean (VIDEO)

Wounded sperm whale washes ashore in Bali, locals successfully return it to the ocean (VIDEO)

2023-04-05 23:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

We’ve written about whales being found dead on beaches in Bali several times before. So imagine how elated we were that, this time, the story had a happy ending. 

A wounded black sperm whale was found washed ashore on Lepang Beach in Takmung Village, Klungkung, earlier today at around 4:30am. The giant sea mammal was found with wounds on its body.

“Our Balawista [Balinese beach guards] team immediately went to the location to check the whale’s condition,” said I Putu Widiada, a head officer of the Klungkung chapter of the Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD).

It is estimated that the beached whale weighed around 3 tons and was 10 meters in length. The whale was reportedly wounded after it got trapped amid reefs in shallow waters.

Video shows local residents and authorities coming together to push the whale back out into the water and, with the help of the rising tide, they managed to return the animal back to the sea. 

The whale reportedly blew out water as it swam back into the ocean, as if in thanks to the locals.

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