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Application Note CMMT

#Application Note CMMT| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller This document describes which control figures are implemented in CMMT-AS-PN drives and how to use it in programming environment of Siemens in TIA portal. Specifically focus on how to use SINAPOS functions block(ptp non-interpolated motion) in SINAMICS Lib for point to point linear motion

2 Title... CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller Version Document no Original...en Author... Festo Last saved Copyright Notice This documentation is the intellectual property of Festo AG & Co. KG, which also has the exclusive copyright. Any modification of the content, duplication or reprinting of this documentation as well as distribution to third parties can only be made with the express consent of Festo AG & Co. KG. Festo AG & Co KG reserves the right to make modifications to this document in whole or in part. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Legal Notice Hardware, software, operating systems and drivers may only be used for the applications described and only in conjunction with components recommended by Festo AG & Co. KG. Festo AG & Co. KG does not accept any liability for damages arising from the use of any incorrect or incomplete information contained in this documentation or any information missing therefrom. Defects resulting from the improper handling of devices and modules are excluded from the warranty. The data and information specified in this document should not be used for the implementation of safety functions relating to the protection of personnel and machinery. No liability is accepted for claims for damages arising from a failure or functional defect. In other respects, the regulations with regard to liability from the terms and conditions of delivery, payment and use of software of Festo AG & Co. KG, which can be found at and can be supplied on request, shall apply. All data contained in this document do not represent guaranteed specifications, particularly with regard to functionality, condition or quality, in the legal sense. The information in this document serves only as basic information for the implementation of a specific, hypothetical application and is in no way intended as a substitute for the operating instructions of the respective manufacturers and the design and testing of the respective application by the user. The operating instructions for Festo products can be found at Users of this document (application note) must verify that all functions described here also work correctly in the application. By reading this document and adhering to the specifications contained therein, users are also solely responsible for their own application. (Festo AG & CO. KG, D Esslingen, 2019) Internet: [email protected]

3 Table of contents 1 Components/Software used Topology of the tested system Application Description Configuration of parameters in Automation Suite Automation Suite related parameters Setting up TIA Portal Installing the SINAMICS library to TIA portal Making the Hardware Configuration in TIA portal Configuring the SINAMICS function blocks Compile and Download the program Use the SINA_POS block with a Watch Table Using the SINAMICS function blocks Enabling and stopping the Axis Activating the Software position limits Monitoring the Actual speed Modes of Operations Diagnostic messages... 24


5 Components/Software used 1 Components/Software used Type/Name Version Software/Firmware Date of manufacture CMMT-AS-C4-3A-PN-S1 V _release -- Automation Suite CMMT-AS Plug-in TIA Portal V14 SP1 -- Drive_Lib_S7_1200_1500 V5 -- Table 1.1 : Components/Software used 1.1 Topology of the tested system Figure 1.1 : overview of tested system Please refer to the picture above and make sure all wires are correctly placed and connected To confiture and run the system for commissioning, it is necessary to install named software in the table 1.1 above on your laptop or other PC system which you will do commissioning with. Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 5 of 24

6 Application Description 2 Application Description This part of the documentation describes a connectivity and configuration of the motor drive CMMT-AS-..-PN within a Profinet network controlled via Siemens S PLC controller. The used bus protocol within this Application Note is an Application Class 3 and Telegram 111 which are specifically defined by Siemens for PtP non-interpolated motion over Profinet. It is targeted at people who are already familiar with this protocol, Festo Automation Suite and Siemens TIA Portal software. Page 6 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

7 Configuration of parameters in Automation Suite 3 Configuration of parameters in Automation Suite 3.1 Automation Suite related parameters On the Fieldbus tab you can find the parameters that are related to the communication with the host system. Factor Group: These settings allow you to change the resolution of the position, velocity, acceleration and jerk values. They are related to the Current user unit, for example Meters or RPM. To default settings allow you to control your drive with a resolution of 0,001mm for positioning, while the velocity, acceleration and jerk values are with a resolution of 1mm. Reference Values For displaying of the actual drive speed and controlling the acceleration / deceleration of the drive the reference values can be modified to your needs. Dynamic values With Telegram 111 these values are not used. Connection Parameters / Connection Properties These parameters are Read Only from the Automation Suite, they have to be set from TIA portal. Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 7 of 24

8 Setting up TIA Portal 4 Setting up TIA Portal 4.1 Installing the SINAMICS library to TIA portal Download the latest version of the SINAMICS Drivelib from the Siemens website here: Link to SINAMICS Drivelib SINAMICS Blocks DriveLib for the control in the TIA Portal Make sure TIA portal is closed and execute the downloaded.msi. 4.2 Making the Hardware Configuration in TIA portal 1. Create a new project and add your PLC: 2. Go the the Device Configuration tab, select Network View and search for the CMMT in the Hardware Catalog. Drag and drop this to the middle screen: Page 8 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

9 Setting up TIA Portal 3. To connect the CMMT with the PLC, click on Not Assigned and select the Profinet interface. After this, a green line will show the connection between the PLC and CMMT: 4. Double click on the CMMT to get into the Device View tab. Here we can select the different Telegrams. To use the CMMT in Point-to-Point mode with the SINAMICS Drivelib we need to select: Siemens telegram 111, PZD-12/12 (Drag and drop to the second empty slot) 5. Select the telegram you just dropped in and go to Properties on the bottom of that screen. Make note of the Hardware identifier value that has been given to this Telegram, as we will need it later. Hardware identifier: 267 (e.g.) (make sure you select the Telegram first!) Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 9 of 24

10 Setting up TIA Portal 6. Right click on the CMMT and select Assign Device Name. For this you need to have access to either the whole Profinet network or the X19 port on the CMMT. 7. Select the correct interface and click on Update List : Page 10 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

11 Setting up TIA Portal 8. The CMMT should appear with the status Device name is different. Select the CMMT and click on Assign name 9. After the status switched to OK, close the dialog: Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 11 of 24

12 Setting up TIA Portal 4.3 Configuring the SINAMICS function blocks Make sure you first installed the SINAMICS DriveLib to your TIA portal, explained in part 4.1 of this document. From the Project Tree select Add new block and create a Function Block. Fill in the name (e.g. CMMT_Function_Blocks), select Function block and click OK. After creating the function block it jumps straight into it. We now want to open the Libraries tab (on the right), open the Drive_Lib_S7_1200_1500 and open the sub-folder 03_SINAMICS. Drag and drop the SINA_POS function block to a network. Page 12 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

13 Setting up TIA Portal To automatically create the required data blocks, click OK : Festo strongly advises to enable the Software Limit monitoring by the CMMT. To do this, change the default ConfigEPos value from 16#0000_0003 to 16#0000_0007 (activating bit 2). More information on this can be found in part 5.2 of this document. The function block requires the Hardware identifier we made note of in part You can also find the value in the Default tag table --> System constants. Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 13 of 24

14 Setting up TIA Portal Set the value to both HWIDSTW and HWIDZSW on the SINA_POS block To make sure the function blocks will be executed we need to call it in the main task. Double click on the Main [OB1] : Page 14 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

15 Setting up TIA Portal Now drag and drop the CMMT_Function_Blocks [FB1] to Network 1, upon asked to create the Data Block click OK : 4.4 Compile and Download the program Right click on the PLC_1 and select Download --> Hardware and software (only changes) : Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 15 of 24

16 Setting up TIA Portal Start searching for the PLC: Select the PLC and load the project: Page 16 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

17 Setting up TIA Portal Select Load on the Load preview and Finish on the dialog that comes after. While still selecting PLC_1 in the Project tree, go online: Make sure the Profinet Network is up and running by checking if all is green and with checkmarks: Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 17 of 24

18 Setting up TIA Portal 4.5 Use the SINA_POS block with a Watch Table Double click on Add new watch table : Start typing the name SINA_POS_DB and select it by pressing the Tab -key: Type ModePos and press the Enter -key: Page 18 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

19 Setting up TIA Portal Drag down from the little square in the bottom right, it should show a + before dragging: Drag down 34 lines to add all used variable Click on the Monitor all button to watch the variables online: Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 19 of 24

20 Using the SINAMICS function blocks 5 Using the SINAMICS function blocks 5.1 Enabling and stopping the Axis The axis is switched on using input bit "EnableAxis" = 1. OFF2 and OFF3 are preassigned 1 using input "ConfigEPos" and do not have to be written to for operation. The axis is ready to start when there is no error "AxisError"= "0" and no switching on inhibited "Lockout" = "0". Feedback signal "AxisIEnabled" goes to "1" after switching "EnableAxis". The "ModePos" input is decisive for the mode selection. The required operating mode is selected via this input. A simultaneous, multiple mode selection is therefore not possible. However, it is possible to switch between various subordinate modes within the operating mode. The input signals "CancelTraversing" (reject traversing task) and "IntermediateStop" (intermediate stop) are relevant for all modes except for jog and must be set to "1" when using EPos. 1. If the "CancelTraversing" bit is set to "0" this results in a ramp stop with 100% of the set deceleration. The task data is rejected and the axis can be assigned a new task from standstill. A mode change is possible in this state. 2. If the "IntermediateStop" bit is set to "0" this results in a ramp stop of the axis with the currently valid acceleration values. The task data is NOT rejected so that the axis continues with the motion when the bit is set to "1". A mode change is possible at standstill. 5.2 Activating the Software position limits By default the SINA_POS library deactivates the function of the CMMT to monitor the Software position limits of the axis. Without this function it s possible to instruct the drive to move to a position which is beyond its reachable limit. To ensure a safe operation with Software limit monitoring, it is required to enable bit 2 on the "ConfigEPos" variable. Since bit 0 and bit 1 are already set, input variable "ConfigEPos" must be set to 16#0000_0007. Please pay attention that the required parameters in the Festo Automation Suite are also correct. These can be found in the Axis tab: Page 20 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

21 Using the SINAMICS function blocks 5.3 Monitoring the Actual speed Where the setpoint velocity is directly set as user units, the actual drive speed is displayed different in the SINA_POS function block. The variable "ActVelocity" is used, where the value is scaled from 0 to 100% with hex = 100%. The base value can be modified in the Festo Automation Suite, as described in part of this document. It can also be changed using PNU (which refers to this exact same parameter). 5.4 Modes of Operations The CMMT-PN with the SINA_POS function block supports the following modes of operation: ModePos 1: Relative Positioning ModePos 2: Absolute Positioning task ModePos 3: Not Supported ModePos 4: Referencing Reference point approach ModePos 5: Referencing - Set reference point ModePos 6: Traversing blocks (record mode) ModePos 7: Jog ModePos 8: Not Supported Relative Positioning 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos"=1. - The device is switched on via "EnableAxis" - The axis must be referenced - The axis is at standstill if selected by an operating mode greater than 3. A change within the operating modes (1,2) is possible at any time. 2. Sequence: The traversing path and dynamic responses are specified via the inputs "Position", "Velocity", "OverAcc" (acceleration override) and "OverDec" (deceleration override). The operating conditions "CancelTraversing" and "IntermediateStop" must be set to "1". "Jog1" and "Jog2" have no effect and should be set to "0" (false). The direction of travel in relative positioning always results from the sign of the traversing path. Traversing motion is started with a positive edge at "ExecuteMode". The block acknowledges when the end of the traversing path is reached successfully with "AxisPosOk". If an error occurs during the traversing motion, the output signal "Error" is issued. Note The current command can be replaced on-the-fly by a new command via "ExecuteMode". This is only possible for the "ModePos" 1 and 2. Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 21 of 24

22 Using the SINAMICS function blocks Absolute Positioning 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos"=2 - The device is switched on via "EnableAxis" - The axis must be referenced - The axis is at standstill if selected by an operating mode greater than 3. A change within the operating modes (1,2) is possible at any time. 2. Sequence: The traversing path and dynamic responses are specified via the inputs "Position", "Velocity", "OverAcc" (acceleration override) and "OverDec" (deceleration override). The operating conditions "CancelTraversing" and "IntermediateStop" must be set to "1". "Jog1" and "Jog2" have no effect and must be set to "0". Traversing motion is started with a positive edge at "ExecuteMode". The block acknowledges when the end of the traversing path is reached successfully with "AxisPosOk". If an error occurs during the traversing motion, the output signal "Error" is issued. Note The current command can be replaced on-the-fly by a new command via "ExecuteMode". This is only possible for the "ModePos" 1 and 2 Referencing - Reference point approach The Referencing reference point approach mode enables the reference point approach of the axis, selected in the Automation Suite. 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos"=4 - The device is switched on using "EnableAxis". - The axis is at standstill 2. Sequence: All required parameters for homing (homing mode, velocity, etc) are set in the Automation Suite. The reference point approach is started with a positive edge at "ExecuteMode". Output signal "AxisRef" is set if the reference point is appropriately found and evaluated. If an error occurs during traversing motion, the output signal "Error" is issued. Referencing Set reference point The Referencing set reference point mode enables the referencing of the axis at the current position. 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos"=5 - The axis can be in closed-loop control, but must be at a standstill. 2. Sequence: The axis is at standstill and the reference point is set with a positive edge at "ExecuteMode". If an error occurs while setting the reference point, the output signal "Error" is issued. Page 22 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10

23 Using the SINAMICS function blocks Traversing blocks (record mode) The Traversing blocks mode is implemented via the "Traversing blocks" drive function. It enables the creation of automatic programs, velocity mode, force mode, travel to fixed stop and outputs to be set and reset. It uses the records that are created in the Record list tab in the Automation Suite. 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos"=6 - The device is switched on using "EnableAxis" - The axis is at standstill - The axis must be referenced 2. Sequence: The selection of the traversing task to be started is set via the "Position" input. The value refers to the record list and can be between 0 and 127. The operating conditions "CancelTraversing" and "IntermediateStop" must be set to "1". "Jog1" and "Jog2" have no effect and should be set to "0". Traversing motion is started with a positive edge at "ExecuteMode". The block displays the current command processing with "AxisEnabled" and acknowledges when the target position is reached successfully or the last task step completed with "AxisPosOk". If an error occurs during the traversing motion, the output signal "Error" is issued. Jog 1. Requirements: - The mode is selected with "ModePos" = 7. - The device is switched on using "EnableAxis" - The axis is at standstill 2. Sequence: "Jog1" and "Jog2" are the signal sources for the jog mode in EPos. The "ExecuteMode" signal is not required in this mode. "Jog1" = Positive "Jog2" = Negative The dynamic values for jogging are set in the Automation Suite on the Jog mode tab. The corresponding parameters are: - Velocity (slow) - Acceleration (slow) - Jerk (slow) Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10 Page 23 of 24

24 5.5 Diagnostic messages The function block can give multiple types of diagnostic messages. The following chapter will explain how to handle or solve them. Drive Error When the drive is in error, the output "ActFault" of the function block SINA_POS will provide a message number. This message number relates to the same number which is shown in the Festo Automation Suite. After elimination of the fault, the error must be acknowledged using the bit "AckError" before enabling the axis again. Drive Warning When the drive has a warning message, the output "ActWarning" will provide a message number. After elimination of the warning the message number will disappear. Function block faults When an error on the function block has been detected, the "Error" group error and the "ErrorId" are set. The following errors are monitored: Error number Status Cause Remedy 16#7002 No error -- 16#8600 Interruption of the communication to the SINAMICS drive: Error DPRD_DAT 16#8601 Interruption of the communication to the SINAMICS drive: Error DPWR_DAT Check the communication connections / settings (see DiagId) Check the communication connections / settings (see DiagId) 16#8202 Incorrect operating mode selected Set "ModePos" from 1 to 8 16#8203 Incorrect parameterization of the override inputs Check the settings of the override inputs 16#8204 Invalid traversing block number Enter a traversing block number from 0 to #8401 Alarm message(s) in the SINAMICS drive 16#8402 Switching on inhibited of the SINAMICS drive active 16#8403 Flying referencing could not be started Evaluation of the error code at the "ActFault" output Check whether axis/encoder is parked, safety functions active, Parameter p10 0 Check for pending alarms/faults in the drive, The following settings will help for text-transfer: Options Pasting within the same document Pasting between documents Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict Pasting from other programs Settings Keep Source Formatting Use Destination Styles Use Destination Styles Use Destination Styles Table 5.1: Word Options Page 24 of 24 Application Note CMMT-AS-PN controlled by SINAPOS functions block with Siemens S controller 1.10






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