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2024-01-06 09:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I am using 1853 which is a current output version of this with slightly better specifications.

Analog devices DAC's are generally of high quality (but everybody makes some bad apples as well). The problem with Analog devices is that they pretty much only design devices which require a serial port interface for control of internal registers (to have a low pin-count. This is probably OK and good for volume manufacturers but not for DIY'ers who want to concentrate on sound-enhancement rather than interface programming.

Hooking up an actual DAC chip is easy if you have L/RCLK, BCLK, SDATA and MCLK (or equivalent). If you don't have that and want do roll your own, consider purchasing an evaluation board instead.

Why did you choose that particular chip (it is not the best one around, but not bad either)? In general you will find current output chips are better. Also, if you are looking for something relatively simple to design with consider TI PCM1730 or some of the Cirrus models (43122 is pretty good). You should consider looking for units that can be set up without programming internal registers unless you know how to program PIC's etc.

I have used the 1853 eval board and was quite pleased with it. It made me the first person in my country to own a 24 bit audio DAC (I am pretty sure of that). It was easy to use -- sounds a bit like what you are trying to do.

Don't choose a chip based on what you have -- the cost of the chip itself is minimal compared with the cost of your time and assosicated parts you will purchase.







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