Run Diagnostic Tests to Verify, Troubleshoot, and Analyze 您所在的位置:网站首页 RunProcessTest Run Diagnostic Tests to Verify, Troubleshoot, and Analyze

Run Diagnostic Tests to Verify, Troubleshoot, and Analyze

2023-04-14 05:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You are a general ledger manager, and you run into issues with the period close process.

You open the Diagnostic dashboard and search for diagnostic tests using tags, with Financial Control and Reporting as the tag name.

You browse the search results for tests with Close Ledgers as the tag value.

You find and run the appropriate test, General Ledger Closing Validations.

The diagnostic test results can show issues that you can't fix yourself: validation errors in setup, configuration, or data integrity. In this case, it's incomplete accounting setup.

You notify your help desk about the diagnostic test results and describe your issue.

If the test results have no validation errors, but there are issues that you can't fix yourself, you can submit an incident. The help desk reviews the incidents to identify the cause of the issue.

Your help desk troubleshoots the issue, suggests a fix, and asks you to rerun the test.

You repeat steps 4 through 7 until the test completes with no issues identified.






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