Firefox Windows Password Prompts Off Following User Outcry 您所在的位置:网站首页 0xC004E016 Firefox Windows Password Prompts Off Following User Outcry

Firefox Windows Password Prompts Off Following User Outcry

#Firefox Windows Password Prompts Off Following User Outcry | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mozilla is slowly pulling the plug on the newly added Windows password prompt in Firefox 76, according to Techdows.

Mozilla is slowly pulling the plug on the newly added Windows password prompt in Firefox 76.The anti-snooping feature ended up creating problems for Firefox users.Don’t forget to check out our Firefox page for insights about using and configuring the browser.Visit the News page to learn more.

It is not unheard of for browser password management to make reference to Windows sign-in credentials.聽After all, Mozilla is offering what is already available to Chrome users and others.

Additionally, the company had user interests at heart when it introduced OS authentication in Firefox.

It offered the feature to enhance browser privacy and security. However, something was wrong with its implementation in Firefox.

So, the anti-snooping feature ended up creating problems for Firefox users.

In response to widespread user outcry, Mozilla is withdrawing the requirement for now. The tech firm is remotely fixing the issue by delivering a pref change to Firefox browsers via Nomandy.

Firefox Windows password prompts#

Most browsers let users save their login credentials with a password manager. The feature is useful if you regularly access certain password-protected portals on the same PC. Next time you visit such a site, your browser autofills your username and secret combination.

The problem with Firefox Lockwise is that it requires you to enter a master password each time you want to view or change your saved credentials. If you do not have it, then you have to supply your Windows logon details.

It can be confusing, especially if you do not have either of the credentials required to view your saved passwords.

How to deactivate the OS password requirement in Firefox#

While Mozilla has begun disabling OS authentication in Firefox, the change may not be available to some users until next month.

The good news is that you can manually turn off the prompts on the about: config page. Here are the steps:

Open Firefox browser.Go to about: config.To proceed, click Accept the Risk and continue.Look up the term Os-auth and the statement Edit its value to false to deactivate the OS password requirements in Firefox.

Feel free to share your experience with such browser security issues in the comments section below.

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