大学英语之泛读教程第二册unit 您所在的位置:网站首页 泛读教程课件PDF2 大学英语之泛读教程第二册unit


2024-07-09 07:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、1,Passage 18 Fast Reading,N, N, N, Y, NG, Y, Y you see around you every day some kind of job-counseling program public speaking courses or the local Toastmasters club,2,Passage 18 Cloze,G K F J N M L I B C,3,Careful Reading Passage 18,1st Paragraph: News Lead Violence exploded in France; (scene) Eur

2、opean countries have had problems on integrating immigrants. (issue),4,2nd Paragraph: News Lead Violence in Paris Frances integration model (scene)(issue) 3rd Paragraph Last Paragraph: discussion on the issue,5,As clashes and arson attacks(, largely staged by young people of African and North Africa

3、n descent,) spread to other parts of France, many Europeans have come to the conclusion that Frances integration model has failed.,6,Paras. 3 4: Han Entzingers opinions: the unrest is not much likely to spread to other parts of Europe; The situation in France on immigration and integration in partic

4、ular is different from the situation in other European countries. Para. 5: Facts: European countries have adopted different approaches (policies) to integrating the foreigners. (Germany, Austria, Britain),7,Paras. 6 7: Hugo Bradys opinions: The problems European countries face in assimilating foreig

5、ners (i.e. integration) are different. Para. 8: Facts: Spain and Italy have their own problems of immigration / integration.,8,The Euro-Med area like Spain, south of France, Greece have their own particular problems of immigration for areas such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya. Spain, south of F

6、rance and Greece have their own particular problems when dealing with immigrants from areas such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.,9,Para. 9: Facts: Frances integration creed Paras. 10 Last: Danielle Jolys opinions: Britain has experienced the same kind of violence; The underpinnings were sim

7、ilar too; Britain has been implementing a tough race relations act; But France and Britain are very different.,10,Para. 1: TV / Radio reporters introduction of the news Paras. 2 Last: News in detail by the reporter Lisa Bryant Paras. 2: News lead Paras. 3 last: details (facts and opinions alternatel

8、y) (Han Entzingers opinion facts) (Hugo Bradys opinion facts) (facts - Danielle Jolys opinion),11,Text 1 Structure,Part I: Introduction of “Numbers” with examples. Part II: Origins in the Book of Changes (How did people in China begin to associate numbers with luck and divination?) Part III: Gods ca

9、n be alone, but people cannot (about odd and even numbers),12,Part IV: Happiness comes in pairs (about odd and even numbers, and “three”) Part V: Elevators without fourth floors (about “four” and “five”) Part VI: One six eight, on the way to success (about “six”, “seven” and “eight”) Part VII: Belie

10、ve it or not, its up to you (about “nine” and a conclusion),13,Text 1:Discussion,Can you name some other lucky / unlucky numbers / combinations? How about some images associated with good / bad luck?,14,54 - in Cantonese: ng sei sounds like “not die” 168 - road of prosperity or to be prosperous toge

11、ther - many charged telephone service numbers in China begin with this number. Many businesses also prefer to have this number as part of their names. 518 - I will prosper, other variations include: 5189 (I will prosper for a long time), 516289 (I will get on a long, smooth prosperous road) and 5918

12、 (I will soon prosper).,Lucky Combinations,15,666 - In Chinese culture, 666 sounds a lot like the words Things going smoothly. It is considered one of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture. It can be seen prominently in many shop windows across the country, and people there often pay extra to get

13、a mobile phone number including this string of digits. 888 - prosperity x3. 520 - I love you, as the pronunciation of 520 is close to (in Mandarin).,16,Unlucky Combinations,Number 14 is considered to be one of the unluckiest numbers in Chinese culture. 14 can also be said as yao si, literally one fo

14、ur, but it also means want to die. In Cantonese, 14 sounds like certainly die. 53 - In Cantonese, it sounds like not live. 528 is a way of saying no easy fortune for me.,17,In Egyptian culture, 4,223 was an unlucky number because of the pictograms required to represent it (four thousand, two hundred

15、, fifteen, and eight). When placed together, these pictograms presented a crude representation of a scene that could be interpreted as the murder of a young Pharaoh. This superstition fell into disuse with the conquer of the 26th dynasty and the acceptance of a base-ten system in the ninth century.,

16、18,2 is considered a lucky number to both Greeks and Russians, as monarchs bearing that regnal number tended to be wise and benevolent. Similarly, 4 is considered unlucky number in Russian folklore (due largely to Ivan IV Vasilyevich, better known as Ivan the Terrible).,19,1605 is a lucky number in

17、England and much of Great Britain, being the year Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot to destroy the houses of Parliament failed. It is considered a supremely unlucky year for the Basques, as it was the year Henry III of France began the persecution of Basque orthodox Christians and pagans.,20,7 was declared

18、to be an unlucky number by King George III of Britain shortly before his death, because it keeps showing up! Interestingly, the King was officially declared insane and locked within Windsor Castle on July the Seventh, 1811.,21,The Persian mathematician al-Kwarizmi considered 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,

19、19, 23, 29, and 31 to be unlucky, due to their nature as prime numbers. However, 6, 28, 496, and 8128 were lucky, as they are perfect numbers (numbers whose divisors add up to the number: 123=6, and 1+2+3=6).,22,Further Reading,lucky charms (horseshoe, rabbits hind leg, four-leaved clover, etc.) sal

20、t knocking on the wood ladder sneezing animals (black cat, etc.),23,http:/www.sacred- http:/ http:/ (the number 13),24,Skimming Exercises,25,Dear Miss Manners: I am uncertain about the correct way to eat fruit, although I like nothing better. Does it depend on what the fruit is, or the circumstances

21、 under which it is served, or is it a matter of individual preference? I am referring to such questions as peeled vs. unpeeled, and hand vs. fork. More and more often, probably because of everybodys dieting, I see bowls of fruit used as centerpieces for dinner parties and then being passed as the de

22、ssert course.,26,The purpose of the letter is to ask for advice about _ a. the best way to eat fruit b. the proper way to eat fruit c. how to serve fruit as dessert course d. what fruit to serve for dinner party,27,Question - illustration,28,LONDON Stuttering is caused by poor connections between tw

23、o areas in the left hemisphere of the brain, German researchers said recently. Although scientists knew that stuttering the involuntary repetition of consonants, sounds or words had a genetic link, how and why it occurs has remained a mystery. German scientists, using magnetic resonance(共振) imaging

24、(MRI) to look into the brains of people who stutter, have uncovered new clues. “Fibers between the speech area and language planning area of the brain seem to be disrupted”, said Dr. Christian Bushel of the University of Hamburg. The disturbed timing in the speech-related areas in the brain causes t

25、he difficulty that usually begins between the ages of three and five and affects up to 7 percent of children and one percent of adult.,29,This last paragraph mainly discusses _. a. what stuttering is b. causes of stuttering c. solution to stuttering d. people liable to stuttering,30,Para. 1: Introdu

26、cing that German researchers recent findings about the cause of stuttering. Para. 2: What is stuttering? Paras. 3 4: details of the findings,31,Turtles lay their eggs in sand, loose soil or in piles of organic debris. They may lay up to more than 100 eggs, depending on the species. The snapping turt

27、le is known to lay as many as seventy-five eggs at a time, although the average number is probably nearer two dozen. The common painted turtle lays only a half-dozen or so at a time. The gopher tortoise that lives in the arid United States Southwest may lay even fewer eggs. One African turtle is sai

28、d to lay a single egg. When a female has mated and is ready to lay eggs, she selects a sandy spot, or one that suits her, and proceeds to dig a shallow hole with her hind legs. Sometimes she moistens the solid with fluid from her bladder, either to make digging easier or to moisten the soil around t

29、he eggs.,32,The first paragraph mainly deals with _. a. where to find turtle eggs b. different kinds of turtles c. number of eggs various turtles lay d. why turtles are slow,33,Para. 1: number of eggs various turtles lay Para. 2: how turtles make a place perfect for their laying eggs,34,The Skill of

30、 Scanning,When to scan? Finding a word in the dictionary; Locating a certain street or town on a map; Finding a certain trains departure time in a train timetable; Looking for news of a specific athlete, meeting, or traffic accident in the newspaper; Finding the subject, author, or title you want in

31、 the librarys card catalog or on the shelf; Locating information in a book index or table of contents.,35,How to scan? keep in mind exactly what it is you are searching for; let your eyes run rapidly over several lines of print at a time; pay attention to the wording of the information that may be d

32、ifferent from the wording of what you want; If the material is familiar or relatively brief, you may be able to scan the entire body of the text in a single search; If the material is lengthy or difficult, a preliminary skimming to find the part of the text in which to scan for particular informatio

33、n will be more helpful.,36,In doing scanning exercises, follow these steps: Note the time when you start the exercise. Read carefully the first question on the text. Scan the paragraphs of the text to find the answer to the question. Letyour eyes move very rapidly over the sentences and you come to

34、the sentence that gives you the answer. Read this sentence. Check no further in the text. Mark your answer to question. Go on to the second question immediately, and repeat this process. Complete all the questions on the text. Make a note of your finishing time.,37,en-: em, make , give , put into :

35、endanger, enlarge, enable, enforce inside: encircle, enclose, encage, enroll The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency. Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament. When can I encash the cheque? The army encamped outside the walls. The spring t

36、ide engulfed the beach houses.,Word Formation,38,circu-, circum-: ring, around e.g. circumstance, circus circumscribe -scrib-: write (describe, inscribe, prescribe, subscribe) circumference -fer-: take, bear (transfer, refer, confer, differ, prefer, offer) circumfuse -fuse-: pour (refuse, confuse, d

37、iffuse, effuse, perfuse) circumfluent -flu-: flow (fluent, confluence, influence, influx),39,circumpolar, circumlunar, circumglobe circulate, circular, circulation circumnavigate,40,ex-: ef-, e- out: exit (a way out), expand (spread out), extend (stretch out), expend (pay out), exclude more than: ex

38、cessive (more than enough), exceed (go beyond), excellent (better than) up: excite (stir up), exalt (raise to a higher place) former: ( + n.) ex-wife, ex-president,41,Blood was still effusing in large quantity. -fuse-: pour He lit his cigar and exhaled smoke. -hale-: breathe (inhale) She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. -tract-: pull, drag (distract, attract, contract, tractor) The refugees were denied egress. -gres-: step (progress, regress, congress, aggressive) He was expelled from the school. -pel-: drive, push (compel, dispel, repel, impel,






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