是,首相(1986) 第二季 第六集 Yes, Prime MinisterS02E06英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 是首相第二季第八集 是,首相(1986) 第二季 第六集 Yes, Prime MinisterS02E06英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

是,首相(1986) 第二季 第六集 Yes, Prime MinisterS02E06英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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是, 首相 第2季第6集庇护艺术您觉不觉得…Do you think perhaps...事后想起 会不会悔不当初...I mean, would it have been wiser, you know, with hindsight...觉得有稍许欠妥… 说什么呢 伯纳?Was it a mistake... Yes, Bernard?您没必要同意颁奖 比尔推荐的 是吧?You didn't have to agree to present the awards. Bill recommended it老实说 首相 我不算推荐I didn't actually recommend it.我只说英国戏剧奖的晚宴是电视直播I just said the British theatre awards dinner was televised live作为嘉宾 您会在欢乐祥和的气氛中and, as guest of honour, you'd be seen by 12 million people面对1200万观众in a context of glamour and fun也会和老百姓喜闻乐见的演员们搭上边and you'd be associated with actors who give pleasure to millions.这还不算推荐啊? 和演员搭边不会不好吗?That's not a recommendation? Isn't it a bad idea?他们是靠装模作样吃饭的Their job is pretending to be what they're not.您跟他们混一起 人们或许会察觉到…If you're seen with them, people might realise.说啊 伯纳 呃 不是察觉…Go on, Bernard. Well, I... I mean, er, not realise...会怀疑… 会以为您… 呃…...might suspect... might think that you were, er...倒不是说您也在演戏… 呃… 娱乐大众…Not that you were pretending, er... entertaining...您要和比尔说什么来着?What was it you wanted to speak to Bill about?你说这不会有争议的You said this wouldn't be controversial.没有其他政客到场了No other politicians are there.演员一向跟政客关系很好Actors and actresses are usually nice to politicians.他们靠好感过活They dish out flattery喜欢拍马 也喜欢被拍马as eagerly as they lap it up.是吗? 偶尔吧Do they? Sometimes.那这是怎么回事? 是啊 真抱歉 首相What about this? Yes, I'm sorry.收到邀请时我们不知道We didn't know how small the Arts Council grant艺理会拨款这么少would be when we accepted the invitation.你知道政♥府♥被指责轻视艺术吧You knew we were being criticised over the arts.所有政♥府♥都常年被指责轻视艺术All governments are criticised for not giving to the arts.没错 那些艺术记者就靠这It's how arts journalists拍演员和制♥作♥人的马屁suck up to actors and producers.发表负面评论之后That's how they get back on speaking terms可以靠它重归于好after giving bad reviews.而且拨款政策昨天才出♥台♥And the grant was only finalised yesterday.国家剧院的拨款毫无增长啊Almost no increase for the National Theatre.剧院的总经理还得在晚宴上介绍我Its managing director will make a speech introducing me没错 含沙射影啊 冷嘲热讽啊Yes. Snide remarks, sarcastic jokes.说我吝啬小气 十号♥里的大老粗Attacking me for my meanness. The philistine at No.10.现场直播 1200万观众啊Live in front of 12 million people.是的 但是比尔当时不知道Yes, but Bill didn't know.我讲话时呢? 一堆凶神恶煞的观众What about when I speak? A hostile audience.会有人喝倒彩吧?Do you think there'll be boos?肯定会有 还是免费的呢Bound to be and we don't have to pay for it.不是喝酒 伯纳 是喝倒彩 呸呸呸Not booze, Bernard, I mean boos. Boo! Ssss!何不让艺术大臣代您去受骂Send the Arts Minister along instead, so they can all blame him.下级大臣不就是做这些的么?That's what junior ministers are for.好啊 我想得到头条会怎么写了I can see the headlines."小鸡躲老鹰 首相怕风评""Jim chickens out. PM runs away from his critics."如果有重大危机 您根本就不用去了If there was a major crisis, you wouldn't need to go.近期有重大危机吗? 貌似没有 首相Is there a major crisis coming up? Not really, Prime Minister.那有长远危机可以拉近的吗?Is there a distant crisis that we could bring forward?怎样的危机才能取消邀请?What sort of crisis would justify cancellation?英镑大幅贬值 南大西洋小型战争 核电站失火Pound plunges, small war, nuclear power station catches fire.伯纳 我可不认为这些事情I don't think any of those things有利于我的形象would improve my image.但是能为您开脱啊It'd justify you staying away.有了 内阁同僚辞世怎样?I know! What about the death of a Cabinet colleague?哦 有人要死了吗?Ooh. Is one imminent?呃 没有 但这招既能开脱 又不会破坏形象that would justify your absence without damaging your image.不会那么凑巧就在那天吧 至少不会是意外We can hardly hope for that to fall on the right day.汉弗莱 我需要帮助 是啊I need help. You do!是吗? 有个演讲 会很尴尬You do? Got to make a speech. It could be embarrassing.首相 您的演讲与过去相比Prime Minister, your speeches are nothing like完全称不上尴尬 实际上…as embarrassing as they used to be. In fact...不是说演讲尴尬 汉弗莱 而是场合Not the speech, Humphrey, the occasion.哦 这样 怎讲?Ah, yes, indeed. Why?听众是一堆凶神恶煞 装模作样的醉鬼演员It's to be to a hostile audience of posturing, theatrical drunks.是去下院吗? 不是 汉弗莱The House of Commons, you mean? No, Humphrey.是英国戏剧奖颁奖 我得去做嘉宾awards dinner of the British theatre. I'm to be their guest您是害怕给他们拨款太少 他们会给你脸色they won't honour their guest in view of the small grant.想要对国家剧院的总经理施加压力It's difficult to influence the难上加难啊 我深有体会National Theatre's managing director.我是董事会成员 真的吗?I'm on the board of governors. Are you indeed?那你跟我讲讲 怎么跟他们套近乎?how do I make them feel that I'm one of them?您不是想让他们觉得Well, surely you don't want them to see您也是装模作样的醉鬼演员吧you as a posturing, theatrical drunk.可能他们已经这样认为了Perhaps they do already.电视直播的 我可不想遭冷眼It's on TV. I don't want a hostile reception.恕我直言 首相 如果您想入虎穴if one is going to walk into the lion's den,可不能首先就把虎食给抢了one should not take away the lion's dinner.你有什么建议? 多给食So what's your advice? Give them more dinner.增加艺理会的拨款 也就两百多万吧Increase the grant to the Arts Council. Only two million or so.这食可真够贵的It'd make it a fairly expensive dinner.格罗斯芬诺吃的嘛(伦敦豪华饭店)Well, it is the Grosvenor.作为那贼窝的董事之一 你巴不得这样吧As a governor of that subversive body, you have a vested interest事实是 我们可是不共戴天啊 怎讲?In fact, a conflict of interests. How so?那个劳什子机构老演戏攻击我That bloody place puts on plays attacking me.他们把莎士比亚的"错中错"改到了十号♥They set "The Comedy of Errors"in No.10.哦 首… 别否认 汉弗莱Oh, Prime... Don't deny it.我知道他们卖♥♥的什么药I know who they were getting at.整部剧都在攻击我的核政策 真是闹剧And a play attacked my nuclear policy. A farce.您的政策? 不 汉弗莱 我说剧The policy? No, Humphrey, the play.他们为什么要这样? 这可大有裨益啊 首相Why do they do it? Well, it's very healthy, Prime Minister.裨益? 没错Healthy? Yes.基本上没人看政♥治♥剧 去看的也有一半人看不懂nobody goes to political plays, half that do don't understand them,看懂的又有一半不赞成and half that understand them don't agree,剩下的那些横竖都是反政♥府♥的and the seven left would've voted against the government anyway.可这能让人们出气It helps people let off steam您会被看做是民♥主♥的政♥治♥家and you are seen as a democratic statesman要是拨款给批评者的话for subsidising your critics.想批我的人People who want to criticise me就该靠批我的票房♥钱过活should pay at the box office!哦 首相 那钱远远不够啊Oh, Prime Minister, they'd never make enough money.讽刺政♥府♥的剧堪称史上第二无聊criticising the government make the second most boring evenings那他们… 最无聊的是什么?They insult... What are the most boring?赞扬政♥府♥的剧Plays praising the government.他们让我蒙羞 还想多拿钱?They insult me and then expect more money?没错 我承认这举动不大高尚Yes, it is a rather undignified posture.可艺术家就是这样Artists always crawl towards the government朝政♥府♥边下跪边挥拳on their knees, shaking their fists.拿乞讨碗来砸我的脑袋Beating me over the head with begging bowls.请原谅我的咬文嚼字 首相Sorry to be pedantic.但他们要是跪着 就没法砸您的脑袋They can't beat you over the head if they're on their knees除非他们个个都是长臂猿unless they've got very long arms.坐好 伯纳 是 很抱歉Get off the floor. Yes, I'm sorry.我拨款给艺术也赚不到选票There are no votes in giving money to the arts.可要是不拨 会名声扫地啊But terrible publicity if you take it away.鼓吹艺术的都是中产阶级The arts lobby is middle class.他们就这点路子 能捞回交的税It's one of the few ways they get their tax back.抵押利息税减免 大学教育资助Mortgage tax relief, university grants,一次性退休金 BBC广播3台lump-sum pensions, Radio 3,再就是戏剧 歌♥剧和音乐会的门票补贴and subsidised seats at the theatre, opera and concerts.您不能再剥削我们了You can't begrudge it us.他们Them.他们可以自己掏钱啊People can spend their own money.政♥府♥为什么要拿钱给他们消遣?Why should government money be spent on pleasure?这可不算消遣 问题在于Nobody could call it pleasure. The point is,我们有大把文化遗产要保护we have a great heritage to support.没人欣赏的画啦 没人听的音乐啦Pictures no one wants to see, music no one wants to hear,没人看的戏剧啦plays no one wants to watch.不能因为没人感兴趣 就让它们灭绝吧You can't let them die just because nobody's interested.






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