有关夏天的英文手抄报作文简单的 您所在的位置:网站首页 我的寒假英语手抄报简单 有关夏天的英文手抄报作文简单的


2023-05-21 22:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”有关夏天的手抄报简单“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The handwritten newspaper about summer is simple。以下是关于有关夏天的手抄报简单的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The handwritten newspaper about summer is simple

There is a park near my home. There are many beautiful trees, flowers and birds in the park. So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekend time.

They like to take a walk or have a picnic in the park. But I like to fly kites with my little sister. In my bedroom, I have a small bedroom with a small bed, a small desk and a small chair.

There is a beautiful doll on my blue bed. I do my homework, read books and play games in my bedroom every day. It's very small, but it gives me a lot of happiness.

My father is a tall and handsome man. He is a policeman. He comes home late every day because he has to help others.

She doesn't have time to check my homework and take me to the park. But I like my father because he is a good policeman, just at the time of g harvest, fox Sneaking into a vineyard, where ripe, sunny gs hang high, in the most attractive performance, he did many spring and jumping after the rich prize, but all his attempts failed, he retreated and muttered: "OK, what's the matter, gs are sour" "put on the shelf, showing maternal love will never change." An apple a day can sober the doctor. A new broom, an eye, a tooth.

An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. An old dog can't learn new tricks. An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Rolling stone does not grow moss, man sows, so he will harvest a flower, not a spring, a snow year, a per year, a healthy mind in a sound body.





The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It celebrates the lunar new year on the evening before the Spring Festival. The family get together to have a big meal.

In many places, people like to set off firecrackers. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Children enjoy the festival very much because they can eat delicious food and wear new clothes.

They can also get some money from their parents. The money is for children, for blessing. People put up new year pictures on the walls to pray for good luck.

The Spring Festival lasts about a few days. People visit their relatives and friends, and it says, "I wish you all the best." people celebrate the Spring Festival. During this time, they can have a good rest,.





① The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year for Chinese people. For people in western countries, Spring Festival is as important as Christmas. The date of celebration is determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar.

Therefore, the festival time ranges from late January to early February. For ordinary Chinese, the festival actually starts on the eve of the Lunar New Year and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. However, it is usually called the Lantern Festival, which means that the Spring Festival officially ends in many parts of the country The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival.

Because China is a big country, people in different areas have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. Many people eat noodles and dumplings, they hope During the Spring Festival, good luck makes life longer and healthier. People like visiting relatives.

Children like spring festival very much, because they can eat delicious food, put on new clothes, set off firecrackers, and they can also have money to buy things. They say Spring Festival.


① 中国最重要的节日是春节,对中国人来说也被称为中国新年。对西方国家的人来说,春节和圣诞节一样重要。每年庆祝的日期是由农历而不是公历决定的,所以节日的时间从xx月下旬到xx月初,对普通中国人来说,节日实际上是从农历新年前夕开始,到农历正月初五结束,但通常称为元宵节,意思是春节在全国许多地方正式结束“过年”,意思是“过年”,是中国人庆祝春节的常用词,实际上是指在新年和新年交替的午夜迎接新年,人们习惯于放鞭炮驱赶春节恶灵迎新的一刻,整个城市都会被震耳欲聋的鞭炮声吞没②春节是最重要的传统节日,因为中国是一个大国,不同地区的人过春节有不同的方式很多人吃面条饺子等,他们希望在春节期间有好运使生命更长更健康,人们喜欢探亲孩子们非常喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃到美味的食物,穿上新衣服,放鞭炮,他们还可以有钱买东西,他们说春天节日。


标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业 简单






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