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2024-07-11 21:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

FIT(瘦):无法独立完成WIFI使用,需要配合AP控制器使用,适合企业多个楼栋使用一个SSID FAT(胖):可以单独使用,跟家用差不多

固件版本:FatAP5X30XN_V200R019C00SPC807.bin 工具:3CDaemon、putty、Console线、RJ45网线 全套工具固件下载地址下载地址


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在这里插入图片描述 设置好后用CMD命令去PING下看电脑是否与AP通讯

四、通过putty工具登陆AP,初始账号:admin 初始密码:[email protected]

查看当前固件版本:display version

display version Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (AP5030DN FIT V200R019C00SPC807) #版本为FIT(瘦) Copyright (C) 2011-2020 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD Huawei AP5030DN Router uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 35 minutes MPU 0(Master) : uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 35 minutes SDRAM Memory Size : 256 M bytes NOR FLASH Memory Size: 32 M bytes MPU version information : 1. PCB Version : H85D2TT1D300 VER.A 2. MAB Version : 3 3. Board Type : AP5030DN 4. BootROM Version : 628 五、输入reboot重启 看到 “Press f or F to stop Auto-Boot in 3 seconds: 3”该条提示后,按下F键,输入密码:[email protected],进入Uboot模式。 reboot #重启 System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y #按Y Info: system is rebooting ,please wait... Try hardware rebooting... DRAM Parameter: Tap(low, high): 0x3-0x1e Tap values: 0x10-0x10-0x10-0x10 DRAM: 256 MB Press CTRL+T for Full Memory Test in 1 Seconds: 0 Start up the normal boot... DRAM Parameter: Tap(low, high): 0x3-0x1e Tap values: 0x10-0x10-0x10-0x10 DRAM: 256 MB Press CTRL+T for Full Memory Test in 1 Seconds: 0 ************************************************************ ********************** ********* ********************* ******************** ******* ******************* ****************** ******* ***************** *********** *** ***** *** ********** ********* *** ***** *** ********* ******** ** *** ** ******** ******** ** *** ** ******** ********* ** *** ** ********* *********** ** *** ** *********** ***** *** ** *** ** *** ***** ***** *** ** ***** ** *** ***** ****** *** ********** *** ****** ********* ******** ********* ************************************************************ ********** ************** ********** ************* ****************************** ************* ************************************************************ Welcome To HUAWEI AP World UBoot V200R006C10 version-316(Oct 18 2016 - 19:36:24) Flash: 32 MB Ethernet Mac: D4-C8-B0-23-49-A0 Ethernet Mac: D4-C8-B0-23-49-A0 Image: Current Bootup is A Image: Current Bootup is A Current master bootup parameter area is A Boot Kernel A Address: 0x9ebdb000 Boot Kernel B Address: 0x9fb9b000 Press j or J to stop Bus-Test in 1 seconds: 0 Bus test starting... PCIE bus test OK. SPI bus test OK. DDR bus test OK. RGMII bus test OK. SGMII bus test OK. Bus test ending... Save Bus Test Result Successful Press f or F to stop Auto-Boot in 3 seconds: 0 #看到这里按下F键 f Password for uboot cmd line : Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security. 六、接下来按照如下命令进行配置 ar7240> setenv ipaddr #设置自己的IP ar7240> setenv serverip #设置3CDaemon服务IP(电脑IP) ar7240> saveenv #保存配置 Saving Environment to Flash... ar7240> reset #重启 七、系统重启后,看到“Press f or F to stop Auto-Boot in 3 seconds: 0”提示,再按下F键,输入密码:[email protected],进入Uboot模式,再执行:update system ***.bin 命令进行升级文件。 Resetting... DRAM Parameter: Tap(low, high): 0x3-0x1e Tap values: 0x10-0x10-0x10-0x10 DRAM: 256 MB Press CTRL+T for Full Memory Test in 1 Seconds: 0 Start up the normal boot... DRAM Parameter: Tap(low, high): 0x3-0x1e Tap values: 0x10-0x10-0x10-0x10 DRAM: 256 MB Press CTRL+T for Full Memory Test in 1 Seconds: 0 ************************************************************ ********************** ********* ********************* ******************** ******* ******************* ****************** ******* ***************** *********** *** ***** *** ********** ********* *** ***** *** ********* ******** ** *** ** ******** ******** ** *** ** ******** ********* ** *** ** ********* *********** ** *** ** *********** ***** *** ** *** ** *** ***** ***** *** ** ***** ** *** ***** ****** *** ********** *** ****** ********* ******** ********* ************************************************************ ********** ************** ********** ************* ****************************** ************* ************************************************************ Welcome To HUAWEI AP World UBoot V200R006C10 version-316(Oct 18 2016 - 19:36:24) Flash: 32 MB Ethernet Mac: D4-C8-B0-23-49-A0 Ethernet Mac: D4-C8-B0-23-49-A0 Image: Current Bootup is A Image: Current Bootup is A Current master bootup parameter area is A Boot Kernel A Address: 0x9ebdb000 Boot Kernel B Address: 0x9fb9b000 Press j or J to stop Bus-Test in 1 seconds: 0 Bus test starting... PCIE bus test OK. SPI bus test OK. DDR bus test OK. RGMII bus test OK. SGMII bus test OK. Bus test ending... Save Bus Test Result Successful Press f or F to stop Auto-Boot in 3 seconds: 0 #按下F键 f Password for uboot cmd line : Info: You are advised to change the password to ensure security. ar7240> update system FatAP5X30XN_V200R019C00SPC807.bin #输入要升级的固件名 Using eth1 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'FatAP5X30XN_V200R019C00SPC807.bin'. Load address: 0x5500000 Loading: ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# done Bytes transferred = 25094380 (17ee8ec hex) EFS tail number: 9 APP Packet Practical Size: 0x17ee754, Begin Address in Mem: 0x5500020, End Address in Mem: 0x6cee774 $APP Packet CRC: 0xb4237308, Kernel Size: 0xec530, RootFs Size: 0x11ca000,Bios Size: 0x7f1e4, Extend Bios Size: 0x00, FitFatFlag:0x02, Transize:0x4b86cc,endaddr:0x06cee774,actendaddr:0x06cee370 Write SysImage to Address(area A): 0x9e100000 The current device is a FIT AP, but the upgrade package is for a FAT AP. Continue? #问是否将FIT模式升级为FAT模式 [y/n]:y #输入Y Goto FAT AP updating process AP5X30XN V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP3X30XN V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP3010DN-V2 V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP4030DN-E V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP9X32XN V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP5030DN-S V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP9X31XN V200R019C00SPC807B761 AP4X30XN V200R019C00SPC807B761 Writing PART-I of AP_SysImage to Flash, Maybe Long Time, Please Wait... Warning: Do Not Power-Off! ................................................................................................done Writing PART-II of AP_SysImage to Flash, Maybe Long Time, Please Wait... Warning: Do Not Power-Off! .....................................................done Upgrade Boot-B Successful Writing Version to Flash... Set Boot KernelA Address: 0x9f68a000 Upgrade Firmware to A Successful Writing Transiton Part to Flash, Maybe Long Time, Please Wait... Warning: Do Not Power-Off! ......................................done Set Boot KernelB Address: 0x9f7e0000 Upgrade Firmware to B Successful ar7240> 八、看到 “Upgrade Firmware to B Successful” 再次输入reset命令,重启即可完成。

验证在浏览器输入169.254.1.1(初始账号密码:admin [email protected])进去后会要求改一次密码 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述


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