遗愿清单The Bucket List、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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遗愿清单The Bucket List、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-06-27 17:38:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

法国 实际上 嗯 明天...France, actually. uh, tomorrow...把他还给我Give him back to me.弗吉尼亚 我可以叫你弗吉尼亚吗?Virginia. may I call you virginia?我不确定我是否可以让他I'm not sure that I can make...别拿他当借口I'm not asking for his sake.寇尔先生Mr. cole我这一生的职业就是护士I've been a nurse my entire adult life.我亲眼目睹了很多人的悲剧Had a ringside seat to more human tragedy...我比任何女人承受过的都要多...than any woman should ever have to bear.现在 我早有了丈夫将亡的心理准备Now, I'm prepared for my husband to die.我只是没准备 在他还活着的时候就失去他I'm just not prepared to lose him while he's still alive.-霍迪.杜迪是谁? -答对了- who is howdy doody? -you got it.-你来选 -电视木偶类 400元- you pick. - "tv puppets," for 400.这两个提线木偶These two muppets...是室友 他们长♥期♥在芝麻街节目中表演...are roommates on the long-running show sesame street.伯特和尔尼是谁who are bert and ernie? 斯必罗.阿格纽是谁Who is spiro agnew?斯必罗.阿格纽是谁Who is spiro agnew?看来Well...你看起来 嗯...you're looking, uh...很愉快...buoyant.这是我第一次躺在一个没有角的浴缸里This is the first time I was ever in a tub with no corners.是吗Really?嗯 卡特 其实我一直在想You know, ahem, carter, uh, I've been thinking刚才导管的事 还有其他的事what with the catheter and everything也许我们应该把旅行暂停一阵子maybe we should put this on hold for a while.拜托 我不是跟你说了吗 别担心 我现在很好Come on, now, I told you, stop worrying. I'm fine.不 不 不是指那个 不是指那个No, no, it's not that. it's not that.只是 我的意思是 或许我会让你失望It's just, I mean, if you're worried about letting me down你知道 毕竟我更可能会死you know, it's a lot easier for me.你和弗吉尼亚谈过了 是吗You talked to virginia, didn't you?你认为我这么做是为什么Why do you think I'm doing this?因为我让你这么做的Because I talked you into it.爱德华 你是很厉害 但是没有那么厉害Edward, you're strong, but you're not that strong.知道吗Know.自从瑞秋上大学后 我的生活就出现了个缺口After rachel left for college, there was a hole.我的意思是 你知道 不再有家庭作业 不再有社团I mean, you know, no more homework, no more little league...背诵 学校比赛...recitals, school plays...孩子的哭声 打闹 摔伤膝盖...kids crying, fights, skinned knees.40年来我第一次看着弗吉尼亚And for the first time in 40 years, I looked at virginia周围没有丝毫吵闹声 没有任何干扰without all of the noise, without all of the distractions我甚至记不起来那种感觉and I couldn't remember what it felt like那种不牵着她的手逛街的感觉when I could not walk down the street without holding her hand.我的意思是 她还是那个我深爱的女人I mean, she was the same woman I fell in love with,她没有变she hadn't changed.但是不知怎么了 一切都变了But somehow everything was different.一路走来 我们似乎失去了什么We'd lost something along the way.你明白吗You know?查理.麦卡锡是谁Who is charlie mccarthy?狮子在今夜沉睡"the lion sleeps tonight"看 看 看Look, look, look!啊哈Aah!我很高兴当爱德华决定I was very pleased when edward decided把单子上的第9条划去to eliminate item number nine"猎虎""hunt the big cat."当然 他依然坚持要放几枪Of course,he insisted on discharging rounds from the big gun其实一枪就够了One proved to be enough.你知道吗Do you know唯一一条被闪电击中的狗that the only dog ever struck by lightning就是在这 在埃及was right here, in egypt?我真希望我能在被叛死刑前认识你I wish I'd met you before we were dead.这样看来You know, technically我们可以划去两条了we could cross off two items:亲眼目睹金字塔"see the pyramids"还有欣赏宏伟的景象and "witness something majestic."这里已经很宏伟了This is about as majestic as it gets.还是等看到我的山再下结论吧Wait till you see my mountain.噢 好吧Oh, yeah.你的山Your mountain.不过 这里确实不错Still, this ain't half bad.古埃及人对于死亡有个美好的信仰the ancient egyptians had a beautiful belief about death.当他们的灵魂到达天堂的入口时When their souls got to the entrance to heaven上帝会问他们两个问题the gods asked them two questions.他们的回答将决定他们能否进入天堂Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.好吧 我想知道Okay, I'll bite.问了什么问题What were they?你找到生命中的快乐了么Have you found joy in your life?这个Uh-huh.回答问题Answer the question.-我? -是的 你- me? - yeah, you.回答问题 你找到生命中的快乐了么Answer the question, "have I found joy in my life?"找到了Yes.你的生活给别人带去快乐了么Has your life brought joy to others?恩 这种问题 我Ah, this type of question, l...我不知道 嗯I don't know, uh...我不知道别人是怎么想的 嗯I don't think about how other people gauge, uh...你问他们吧Ask them.我在问你I'm asking you.好吧Fine.好吧Fine.这么跟你说吧Let me put it to you this way.离婚后 接着我就不再是爸爸了After the breakup, and the ensuing fleecing of the dad艾米丽和她母亲一起生活emily went to live with her mother.你知道 虽想保持亲近 但只能假期聚聚You know, you try to stay close, but it gets down to holidays偶尔打个电♥话♥ 寄张生日卡什么的phone calls, birthday cards, you know.总之...Anyway...艾米丽上大学了 加入了个拯救穷♥人♥emily goes to college, joins one of her "save the poor people"动物之类的the animals, whatnot遇见了个男人 而且爱上了他meets a guy, decides she loves him.那小子长得不错 有野心 聪明Good-looking kid, driven, smart.但是他有些问题But there was something about him所以她告诉我 他们要订婚的时 我反对了so when she said they were engaged I told her I was against it但是不愧是我的女儿 于是but being my daughter, naturally她还是和他结婚了she went ahead and married him anyway.不用说 她没有邀请我参加他们的婚礼Needless to say, I wasn't invited to the wedding.你肯定很伤心That must have hurt.你这么认为You think?他第一次打她 她来找我First time he hit her, she came to me. 我想打爆他的头I wanted to bash his brains in.她阻止了我She wouldn't let me.说她爱他 这不是他的错 他只是喝了点酒Said she loved him, said it wasn't his fault, he'd had a few drinks是她先惹他的she was the one picked the fight.他第二次打她时 她没有来找我Next time it happened, she didn't come to me.前妻告诉我的 很高兴又听到她的消息The ex told me. nice to hear her voice again.你做了什么What did you do?尽为父所能What any father would do.我把他摆平了I took care of it.我找了个家伙 他找了个专门处理这类事的人I called a guy who called a guy who handles these kinds of things.我不知道他说了什么 做了什么I don't know what he said, don't know what he did我只知道他没有杀他all I know is he didn't kill him我女儿从此再没有他的消息了and my daughter never heard from him again.她怎么反应的How did she react?你无法相信他直呼我的名字 更糟的是Called me names you wouldn't believe, and worse她说对她而言我已经死了Said I was dead to her.我不为我所做的事情感到骄傲I'm not proud of everything I did但是我很肯定 要是能重来 我仍会那么做but I'm pretty sure I'd do it all again如果他们因为我女儿恨我so if they don't let me into egyptian heaven而不让我进入埃及的天堂because my daughter hates me我猜他们确实会这么做well, then I guess that's just the way it goes.不管怎么说 算是回答了你的两个问题However you answer your two questions.






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