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㈠ 出租车司机用英文翻译

出租车司机的英文:taxi driver

一、taxi 读法 英['tæksɪ]美['tæksi]





taxi driver出租车司机;的士司机

take a taxi乘出租车,搭出租车;打的

by taxi坐计程车

call a taxi打的;叫出租车

taxi standn. 出租车招呼站

二、driver 读法 英['draɪvə]美['draɪvɚ]



bus driver公交车司机

device driver设备驱动程序

truck driver卡车司机

motor driver汽车司机;马达驱动器;电动驱动器


Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.






3、taxi, automobile, bus, car, lorry, truck这六个词都可作“汽车”解。其区别是:

car和automobile意思相同,均指载人或载物的汽车。前者是一般用词,后者是正式用词; 前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语;car是车的总称,尤指私人的小轿车。

bus指大型公共汽车。lorry与truck均指载货卡车。前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语。car在英美均可指火车车厢; truck在英国可指铁路上的敞篷货车。taxi指出租车。

㈡ 的士司机常用英语口语

Welcome to ***.

Where would you like to go?

The traffic is not so good today.

The total fee is ***.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

㈢ 出租车的英语单词(要两种)

一、出租车的英语单词:1、taxi2、cab二、1、taxi英 ['tæksɪ]美 ['tæksi]n. 出租汽车vt. 使滑行版;用出租车送权vi. 乘出租车;滑行2、cab英 [kæb]美 [kæb]n. 驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车vi. 乘出租马车(或汽车)

㈣ 急!!!南京出租车司机常用30句英语

1、 Where do you want to go? 您要去那儿2、 Did you call a cab/taxi. 您叫出租车吗?3、 OK. Step in please. 好吧,请上车。4、 Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您拿行李。5、 It’s my pleasure. 乐意为您效劳。6、 Please step in form this side. 请从这边儿上车。7、 Please shut the door. We’re going. 请关上车门,我们准备出发了。8、 One-way trip or round trip, please? 请问是单程还是往返。9、 It’s about 30 minutes to get there. 到那里大概需要30分。10、I do use my meter to go there. 去那里要照表计费。11、I’m sorry, sir, but no smoking is allowed here in the car. 先生,对不起,车内不准吸烟。12、Do you need air-conditioning? It’s a little hot. 您要开空调吗?天有点儿热。13、 Is this your first visit to Shijiazhuang? 您这是第一次来石家庄访问吧?14、If you like, I can take you there.. 要是您愿意,我可以送您去那儿。15、Don’t worry. I can make it. 别担心,我会赶到的?16、I’m not sure, but I’ll try my best. 我没把握,不过我将尽力而为。17、We should be if there are no traffic jams. 如果不塞车,我们就能赶到。18、I’m sorry, there is something wrong with my car. 对不起,我的车出了点儿毛病。19、This is a one-way street. We can’t turn around.. 这是单行道,不能调头。20、I’m sorry, we are not allowed to pass on this road. 对不起,这条路不许超车。21 、The traffic on this street is too heavy. 这条道上太拥挤了。22、Sorry, I can’t stop here. 对不起,我不能在这儿停车。23、We can’t turn left here. It’s against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。24、Here’s ××. ××到了。25、Where should the car wait for you? 请问,车该在那儿等您。26、Are you not feeling well? 您不舒服吗?27、Please lie flat on the back seat. 请平躺在后坐上。28、I’ll rush you to the nearby hospital. Just relax. 我这就送您上附近医院,请不必着急。29、Please don’t leave anything behind. 请别遗忘您的东西。30、Thank you for taking my cab, Have a nice day. 谢谢您坐我的车,祝您过的愉快。

㈤ 出租车司机常用英语

欢迎乘坐我的出租车! Welcome to take my taxi! 我来帮您拿行李。 Let me help you with your luggage.我把这些包版放到行李箱里行吗?权 Can I put these bags in the trunk?

㈥ 求司机日常英语常用语

一、机场或酒店接客人时可以用到的语句1.Welcome to xx! 欢迎您来xx!2.I'm glad to serve you.很高兴为您服务。3.I’ve come to pick you up./ I'm here to meet you. 我是来接您的。 4.Your car is waiting at the gate. Follow me, please!您要的车已在门口等。请跟我来。 5.Your car is waiting outside. 接您的车正在外面等候。 6.Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您拿行李。 7.Can I put these bags in the trunk? 我把这些包放到行李箱里行吗二、行车途中可以用到的语句1.May I open the window? 我可以开窗户吗? 2.I’m afraid we are in a traffic jam. 恐怕我们堵车了。 3.This road is jammed, let’s take that one. 这条街拥挤,我们走那条街。 4.We’ll be there in an hour. 我们要花1小时到那。三、到达目的地可以用到的语句:1.Here we are, Sir\Madam. 到了,先生\太太。 2.Please get out of the car from the right side.请从右边下车。 3.Don’t forget to take your luggage, please!请别忘了拿您的行李! 4.Good-Bye!/See you. 再见! 5.see you tomorrow. 明见! 6.Have a good day!祝你一切顺利。 7.Good Luck! 祝你好运! 8.Enjoy yourself! 玩的愉快四、其他常用语句:1.Can I help you?/ Would you like any help? 我能为您效劳吗? 2.Sorry, please wait a moment.对不起,请稍候。 3.Pardon? 对不起,您能再说一遍吗? 4.Excuse me. 打扰一下。 5.Sorry, I don’t understand you, will you please speak slowly?不好意思,我还不明白,请您说慢一点

㈦ 英语司机常用对话

Q:You are very punctual.A:Thank you, Sir. I'm a chauffeur. Generally speaking, a chauffeur must be punctual.Q:We've been looking over your application. You've more than ten years' experience in driving cars and trucks. Is it right?A:Yes, I learned to drive jeeps and trucks when I was serving in the army.Q:How long have you been driving?A:For eight years.Q:Would you mind showing me your driving license?A:Never mind. Here it is.Q:Now you are working in the Sanjiang Company, aren't you?A:Yes, I've been working there for three years as a chauffeur.Q:Then why are you leaving there?A:The only reason why I am leaving the present position is with the desire of improving myself.Q:By the way, what kind of driving licenses do you have?A:I have the driving license A.A:So I can drive either delivery trucks or cars or even buses.A:Besides, I have an electrician's license.Q:Any accidents?A:No. I think I'm a pretty careful driver.Q:Do you drink?A:Yes, a little; but I never drink before driving.A:When am I supposed to start working?Q:Starting from Monday. Bring your resume, driver's license and ID card with you when you come, and report to the personnel manager.PS:以上内容中,“A:”代表应征者,“Q:”代表主考官。---------------------------------------------------------------建议你去买一本下面的书,有空看看。出租车司机英语一本通 作者:赵擎天编著出版社:中国纺织出版社出版日期:2002-10-01作者简介 内容简介 《出租车司机英语一本通》是专门为出租车司机编撰的英语学习实用书籍,目的是使出租车司机面对外籍乘客时,轻松做到对答如流、应付自如。在编译此书的过程中,本人随机采访了上百名出租车司机朋友,根据他们的被实际工作和提出的希望,在内容的编排和配置上,采取了“正确实用”和“循序渐进”两大原则。

㈧ 谁能提供一些的士司机常用的英语语句,马上加分。

8、 You’re welcome!没关系\不客气。 9、 Good Luck!祝你好运! 10、Enjoy yourself!玩的愉快! 11、Do you want a taxi?用出租车吗? 12、Where are you going?您去哪? 13、My name is Wang Ling.我的名字叫王玲。 14、I'm glad to serve you.很高兴为您服务。 15、Welcome to Wuhan! 欢迎您来武汉! 16、Sorry, please wait a moment.对不起,请稍候。 17、Please put my baggage in the trunk!请把我的行李放到后备箱里,行吗?18、 Could you take me to the hospital\bank\restaurant\hotel.请送我去医院\银行\餐馆\酒店。. 19、Please get out of the car from the right side.请从右边下车。 20、Could you take the luggage for me?您能帮我拿行李吗? 21、Could you mind not smoking? 请不要吸烟。 22、This road is jammed, let’s take that one.这条街拥挤,我们走那条街。 23、Hold the belt, please. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了。 24、Where are you from?您是从哪里来的? 25、Is this your first time to come to China( Wuhan ).这是您第一次来中国(武汉)吗? 26、Do you want air-conditioning?您要开空调吗? 27、 May I open the window?我可以开窗户吗? 28、Please drive slowly.请开慢一点。 29、Are there any other places you want to go ? 您还要去别的地方吗? 30、Please pay by the number on the meter.请按计价器显示金额付费。 31、Don’t forget to take your luggage, please!请别忘了拿您的行李! 32、Here is the change and receipt.请您拿好找零和发票。 33、 Here we are, Sir\Madam.到了,先生\太太。 34、Please drive me to this address.请把我开到这个地方。

㈨ 出租车司机日常英语100句~急急急急急急急

您是布莱克先生吗?我是来接您的。 Are you Mr. Black? I’ve come to pick you up. 我能为您效劳吗? Can I help you? 请上车。 Please get in. 欢迎乘坐我的出租车! Welcome to take my taxi! 我来帮您拿行李。 Let me help you with your luggage. 我把这些包放到行李箱里行吗? Can I put these bags in thetrunk? 要帮忙吗? Would you like any help? 请从这边上车。 Please step in from this side. 去哪儿? Where to? =Where are you going? 对不起,您能再说一遍吗? Pardon?在哪儿? Where is that? 哪个机场? Which airport? 我能看一下地址吗? May I have a look at the address? 您能在地图上给我指出来吗? Could you show me that place on themap? 请在沿途告诉我怎么走。 Please point out the way to there as wego along. 开车只有二十分钟的路程。 It’s only a twenty-minutedrive. A: Is that place far from here? 那个地方离这儿远吗? B: It’s only a twenty-minute drive.开车只有二十分钟的路程。 A: I’m in a hurry. 我很赶时间。 B: We’ll be there in ten minutes. 我们十分钟就能到那儿。 我没有把握,但我尽力而为。 I’m not sure. But I will try mybest. A: Can you get there before 3 o’clock?>你能在三点之前到那儿吗? B: I’m not sure. But I will try my best.我没有把握,但我尽力而为。 请系好安全带。 Please buckle up.=Please fasten your seat belt






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