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2024-07-13 22:11:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”创新改变我们生活“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Innovation changes o lives。以下是关于创新改变我们生活雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Innovation changes o lives

With the dlopment of science and technolo, great changes have taken place in o lives in the past centy. Many things that could not have happened before have become reality. Therefore, o life will change in the fute, and o life rhythm will be greatly accelerated, bee we will many machines to complete o work, and many things can be completed by themselves.

Therefore, people can do it by themselves There will be time for entertainment, people can freely travel in outer , shuttle can take people to the planet far away fm the earth. In addition, o envinment will be much better than now, bee we have taken some effective meases to ptect the envinment, and the earth is still the betiful home of human beings.




People would rather lose their wallets than their mobile phones. A global svey has found that most people are inseparable fm their mobile phones, and they can't leave their mobile phones to go out. If they have a choice, they would rather lose their wallets and call their mobile phones the "remote contl" of their lives.

According to a svey by Synovate, a research firm, mobile phones are rywhere. As of last year, people have mobile phones than none Fewer than three-quarters of the countes sveyed online said they carry mobile phones with them rywhere. More than a third of Russians and Singaporeans said they could not do without mobile phones, with Taiwanese and Singaporeans as the top poty.

A quarter of respondents found it difficult to change their mobile phones than their wallets. Two thirds of the respondents sleep with their mobile phones nearby and can't tn off their phones, n if they want to, bee they are afraid of missing something. "Mobile phones pvide us with safe, safe and instant information.

They are o number one communication tool, sometimes n than face-to-face communication. They are the link of o life," said Janie Chang, general of Synovate in Taiwan Mobile phones have also changed the nate of relationships, according to a statement. Nearly half of respondents use text messages to flirt, one fifth use text messages for their first date, and almost the same number end a relationship in the same way.

In addition to phone calls and texting, these are the top three characi people often use aund the world Mobile phones are all alarm clocks, cameras and s for sending and receiving e-mail and sfing the Internet. Percent of respondents said that they check their inboxes or sf the Internet thugh their mobile phones. In the United States and the United Kingdom, respondents often log in to social neorking sites such as Facebook and MySpace thugh mobile devices.

The same is true in the United Kingdom and the United States, "as mobile devices become AllInOne devices, many other enterpses In a challenging era, mobile manufacters and, howr, the Internet is huge, "says St Garton, global media director at Synovate. Not ryone is tech savvy: a percentage of respondents said they did not know how to use all the feates on their phones, Jenny changfacebookmy.


人们宁愿丢钱包也不愿丢手机()一项全球调查发现,大多数人都离不开手机,出门也离不开手机,如果可以选择话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包,把手机称为人生“遥控器”,市场研究公司Synovate调查显示,手机无处不在,到去年为止,拥有手机人比没有手机人还多,在接受在线调查国家中,有不到四分之三人表示,他们在任何地方都随身携带手机,在人和新加坡人中,超过三分之一人说他们离不开手机,以人和新加坡人居首,而四分之一受访者发现更换手机比他们钱包更难。三分之二受访者睡觉时手机就在附近,无法关机,即使他们愿意,因为他们害怕错过一些东西“手机给我们提供了安全,安全和即时,他们是我们头号沟通工具,有时甚至超过了面对面交流,他们是我们生活纽带,”思纬公司总经理张珍妮,在一份声明中称,手机也改变了人际关系质,调查发现,近一半受访者使用短信来调情,五分之一受访者通过短信进行初次约会,几乎相同数量受访者用同样方法结束一场恋爱,除了打电话和发短信,这是人们经常使用前三大特征他们在全球范围内手机都是闹钟、摄像头和收发电子邮件和上网游戏,%受访者说他们通过手机查看收件箱或上网,在和英国受访者中,受访者经常通过移动设备登录Facebook和MySpace等社交网站,英国和也同样如此,“随着移动设备越来越成为allinone设备,许多其他企业正面临着时代,移动制造商和然而,网络是巨大,”Synovate全球媒体主管史蒂夫·加顿(St Garton)表示,并非所有人都精通技术:百分比受访者表示,他们不知道如何使用手机上所有能Jenny ChangFacebookMy•。


Technolo is changing o life. Technolo is one of the most important factors to pmote the dlopment of o society fm one era to another. Whether you realize this or not, technolo is greatly affecting o way of life and work ry day.

The new technolo of the centy is the best example of the grea inventions of , and their application in the world today More and widely, especially when their functions are maified with the of the Internet, comrs can n make rything convenient and possible. You can shop online. If yo family wants to buy a TV, you can see a picte.

You can just send a message to that store, and you can take the ght amount of money out of yo bank account and deposit it in the store, You can buy anything you want without going out. You can work on the Internet thugh comrs at home. The main trading tool makes SOHO (all office, home office) possible.

This will make the workplace comfortable, reduce the traffic time, and potentially increase the actual working hos. You can learn a lot fm the Internet The vivid world is sitting in fnt of us. You can get the la news, the la political and scientific dlopments and the most peculiar customs and cultes in the world by clicking the mouse.

It is an information highway for travel thugh the Internet, and it also shortens the distance people have comrs. No matter how far away yo relatives or fends are fm you, you can communicate with them by email. In a word, the invention of comr benefits us a lot.

Howr, all new technologies will e some confusion, such as some technical, economic and legal pblems. Therefore, when we enjoy the benefits of new technolo, we should also establish some new rules and laws to prnt the negative effects of technolo.



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