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Ingredients and Recipes

2024-06-07 19:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ingredients and Recipes

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This page aims to give the intermediate scripter a more detailed look into some of the common concepts passed around when dealing with recipes.

Let's talk semantics: The Good, the Bad and the Block

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It is fairly possible that in your scripting adventures, you've seen the following types being mentioned: IItemStack, IIngredient, ItemDefinition, MCTags, and Blocks.

However, their meaning within the context of the game might be a bit vague, so let's break them down individually shall we?

An ItemDefinition is an abstract representation of an in game item. At runtime, there is only one definition for each registered item during the whole execution of the game. An IItemStack is a bundle of data, containing an ItemDefinition, a stack size, and extra NBT Data. Anything in your inventory is an IItemStack. Tons and tons of them are instantiated during the normal execution of the game. An IIngredient is a predicate that matches some IItemStacks. Like in a cooking recipe, it is essentially a guideline for what fits in a recipe. Said guideline can be really strict: "1x pumpkin_seed", or vague: "1x any seed". A BlockState is a Block with properties, found within a Level. A Block, like an ItemDefinition only has one instance. A MCTag (not to be confused with NBT Tags) is a collection of registry objects, such as ItemDefinitions, Blocks, Fluids, or Biomes, along many others. MCTags are the ones that have contents, and not the other way around: An item (definition) is in many MCTags, or a single MCTag contains many ItemDefinitions.

So what do we interpret from this?

Blocks are rarely used in the context of recipes MCTags do not contain IItemStacks, only ItemDefinitions. This means that any extra data (such as the stacksize, or NBT IData) won't be checked at the moment of looking at whether a MCTag contains an item. IIngredients are an abstract template that determine what can go in a recipe. About Ingredients and Predicates

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Predicates are type of function. They take in one argument and return whether said argument passes all conditions.

ZenScript Copy//Checks if the given item is a diamond pickaxe. function overengineeredIngredient(ing as IItemStack) as boolean { //Remember, matches is not symmetric! //This check ignores all nbt data. //matches also checks stacksize. This does not matter for damageable items, but it is nice to know! return .matches(ing); //Would be the same as doing: //return .definition == ing.definition; } //Checks if the given ingredient is an undamaged, unenchanted diamond pickaxe function strictIngredient(ing as IItemStack) as boolean { return ing.matches(); }

Obviously, you don't need to do this at all! It is all handled behind the scenes by all recipes that take IIngredients as parameters. However, it is good to have a mental idea of how matching works with these types.

MCTags can also be implicitly as well as explicitly be converted to IIngredients. Their check more or less looks like this:

ZenScript Copyfunction tagMatches(tag as MCTag, ing as IItemStack) { //Only the definition is queried, not the item's stacksize or extra data! return tag.contains(ing.definition); } Fine tuning your ingredients

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Sometimes, you'll want more precision, or to group ingredients. For this, you can use some of the methods found in the IIngredient class:

anyDamage onlyDamaged onlyDamagedAtLeast and onlyDamagedAtMost onlyIf, the more flexible of them all, allows you to define a custom predicate. reuse transformCustom transformReplace transformDamage

And the magic IIngredientTransformed, which modify the item after being used. However, these require special support, and in Vanilla they will only work in a Crafting Table.

Using fancy ingredients in json recipes

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CraftTweaker registers custom ingredient types so that you can use them in json recipes. The following are available to use:

crafttweaker:any crafttweaker:list crafttweaker:conditioned (except for onlyIf) crafttweaker:transformed -> (except for transformCustom) crafttweaker:partial_tag

Those are the ingredient types. Just about half of what you want. The following script should provide you with a json object, which you can copy and paste as an ingredient in a Json Recipe.

ZenScript Copyimport; val ing = /* your ingredient here, an example of it being an Or Ingredient */ | ; //This should print a json object you might be able to use in your Json Recipes. However, some mods might choose to ignore what you've given them, so test your changes! println((ing as IData).getAsString()); To sum up

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So, what do we learn from this post?

IIngredients are abstract. They're conditions an IItemStack must match in order to be considered valid. MCTags are sets of ItemDefinitions, not IItemStacks. Most ingredients and conditions can be serialized into json and used by other mods. However, the most complex of transformations re quire explicit support.






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