Nftables使用指南 您所在的位置:网站首页 rule-setting Nftables使用指南


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查表取代线性处理 ipv4 ipv6使用同一个框架 以原子方式应用规则,而不是获取、更新和存储完整的规则集 支持在规则集中debug和trace 更一致紧凑的语法,没有特定协议的扩展 为第三方应用提供Netlink API 2、如何开始使用?


内核3.13以上版本 内核模块为nf_tables 用户空间库为libmnl和libnftnl


yum install -y nftables


iptables -F -t filter iptables -F -t nat iptables -F -t mangle iptables -F -t raw iptables -F -t security iptables -X

新建一个简单的nftable策略,过滤由192.168.232.1到192.168.232.110的TCP 80端口的连接

#新建ip表iptable1 nft add table ip iptable1 #新建chain属于表iptable1,位置为input、类型为filter、优先级为0,缺省策略为accept nft 'add chain ip iptable1 filter-input-ens33-p0 { type filter hook input priority 0 ; policy accept;}' #在iptable1表的filter-input-ens33-p0链中添加rule,drop掉从192.168.232.1到192.168.232.110的80端口的包 nft add rule iptable1 filter-input-ens33-p0 ip saddr ip daddr tcp dport 80 drop


# nft list table iptable1 -s table ip iptable1 { chain filter-input-ens33-p0 { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept; ip saddr ip daddr tcp dport http drop } } 3、nftables概念 3.1、table

table是chains、sets和有状态对象的容器。可以有多个table,每个table包含多个chain,table的主要参数为协议栈(nftables families)和名称。协议栈有:

ip ip6 netdev 主要用于ingress勾子 arp inet (ipv4+ipv6)双栈,v4和v6不影响,L4协议在v4和v6上同时生效 bridge 3.2、chain

chain是rules的容器。一个table包含多个chain,chain分基础链(base chain)和规则链(regular chain),基础链的主要参数有: type、hook、priority和policy,其中除了policy缺省为accept,其他均为强制要求。在创建netdev表下的链时必须指定网卡。

type 做哪类事 filter route nat hook 在哪里做 prerouting input forward output postrouting ingress priority 多个chain如何处理,有符号整数值。下面为iptables中的各种类型链(type)的优先级,越小越优先: CONNTRACK_DEFRAG (-400): 分片 RAW (-300): 连接跟踪之前的处理 SELINUX_FIRST (-225): SELinux操作 CONNTRACK (-200): 连接跟踪 MANGLE (-150): mangle操作 NAT_DST (-100): DNAT FILTER (0): 过滤 SECURITY (50): 安全表 NAT_SRC (100): SNAT SELINUX_LAST (225): 包出hook时的SELinux操作 CONNTRACK_HELPER (300): connection tracking at exit policy 不匹配任何rule如何处理 缺省策略为accept 规则链无需指定基础链的元素,主要用于跳转。 3.3、rules 3.4、SETS 3.5、MAPS 3.6、FLOWTABLES 3.7、STATEFUL OBJECTS 3.8、CT 3.9、COUTNER 3.10、QUOTA 3.11、EXPRESSIONS 3.12、DATA TYPE 3.13、PRIMARY EXPRESSIONS 3.14、PAYLOAD EXPRESSIONS 3.15、STATEMENTSADDITIONAL COMMANDS MONITOR 3.16、ERROR REPORTING 3.17、退出码 0 成功 1 未知错误 2 内存分配错误 3 不能打开netlink socket 3.4、各个组件的关系


type families ip ip6 inet arp bridge netdev filter Y Y Y Y Y Y route Y Y Y - - - nat Y Y Y - - -


type families ip ip6 inet arp bridge netdev prerouting Y Y Y - Y - input Y Y Y Y Y - forward Y Y Y - Y - output Y Y Y Y Y - postrouting Y Y Y - Y - ingress - - - - - Y


type families prerouting input forward output postrouting ingress filter Y Y Y Y Y Y route - - - Y - - nat Y Y - Y Y -

netdev只支持type filter和hook ingress

4、基本操作 4.1、table操作 add和create意义相同,如果table已存在create会报错。 {add | create} table [family] table [ { flags flags } ] {delete | list | flush} table [family] table list tables delete table [family] handle handle flush tables 4.2、chain操作 {add | create} chain [family] table chain [ { type type hook hook [device device] priority priority ; [policy policy ;] } ] {delete | list | flush} chain [family] table chain list chains delete chain [family] table handle handle rename chain [family] table chain newname

在创建netdev table下的chain时必须指定网卡。

4.3、rule操作 [add | insert] rule [family] table chain [ handle handle | index index ] statement... replace rule [family] table chain handle handle statement... delete rule [family] table chain handle handle add Add a new rule described by the list of statements. The rule is appended to the given chain unless a handle is specified, in which case the rule is ap‐ pended to the rule given by the handle. insert Similar to the add command, but the rule is prepended to the beginning of the chain or before the rule with the given handle. replace Similar to the add command, but the rule replaces the specified rule. delete Delete the specified rule. add a rule to ip table input chain nft add rule filter output ip daddr accept # 'ip filter' is assumed # same command, slightly more verbose nft add rule ip filter output ip daddr accept delete rule from inet table # nft -a list ruleset table inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept; ct state established,related accept # handle 4

Manual page nft(8) line 286 (press h for help or q to quit)

4.4、原子rule的替换 4.5、常见报错 4.6、通过表达式构建规则 4.7、ruleset操作 4.8、监控ruleset的更新 4.9、Ruleset调试与跟踪 4.10、从iptables迁移到nftables


iptables-translate iptables-restore-translate ip6tables-translate ip6tables-restore-translate 将iptables rule转换成nftable rule # iptables-translate -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT nft add rule ip filter INPUT tcp dport 22 ct state new counter accept

将ip6tables rule转换成nftable rule

# ip6tables-translate -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth3 -p udp -m multiport --dports 111,222 -j ACCEPT nft add rule ip6 filter FORWARD iifname eth0 oifname eth3 meta l4proto udp udp dport { 111,222} counter accept


# iptables-save > save.txt # cat save.txt # Generated by iptables-save v1.6.0 on SDec 24 14:26:40 2016 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [5166:1752111] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [5058:628693] -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT COMMIT # Completed on Sat Dec 24 14:26:40 2016


# iptables-restore-translate -f save.txt # Translated by iptables-restore-translate v1.6.0 on Sat Dec 24 14:26:59 2016 add table ip filter add chain ip filter INPUT { type filter hook input priority 0; } add chain ip filter FORWARD { type filter hook forward priority 0; } add chain ip filter OUTPUT { type filter hook output priority 0; } add rule ip filter FORWARD tcp dport 22 cstate new counter accept


# iptables-restore-translate -f save.txt > ruleset.nft # nft -f ruleset.nft # nft list ruleset table ip filter { chain INPUT { type filter hook input priority 0;policy accept; } chain FORWARD { type filter hook forward priorit0; policy accept; tcp dport ssh ct state new counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept } chain OUTPUT { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; } } 4.11、从ipset迁移到nftables 4.12、输出文本修饰符 5、选择器selector

Matching packet header fields Matching packet metainformation Matching connection tracking stateful metainformation Rate limiting matchings Routing information


Accepting and dropping packets Jumping to chain Rejecting traffic Logging traffic Performing Network Address Translation (NAT) Setting packet metainformation Queueing to userspace Duplicating packets Mangle packet header fields Mangle TCP options Counters Load balancing Setting packet connection tracking metainformation


nftables框架提供了一个脚本环境,脚本的执行是原子的。要么应用整个脚本,要么在发生错误时回退。保证始终处于一致状态。还可以增加注释,定义变量,包含rule set文件。 缺省在/etc/nftables/已经有一些定义好的脚本,all-in-one.nft中包含了其他所有nft文件.

# ls /etc/nftables/ all-in-one.nft bridge-filter.nft ipv4-filter.nft ipv4-nat.nft ipv6-filter.nft ipv6-nat.nft netdev-ingress.nft arp-filter.nft inet-filter.nft ipv4-mangle.nft ipv4-raw.nft ipv6-mangle.nft ipv6-raw.nft


#!/usr/sbin/nft -f table filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; } }

The meta expression nfproto keyword can be used to test which family (IPv4 or IPv6) context the packet is being processed in.






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