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60% of Germans - Islam Does Not Belong In Germany. For discussion and debate about anything. (Not a roleplay related forum; out-of-character commentary only.)


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Topic locked 5249 posts • Page 57 of 210 • 1 ... 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 ... 210 Crurnlark Chargé d'Affaires   Posts: 488 Founded: May 01, 2016 Ex-Nation

by Crurnlark » Fri May 06, 2016 6:42 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:-snip-But you forget that every brand of Christianity that functions under western law is a heresy as well, in some form or another. What will it take for you to understand that Islam is not special in its rigidity, and like Christianity, it can bend to civilization? It can, and has, happened already. We don't ban churches because the most extreme voices in Christianity, that happen to be in line with the Holy Book, make us uncomfortable. Don't TG me, the mods think I'll bite. :P Top Vassenor Khan of Spam   Posts: 66004 Founded: Nov 11, 2010 Left-wing Utopia

by Vassenor » Fri May 06, 2016 6:43 am

As far as I know there are only five things required of all Muslims.Declaration of faithPrayer at the appointed timesFasting during RamadanCharityPilgrimage to MeccaNothing about killing those who do not do the same. Jenny / Sailor AstraeaWOMAN♀MtF trans and proud - She / Her / etc. 100% Asbestos FreeTeam Mystic#iamEUropean"Have you ever had a moment online, when the need to prove someone wrong has outweighed your own self-preservation instincts?" Top Alvecia Post Marshal   Posts: 19942 Founded: Aug 17, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Alvecia » Fri May 06, 2016 6:45 am

Vassenor wrote:As far as I know there are only five things required of all Muslims.Declaration of faithPrayer at the appointed timesFasting during RamadanCharityPilgrimage to MeccaNothing about killing those who do not do the same.Sura 9 has a lot of that. BritishAtheistIT SupportThat there is no exception to the rule "There is an exception to every rule" is the exception that proves the rule.---Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll stop asking you to catch his fish.That's not happeningThat shouldn't be happeningWhy is that happening?That's why it's happening?How has this ever worked? Top Galactic Assembly of Free Planets Envoy   Posts: 226 Founded: Feb 26, 2014 Ex-Nation

by Galactic Assembly of Free Planets » Fri May 06, 2016 6:45 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:Kubumba Tribe wrote:Is that some kind of crazy stereotype or something that Westernized Muslims haven't even read the Holy Qur'an or Ahadith?! I've read the Holy Book many times and the Hadith, so don't even type that. And also some Hadith may have contradictions, which is why some Muslims, East and/or West don't read it. Iqra to understand how the Qur'an works. I also think you need to go to an Islamic website.If you're aware of the Qu'ran's laws, and refuse to obey them, then you aren't a Muslim; you're a Muslim apostate. The Qu'ran is very clear, as it itself claims, and it states, in no uncertain terms, that women are inferior, men are allowed to beat their wives, that homosexuals must be killed, and, of course, that Muslims must kill non-Muslims. If you want proof that Mohammad explicitly endorsed violent practices, then, please, allow me to direct you to Sahih Bukhari, a universally accepted Hadith which is considered one of the three most authentic of all Hadiths. No valid school of Islam has ever had the opinion that the Hadith is not a valid Islamic text; to reject the Hadith is heresy, as all real Muslim schools, be they Shi'ite, Sunni, Ibadi, or otherwise would agree.Here, a Hadith greatly detailing Mohammad's campaigns against the non-Muslims.Here and here, you can find detailed descriptions of Mohammad ordering the killing of apostates. Once more, I will reiterate that Sahih Bukhari is a universally accepted Hadith and one of the most authentic; if it isn't an accurate Muslim source, nothing is.Mohammad, as all Islamic scholars agree, is the ideal example of a human, a role model for all people to look up to, and he has final authority on everything. He explicitly stated that Muslims must make war on non-Muslims, and he explicitly stated that Muslims must kill apostates; therefore, to violate Mohammad's laws is to violate Islamic law which is apostasy. You cannot be a Muslim without doing as Mohammad commanded.doesn't it also say non-muslims are to be taxedand if we follow you to your conclusion then you are banning what most people would only call fundie islamunless you're kicking out the apostates as well UCE Puppet.Proud DEMOCRATIC Partisan Attack Dog Top Kubumba Tribe Powerbroker   Posts: 9444 Founded: Apr 09, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Kubumba Tribe » Fri May 06, 2016 6:47 am

FRE really needs to learn Al-Islam from Islamic sources. I can't really say anything else on his false claims about the religion I practice. Pro: (Pan-)Islamism--Palestine--RBG--Choice to an extent--Giving land back to Native Americans--East--Afrika--etc.Anti: US gov--West gov--Capitalism--Imperialism/Colonialism--Racism/White Supremacy--Secularism getting into everything--Western 'intervention' in the East--Zionism--etc.I'm a New Afrikan Muslim :) Sister nation of El-Amin CaliphateFarnhamia wrote:A word of advice from your friendly neighborhood Mod, be careful how you use "kafir." It's derogatory usage by some people can get you in trouble unless you are very careful in setting the context for it's use.This means we can use the word, just not in a bad way. So don't punish anyone who uses kafir. Top Fascist Russian Empire Powerbroker   Posts: 9267 Founded: Aug 11, 2013 Ex-Nation

by Fascist Russian Empire » Fri May 06, 2016 6:49 am

Nasritopia wrote:Religion is a human right and people should have the freedom to practice it anywhere. Imagine if Indonesia or Bangladesh start outlawing churches, someome is getting pissed like Muslims too i suppose. I found it hilarious that a religion can be judged from action of minorities. Should we judge the western world negatively solely based on drone bombing of innocents? ISIS is a known terror group and another comes from self declared paragon of virtue, The United States."I know Muslims who aren't violent, therefore Islam cannot possibly teach people to be violent!" This argument is a total fallacy; regardless of whether most self-identified Muslims are violent is totally irrelevant. The Qu'ran commands violence, therefore Islam commands violence, therefore the west should not accept Islam.Crurnlark wrote:But you forget that every brand of Christianity that functions under western law is a heresy as well, in some form or another. What will it take for you to understand that Islam is not special in its rigidity, and like Christianity, it can bend to civilization? It can, and has, happened already. We don't ban churches because the most extreme voices in Christianity, that happen to be in line with the Holy Book, make us uncomfortable.I don't think you really understand the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam; Christianity is inherently non-violent, as specifically, literally stated by Christ in the Book of Matthew. Islam, on the other hand, is inherently violent; the Qu'ran explicitly commands violence and the Hadith confirms that this is the correct interpretation. That certain heretical sects of "Christianity" still adhere to the Old Law is irrelevant because there is nothing in the Gospel to suggest that Christians still need to follow the Old Law. The Gospel explicitly contradicts the Old Law and bans violence, whereas the Qu'ran only gets more and more violent as it progresses.Vassenor wrote:As far as I know there are only five things required of all Muslims.Declaration of faithPrayer at the appointed timesFasting during RamadanCharityPilgrimage to MeccaNothing about killing those who do not do the same.Read the Qu'ran; the five pillars aren't the only things required of Muslims. Top Alvecia Post Marshal   Posts: 19942 Founded: Aug 17, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Alvecia » Fri May 06, 2016 6:50 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:FRE really needs to learn Al-Islam from Islamic sources. I can't really say anything else on his false claims about the religion I practice.Thats probably not for the best having only an islamic source on islam. Its likely to be rather biased.Like i said earlier, a diversified number of sources is best. BritishAtheistIT SupportThat there is no exception to the rule "There is an exception to every rule" is the exception that proves the rule.---Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll stop asking you to catch his fish.That's not happeningThat shouldn't be happeningWhy is that happening?That's why it's happening?How has this ever worked? Top Netherlands Mualenia Spokesperson   Posts: 121 Founded: Jan 27, 2016 Ex-Nation

by Netherlands Mualenia » Fri May 06, 2016 6:52 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:FRE really needs to learn Al-Islam from Islamic sources. I can't really say anything else on his false claims about the religion I practice.No thank you, I don't read bullshit sources. Last edited by Netherlands Mualenia on Fri May 06, 2016 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total. Top Alvecia Post Marshal   Posts: 19942 Founded: Aug 17, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Alvecia » Fri May 06, 2016 6:53 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:-snip-Id disagree that it is inherently non violent. It can be very violent. One of its core beliefs is that non believers will be tortured for eternity. BritishAtheistIT SupportThat there is no exception to the rule "There is an exception to every rule" is the exception that proves the rule.---Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll stop asking you to catch his fish.That's not happeningThat shouldn't be happeningWhy is that happening?That's why it's happening?How has this ever worked? Top Victoriala Senator   Posts: 4772 Founded: Feb 24, 2012 Ex-Nation

by Victoriala » Fri May 06, 2016 6:55 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:Crurnlark wrote:But you forget that every brand of Christianity that functions under western law is a heresy as well, in some form or another. What will it take for you to understand that Islam is not special in its rigidity, and like Christianity, it can bend to civilization? It can, and has, happened already. We don't ban churches because the most extreme voices in Christianity, that happen to be in line with the Holy Book, make us uncomfortable.I don't think you really understand the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam; Christianity is inherently non-violent, as specifically, literally stated by Christ in the Book of Matthew. Islam, on the other hand, is inherently violent; the Qu'ran explicitly commands violence and the Hadith confirms that this is the correct interpretation. That certain heretical sects of "Christianity" still adhere to the Old Law is irrelevant because there is nothing in the Gospel to suggest that Christians still need to follow the Old Law. The Gospel explicitly contradicts the Old Law and bans violence, whereas the Qu'ran only gets more and more violent as it progresses.I didn't know I have to follow a very specific dogma to identify as some large and diverse religion. It's like some unspoken objective truth or something, holy shit. THE COMMONWEALTH OF VICTORIALAFuck discourse, Memes are the way forward (its inevitable and you know it)FACTBOOK | LA SOCIÉTÉ | NATIONS | ILLUMINATOR | + Fucking little island person. 陰 and 陽 but mostly 陰. I draw and do designs. My NS activity is 90% shitposts. Singy and I fuck each other occasionally.Equity is True Equality. Pro-Aufklärung, Anti-Gegenaufklärung. [economic: -4.0 social: -4.21]Art TumblrDeviantartTwitter Top Fascist Russian Empire Powerbroker   Posts: 9267 Founded: Aug 11, 2013 Ex-Nation

by Fascist Russian Empire » Fri May 06, 2016 6:55 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:FRE really needs to learn Al-Islam from Islamic sources. I can't really say anything else on his false claims about the religion I practice.Sahih Bukhari is by far one of the most authentic Islamic sources in history, and it confirms that Mohammad preached violence. The Qu'ran is Islam's holiest book and it commands violence. So, please, tell me, what authentic Islamic source am I overlooking that teaches non-violence? By all means, cite even one Hadith where Mohammad condemned violence against non-Muslims; cite even one widely accepted Islamic scholar from any mainstream Islamic sect that disagreed with Mohammad's interpretation (the only true interpretation) of Islam. Last edited by Fascist Russian Empire on Fri May 06, 2016 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total. Top Victoriala Senator   Posts: 4772 Founded: Feb 24, 2012 Ex-Nation

by Victoriala » Fri May 06, 2016 6:57 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:Kubumba Tribe wrote:FRE really needs to learn Al-Islam from Islamic sources. I can't really say anything else on his false claims about the religion I practice.Sahih Bukhari is by far one of the most authentic Islamic sources in history, and it confirms that Mohammad preached violence. The Qu'ran is Islam's holiest book and it commands violence. So, please, tell me, what authentic Islamic source am I overlooking that teaches non-violence? By all means, cite even one Hadith where Mohammad condemned violence against non-Muslims; cite even one widely accepted Islamic scholar from any mainstream Islamic sect that disagreed with Mohammad's interpretation (the only true interpretation) of Islam.Alvecia wrote:Like i said earlier, a diversified number of sources is best. Last edited by Victoriala on Fri May 06, 2016 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total. THE COMMONWEALTH OF VICTORIALAFuck discourse, Memes are the way forward (its inevitable and you know it)FACTBOOK | LA SOCIÉTÉ | NATIONS | ILLUMINATOR | + Fucking little island person. 陰 and 陽 but mostly 陰. I draw and do designs. My NS activity is 90% shitposts. Singy and I fuck each other occasionally.Equity is True Equality. Pro-Aufklärung, Anti-Gegenaufklärung. [economic: -4.0 social: -4.21]Art TumblrDeviantartTwitter Top Crurnlark Chargé d'Affaires   Posts: 488 Founded: May 01, 2016 Ex-Nation

by Crurnlark » Fri May 06, 2016 6:58 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:I don't think you really understand the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam; Christianity is inherently non-violent, as specifically, literally stated by Christ in the Book of Matthew. Islam, on the other hand, is inherently violent; the Qu'ran explicitly commands violence and the Hadith confirms that this is the correct interpretation. That certain heretical sects of "Christianity" still adhere to the Old Law is irrelevant because there is nothing in the Gospel to suggest that Christians still need to follow the Old Law. The Gospel explicitly contradicts the Old Law and bans violence, whereas the Qu'ran only gets more and more violent as it progresses.Pretty sure there was a quote on this thread, from the NT, demanding the death of non-believers that was a reply to you claiming that the Old Law was the only part that endorsed violence. While you very well could only acknowledge Jesus' words, that brings us back to the idea that not everyone practices religion to the letter of the entire book, which would mean it is incorrect to restrict Islam's law abiding parts. Don't TG me, the mods think I'll bite. :P Top Victoriala Senator   Posts: 4772 Founded: Feb 24, 2012 Ex-Nation

by Victoriala » Fri May 06, 2016 6:59 am

Crurnlark wrote:Fascist Russian Empire wrote:I don't think you really understand the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam; Christianity is inherently non-violent, as specifically, literally stated by Christ in the Book of Matthew. Islam, on the other hand, is inherently violent; the Qu'ran explicitly commands violence and the Hadith confirms that this is the correct interpretation. That certain heretical sects of "Christianity" still adhere to the Old Law is irrelevant because there is nothing in the Gospel to suggest that Christians still need to follow the Old Law. The Gospel explicitly contradicts the Old Law and bans violence, whereas the Qu'ran only gets more and more violent as it progresses.Pretty sure there was a quote on this thread, from the NT, demanding the death of non-believers that was a reply to you claiming that the Old Law was the only part that endorsed violence. While you very well could only acknowledge Jesus' words, that brings us back to the idea that not everyone practices religion to the letter of the entire book, which would mean it is incorrect to restrict Islam's law abiding parts.Victoriala wrote:The way people follow religion is inconsistent from person to person it seems point still stands. Last edited by Victoriala on Fri May 06, 2016 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total. THE COMMONWEALTH OF VICTORIALAFuck discourse, Memes are the way forward (its inevitable and you know it)FACTBOOK | LA SOCIÉTÉ | NATIONS | ILLUMINATOR | + Fucking little island person. 陰 and 陽 but mostly 陰. I draw and do designs. My NS activity is 90% shitposts. Singy and I fuck each other occasionally.Equity is True Equality. Pro-Aufklärung, Anti-Gegenaufklärung. [economic: -4.0 social: -4.21]Art TumblrDeviantartTwitter Top Kubumba Tribe Powerbroker   Posts: 9444 Founded: Apr 09, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Kubumba Tribe » Fri May 06, 2016 7:01 am

Just read the Qur'an. Pro: (Pan-)Islamism--Palestine--RBG--Choice to an extent--Giving land back to Native Americans--East--Afrika--etc.Anti: US gov--West gov--Capitalism--Imperialism/Colonialism--Racism/White Supremacy--Secularism getting into everything--Western 'intervention' in the East--Zionism--etc.I'm a New Afrikan Muslim :) Sister nation of El-Amin CaliphateFarnhamia wrote:A word of advice from your friendly neighborhood Mod, be careful how you use "kafir." It's derogatory usage by some people can get you in trouble unless you are very careful in setting the context for it's use.This means we can use the word, just not in a bad way. So don't punish anyone who uses kafir. Top Dahon Negotiator   Posts: 5892 Founded: Nov 11, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Dahon » Fri May 06, 2016 7:02 am

I can say I want to fucking murder someone, but if I don't do it whenever, and if I'm not an especially violent type, I don't need to be expelled from my home and on and on and on. Now people would either back away slowly or attempt counseling, which I think is a far more measured response over "He wants to kill X! Y him goddammit!" Last edited by Dahon on Fri May 06, 2016 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total. Authoritarianism kills all. Never forget that.-5.5/-7.44al-Ibramiyah (inactive; under research)Moscareinas (inactive)Trumpisslavia (inactive)Dahon the Alternative (inactive; under research)Our Heavenly Dwarf (Forum 7) Top Crurnlark Chargé d'Affaires   Posts: 488 Founded: May 01, 2016 Ex-Nation

by Crurnlark » Fri May 06, 2016 7:03 am

Victoriala wrote:Crurnlark wrote:Pretty sure there was a quote on this thread, from the NT, demanding the death of non-believers that was a reply to you claiming that the Old Law was the only part that endorsed violence. While you very well could only acknowledge Jesus' words, that brings us back to the idea that not everyone practices religion to the letter of the entire book, which would mean it is incorrect to restrict Islam's law abiding parts.Victoriala wrote:The way people follow religion is inconsistent from person to person it seems point still stands.Indeed. Identifying what interpretation of Islam is 'correct' is much less relevant to this discussion than it first appeared, aye? Don't TG me, the mods think I'll bite. :P Top Alvecia Post Marshal   Posts: 19942 Founded: Aug 17, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Alvecia » Fri May 06, 2016 7:03 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:Just read the Qur'an.I've read parts. It's pretty violent, mostly incohesive.Reads like it was written by an illiterate drunkard. BritishAtheistIT SupportThat there is no exception to the rule "There is an exception to every rule" is the exception that proves the rule.---Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll stop asking you to catch his fish.That's not happeningThat shouldn't be happeningWhy is that happening?That's why it's happening?How has this ever worked? Top Fascist Russian Empire Powerbroker   Posts: 9267 Founded: Aug 11, 2013 Ex-Nation

by Fascist Russian Empire » Fri May 06, 2016 7:04 am

Victoriala wrote:Fascist Russian Empire wrote:Sahih Bukhari is by far one of the most authentic Islamic sources in history, and it confirms that Mohammad preached violence. The Qu'ran is Islam's holiest book and it commands violence. So, please, tell me, what authentic Islamic source am I overlooking that teaches non-violence? By all means, cite even one Hadith where Mohammad condemned violence against non-Muslims; cite even one widely accepted Islamic scholar from any mainstream Islamic sect that disagreed with Mohammad's interpretation (the only true interpretation) of Islam.Alvecia wrote:Like i said earlier, a diversified number of sources is best.What more could you possibly need? The Qu'ran is the ultimate authority on Islamic law, and the Hadith is a universally accepted account of the life of Mohammad and his companions, with Sahih Bukhari being one of the most authentic (if not the most authentic) collection of Hadith. These two sources are, by far, the most highly respected in the Islamic world. What better source could you get, praytell?Crurnlark wrote:Pretty sure there was a quote on this thread, from the NT, demanding the death of non-believers that was a reply to you claiming that the Old Law was the only part that endorsed violence. While you very well could only acknowledge Jesus' words, that brings us back to the idea that not everyone practices religion to the letter of the entire book, which would mean it is incorrect to restrict Islam's law abiding parts.Then, by all means, why don't you find this supposed quote from the Gospel demanding the death of non-believers? By all means, try and find a single verse in the Gospel which contradicts Christ's message of non-violence. Oh, wait, you're never going to find one because the New Law is very consistently opposed to violence. Top Vassenor Khan of Spam   Posts: 66004 Founded: Nov 11, 2010 Left-wing Utopia

by Vassenor » Fri May 06, 2016 7:08 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:Just read the Qur'an.But that would mean potentially being exposed to material that proves that Islam is not a violent terrorist hive mind. Jenny / Sailor AstraeaWOMAN♀MtF trans and proud - She / Her / etc. 100% Asbestos FreeTeam Mystic#iamEUropean"Have you ever had a moment online, when the need to prove someone wrong has outweighed your own self-preservation instincts?" Top Dahon Negotiator   Posts: 5892 Founded: Nov 11, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Dahon » Fri May 06, 2016 7:10 am

To those people who say Islam advocates violence, therefore it must be banned/its adherents expelled/worse and worse -- have you gone over the early history of the Mormons? Blood atonement, polygamy, the stuff Joseph Smith and his successor prophets did and crowed out for before the Edwards-Tucker Act? Of course they wanted to be left alone for the most part, but you can say there are... parallels. Authoritarianism kills all. Never forget that.-5.5/-7.44al-Ibramiyah (inactive; under research)Moscareinas (inactive)Trumpisslavia (inactive)Dahon the Alternative (inactive; under research)Our Heavenly Dwarf (Forum 7) Top Kubumba Tribe Powerbroker   Posts: 9444 Founded: Apr 09, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Kubumba Tribe » Fri May 06, 2016 7:13 am

Fascist Russian Empire wrote:Victoriala wrote:What more could you possibly need? The Qu'ran is the ultimate authority on Islamic law, and the Hadith is a universally accepted account of the life of Mohammad and his companions, with Sahih Bukhari being one of the most authentic (if not the most authentic) collection of Hadith. These two sources are, by far, the most highly respected in the Islamic world. What better source could you get, praytell?Crurnlark wrote:Pretty sure there was a quote on this thread, from the NT, demanding the death of non-believers that was a reply to you claiming that the Old Law was the only part that endorsed violence. While you very well could only acknowledge Jesus' words, that brings us back to the idea that not everyone practices religion to the letter of the entire book, which would mean it is incorrect to restrict Islam's law abiding parts.Then, by all means, why don't you find this supposed quote from the Gospel demanding the death of non-believers? By all means, try and find a single verse in the Gospel which contradicts Christ's message of non-violence. Oh, wait, you're never going to find one because the New Law is very consistently opposed to violence.It's kinda ironic (and funny) that you're defending Christianity so hard yet bashing Al-Islam, which is pretty similar to Christianity. Pro: (Pan-)Islamism--Palestine--RBG--Choice to an extent--Giving land back to Native Americans--East--Afrika--etc.Anti: US gov--West gov--Capitalism--Imperialism/Colonialism--Racism/White Supremacy--Secularism getting into everything--Western 'intervention' in the East--Zionism--etc.I'm a New Afrikan Muslim :) Sister nation of El-Amin CaliphateFarnhamia wrote:A word of advice from your friendly neighborhood Mod, be careful how you use "kafir." It's derogatory usage by some people can get you in trouble unless you are very careful in setting the context for it's use.This means we can use the word, just not in a bad way. So don't punish anyone who uses kafir. Top Alvecia Post Marshal   Posts: 19942 Founded: Aug 17, 2015 Ex-Nation

by Alvecia » Fri May 06, 2016 7:13 am

Dahon wrote:To those people who say Islam advocates violence, therefore it must be banned/its adherents expelled/worse and worse -- have you gone over the early history of the Mormons? Blood atonement, polygamy, the stuff Joseph Smith and his successor prophets did and crowed out for before the Edwards-Tucker Act? Of course they wanted to be left alone for the most part, but you can say there are... parallels.Mormonism should be banned as well. Last edited by Alvecia on Fri May 06, 2016 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total. BritishAtheistIT SupportThat there is no exception to the rule "There is an exception to every rule" is the exception that proves the rule.---Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll stop asking you to catch his fish.That's not happeningThat shouldn't be happeningWhy is that happening?That's why it's happening?How has this ever worked? Top Victoriala Senator   Posts: 4772 Founded: Feb 24, 2012 Ex-Nation

by Victoriala » Fri May 06, 2016 7:16 am

Alvecia wrote:Kubumba Tribe wrote:Just read the Qur'an.I've read parts. It's pretty violent, mostly incohesive.Reads like it was written by an illiterate's a good read, though. Fascist Russian Empire wrote:What more could you possibly need? The Qu'ran is the ultimate authority on Islamic law, and the Hadith is a universally accepted account of the life of Mohammad and his companions, with Sahih Bukhari being one of the most authentic (if not the most authentic) collection of Hadith. These two sources are, by far, the most highly respected in the Islamic world. What better source could you get, praytell?People have their own interpretations of texts from anything. Shit, some people view Nietzche's works as absurdist rather than nihilist, the Bible and co. have billions of interpretations, in exodia ad infinitum. Hell, even imams have their own interpretations of the thing. Subscribing to one viewpoint, particularly the source texts, only proves of your orthodoxist view of religion in general. THE COMMONWEALTH OF VICTORIALAFuck discourse, Memes are the way forward (its inevitable and you know it)FACTBOOK | LA SOCIÉTÉ | NATIONS | ILLUMINATOR | + Fucking little island person. 陰 and 陽 but mostly 陰. I draw and do designs. My NS activity is 90% shitposts. Singy and I fuck each other occasionally.Equity is True Equality. Pro-Aufklärung, Anti-Gegenaufklärung. [economic: -4.0 social: -4.21]Art TumblrDeviantartTwitter Top Fascist Russian Empire Powerbroker   Posts: 9267 Founded: Aug 11, 2013 Ex-Nation

by Fascist Russian Empire » Fri May 06, 2016 7:16 am

Kubumba Tribe wrote:It's kinda ironic (and funny) that you're defending Christianity so hard yet bashing Al-Islam, which is pretty similar to Christianity.Christianity is the complete opposite of Islam in nearly every regard; this notion that Christianity is just like Islam is total nonsense, and even if it had any logical grounds to stand on, it doesn't change the fact that the Gospel condemns violence while the Qu'ran commands violence.Read the Qu'ran for yourself. Read the Hadith and see that violence is exactly what Mohammad intended. These are the most authentic Islamic sources in history; what more proof could you possibly need?Fascist Russian Empire wrote:You know, chances are most of the people demanding that Islam be accepted in Europe have never even read a single verse of the Qu'ran or the Hadith. Islam's holy books are filled with commands that blatantly violate both western values and western laws, including but not limited to calls to murder homosexuals (as can be seen in chapter seven of the Qu'ran, beginning at verse eighty; you can read the chapter for yourself here, and here), calls to murder non-Muslims (as can be found all over the Qu'ran and the Hadith, with chapter two, beginning at verse two hundred and sixteen serving as an ideal example; the chapter can be found here, and here), calls to kill those who leave Islam (the Qu'ran is very clear on this matter, as is demonstrated in chapter four beginning at verse eighty nine, as can be found here, and here), legitimization of domestic abuse (the Qu'ran specifically states that men are allowed to beat their wives into submission, as is clearly written in chapter four verse thirty four, which can be found here, and here), legitimization of rape (the Qu'ran specifically allows men to rape women captured in war, as is found in chapter four verse twenty three and four, which can be found here, and here), and many equally atrocious practices. These things are core tenants of the Islamic religion, as can be clearly seen in the Qu'ran, and all of them are in direct opposition to what western civilization has always stood for.These aren't Jewish or Christian propaganda pieces, these are the things that the Qu'ran itself says, coming from Muslim sources. You can't practice Islam without adhering to the Qu'ran; that would make you an apostate. To say that people should be free to practice Islam is to legitimize the Qu'ran-promoted practices of spousal abuse, murder of non-believers and apostates, and many other horrible things. Mohammad even confirmed these things in the Hadith; Mohammad directly confirming that Apostates must be killed can be seen in these verses from Bukhari, here, and here.Of course, the majority of Muslims probably don't adhere to these verses, but this isn't about whether or not Muslims should be accepted in Europe, this is about acceptance of Islam, and Islam is the antithesis of western values and laws. If you want proof that Islam isn't compatible with the West, all you need to do is read the sources above; they're Muslim sources which directly translate the Islamic holy texts.Any doctrine which promotes violence, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and other such behaviors is not one that should be welcomed into Europe with open arms. Again, just read the sources listed above; they aren't anti-Islam propaganda pieces, they're Muslim sources directly translating the Islamic holy texts that openly promote things that are illegal in western society. Top Topic locked 5249 posts • Page 57 of 210 • 1 ... 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 ... 210


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