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2024-01-22 14:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



        struct delayed_work test_delaywork;


    INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&test_delaywork , test_delaywork_func);


static void test_delaywork_func(struct work_struct *work)


    printk("delaywork running\n");



    schedule_delayed_work(&test_delaywork , msecs_to_jiffies(200));


    cancel_delayed_work_sync(&test_delaywork  );




INIT_DELAYED_WORK()是一个宏,我们给它传递了两个参数.&hub->leds和led_work.对设备驱动熟悉的人不会觉得INIT_DELAYED_WORK()很陌生,其实鸦片战争那会儿就有这个宏了,只不过从2.6.20的内核开始这个宏做了改变,原来这个宏是三个参数,后来改成了两个参数,所以经常在网上看见一些同志抱怨说最近某个模块编译失败了,说什么make的时候遇见这么一个错误: error: macro “INIT_DELAYED_WORK” passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2 当然更为普遍的看到下面这个错误: error: macro “INIT_WORK” passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2 于是就让我们来仔细看看INIT_WORK和INIT_DELAYED_WORK.其实前者是后者的一个特例,它们涉及到的就是传说中的工作队列.这两个宏都定义于include/Linux/workqueue.h中:

#define INIT_WORK(_work, _func) / do { / (_work)->data = (atomic_long_t) WORK_DATA_INIT(); / INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(_work)->entry); / PREPARE_WORK((_work), (_func)); / } while (0) #define INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func) / do { / INIT_WORK(&(_work)->work, (_func)); / init_timer(&(_work)->timer); / } while (0)


localhost:/usr/src/linux- # ps -el F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TTY TIME CMD 4 S 0 1 0 0 76 0 - 195 - ? 00:00:02 init 1 S 0 2 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/0 1 S 0 3 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/0 1 S 0 4 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/1 1 S 0 5 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/1 1 S 0 6 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/2 1 S 0 7 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/2 1 S 0 8 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/3 1 S 0 9 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/3 1 S 0 10 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/4 1 S 0 11 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/4 1 S 0 12 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/5 1 S 0 13 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/5 1 S 0 14 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/6 1 S 0 15 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/6 1 S 0 16 1 0 -40 - - 0 migrat ? 00:00:00 migration/7 1 S 0 17 1 0 94 19 - 0 ksofti ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/7 5 S 0 18 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/0 1 S 0 19 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/1 5 S 0 20 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/2 5 S 0 21 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/3 5 S 0 22 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/4 1 S 0 23 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/5 5 S 0 24 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/6 5 S 0 25 1 0 70 -5 - 0 worker ? 00:00:00 events/7

瞅见最后这几行了吗,events/0到events/7,0啊7啊这些都是处理器的编号,每个处理器对应其中的一个线程.要是您的计算机只有一个处理器,那么您只能看到一个这样的线程,events/0,您要是双处理器那您就会看到多出一个events/1的线程.哥们儿这里Dell PowerEdge 2950的机器,8个处理器,所以就是events/0到events/7了. 那么究竟这些events代表什么意思呢?或者说它们具体干嘛用的?这些events被叫做工作者线程,或者说worker threads,更确切的说,这些应该是缺省的工作者线程.而与工作者线程相关的一个概念就是工作队列,或者叫work queue.工作队列的作用就是把工作推后,交由一个内核线程去执行,更直接的说就是如果您写了一个函数,而您现在不想马上执行它,您想在将来某个时刻去执行它,那您用工作队列准没错.您大概会想到中断也是这样,提供一个中断服务函数,在发生中断的时候去执行,没错,和中断相比,工作队列最大的好处就是可以调度可以睡眠,灵活性更好. 就比如这里,如果我们将来某个时刻希望能够调用led_work()这么一个我们自己写的函数,那么我们所要做的就是利用工作队列.如何利用呢?第一步就是使用INIT_WORK()或者INIT_DELAYED_WORK()来初始化这么一个工作,或者叫任务,初始化了之后,将来如果咱们希望调用这个led_work()函数,那么咱们只要用一句schedule_work()或者schedule_delayed_work()就可以了,特别的,咱们这里使用的是INIT_DELAYED_WORK(),那么之后我们就会调用schedule_delayed_work(),这俩是一对.它表示,您希望经过一段延时然后再执行某个函数,所以,咱们今后会见到schedule_delayed_work()这个函数的,而它所需要的参数,一个就是咱们这里的&hub->leds,另一个就是具体自己需要的延时.&hub->leds是什么呢?struct usb_hub中的成员,struct delayed_work leds,专门用于延时工作的,再看struct delayed_work,这个结构体定义于include/linux/workqueue.h:

struct delayed_work { struct work_struct work; struct timer_list timer; };

其实就是一个struct work_struct和一个timer_list,前者是为了往工作队列里加入自己的工作,后者是为了能够实现延时执行,咱们把话说得更明白一点,您看那些events线程,它们对应一个结构体,struct workqueue_struct,也就是说它们维护着一个队列,完了您要是想利用工作队列这么一个机制呢,您可以自己创建一个队列,也可以直接使用events对应的这个队列,对于大多数情况来说,都是选择了events对应的这个队列,也就是说大家都共用这么一个队列,怎么用呢?先初始化,比如调用INIT_DELAYED_WORK(),这么一初始化吧,实际上就是为一个struct work_struct结构体绑定一个函数,就比如咱们这里的两个参数,&hub->leds和led_work()的关系,就最终让hub_leds这个struct work_struct结构体和函数led_work()相绑定了起来,您问怎么绑定的?您瞧,struct work_struct也是定义于include/linux/workqueue.h:

struct work_struct { atomic_long_t data; #define WORK_STRUCT_PENDING 0 /* T if work item pending execution */ #define WORK_STRUCT_FLAG_MASK (3UL) #define WORK_STRUCT_WQ_DATA_MASK (~WORK_STRUCT_FLAG_MASK) struct list_head entry; work_func_t func; };

瞅见最后这个成员func了吗,初始化的目的就是让func指向led_work(),这就是绑定,所以以后咱们调用schedule_delayed_work()的时候,咱们只要传递struct work_struct的结构体参数即可,不用再每次都把led_work()这个函数名也给传递一次,一旦绑定,人家就知道了,对于led_work(),那她就嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗,嫁混蛋随混蛋了.您大概还有一个疑问,为什么只要这里初始化好了,到时候调用schedule_delayed_work()就可以了呢?事实上,events这么一个线程吧,它其实和hub的内核线程一样,有事情就处理,没事情就睡眠,也是一个死循环,而schedule_delayed_work()的作用就是唤醒这个线程,确切的说,是先把自己的这个struct work_struct插入workqueue_struct这个队列里,然后唤醒昏睡中的events.然后events就会去处理,您要是有延时,那么它就给您安排延时以后执行,您要是没有延时,或者您设了延时为0,那好,那就赶紧给您执行.咱这里不是讲了两个宏吗,一个INIT_WORK(),一个INIT_DELAYED_WORK(),后者就是专门用于可以有延时的,而前者就是没有延时的,这里咱们调用的是INIT_DELAYED_WORK(),不过您别美,过一会您会看见INIT_WORK()也被使用了,因为咱们hub驱动中还有另一个地方也想利用工作队列这么一个机制,而它不需要延时,所以就使用INIT_WORK()进行初始化,然后在需要调用相关函数的时候调用schedule_work()即可.此乃后话,暂且不表. 基本上这一节咱们就是介绍了Linux内核中工作队列机制提供的接口,两对函数INIT_DELAYED_WORK()对schedule_delayed_work(),INIT_WORK()对schedule_work(). 关于工作队列机制,咱们还会用到另外两个函数,它们是cancel_delayed_work(struct delayed_work *work)和flush_scheduled_work().其中cancel_delayed_work()的意思不言自明,对一个延迟执行的工作来说,这个函数的作用是在这个工作还未执行的时候就把它给取消掉.而flush_scheduled_work()的作用,是为了防止有竞争条件的出现,虽说哥们儿也不是很清楚如何防止竞争,可是好歹大二那年学过一门专业课,数字电子线路,尽管没学到什么有用的东西,怎么说也还是记住了两个专业名词,竞争与冒险.您要是对竞争条件不是很明白,那也不要紧,反正基本上每次cancel_delayed_work之后您都得调用flush_scheduled_work()这个函数,特别是对于内核模块,如果一个模块使用了工作队列机制,并且利用了events这个缺省队列,那么在卸载这个模块之前,您必须得调用这个函数,这叫做刷新一个工作队列,也就是说,函数会一直等待,直到队列中所有对象都被执行以后才返回.当然,在等待的过程中,这个函数可以进入睡眠.反正刷新完了之后,这个函数会被唤醒,然后它就返回了.关于这里这个竞争,可以这样理解,events对应的这个队列,人家本来是按部就班的执行,一个一个来,您要是突然把您的模块给卸载了,或者说你把你的那个工作从工作队列里取出来了,那events作为队列管理者,它可能根本就不知道,比如说它先想好了,下午3点执行队列里的第N个成员,可是您突然把第N-1个成员给取走了,那您说这是不是得出错?所以,为了防止您这种唯恐天下不乱的人做出冒天下之大不韪的事情来,提供了一个函数,flush_scheduled_work(),给您调用,以消除所谓的竞争条件,其实说竞争太专业了点,说白了就是防止混乱吧.

    应用场景     在中断中处理太多的操作是非常危险的,对中断的及时响应有很大的影响,在linux中我们经常会用到INIT_DELAYED_WORK,来处理中断需要响应的操作。     函数功能     工作队列(work queue)是Linux内核中将操作延期执行的一种机制。INIT_DELAYED_WORK()是一个宏     函数位置     \kernel\include\linux\workqueue.h     函数分析         函数原型

#define INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func)    \  __INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func, 0)

#define __INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func, _tflags)    \  do {    \   INIT_WORK(&(_work)->work, (_func));    \   __setup_timer(&(_work)->timer, delayed_work_timer_fn,    \          (unsigned long)(_work),    \          (_tflags) | TIMER_IRQSAFE);    \  } while (0)

#ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP #define __INIT_WORK(_work, _func, _onstack)    \  do {    \   static struct lock_class_key __key;    \          \   __init_work((_work), _onstack);    \   (_work)->data = (atomic_long_t) WORK_DATA_INIT();    \   lockdep_init_map(&(_work)->lockdep_map, #_work, &__key, 0); \   INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(_work)->entry);    \   (_work)->func = (_func);    \  } while (0) #else #define __INIT_WORK(_work, _func, _onstack)    \  do {    \   __init_work((_work), _onstack);    \   (_work)->data = (atomic_long_t) WORK_DATA_INIT();    \   INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(_work)->entry);    \   (_work)->func = (_func);    \  } while (0) #endif




#define READ_VDELAY 3000    //30S struct xxx_device{     struct delayed_work xxx_delay_work; };

static void read_work({struct work_struct *work) {          struct xxx_device *bq = container_of(work,             struct xxx_device,;

schedule_delayed_work(&bq->read_work,     READ_VDELAY ); }

probe {     struct xxx_device *bq;     ...     INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&bq->xxx_delay_work, read_work);     ... }


版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「5念since」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:





1.定义一个延迟的工作队列和任务对象 static struct workqueue_struct *ms_workqueue = NULL; static struct delayed_work ms_queue_work; 2.定义周期性执行的函数 void work_func(struct work_struct *work) { /*周期执行的操作,比如读取某些外设数据等*/ }

3.初始化工作队列 static int __init xxx_init(void) { my_workqueue= create_workqueue("1ms");    /*创建工作队列workqueue_struct,该函数会为cpu创建内核线程*/ INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&ms_queue_work,work_func);       /*初始化延迟的工作work_struct,指定工作函数*/ queue_delayed_work(ms_workqueue, &ms_queue_work, 1);  /*将工作加入到工作队列中,最终唤醒内核线程(比较常见的使用场景是在中断上半部去唤醒内核线程),第三个参数1是表示以1ms的周期去执行*/ return 0; } 4.注销工作队列 cancel_rearming_delayed_workqueue(ms_workqueue, &ms_queue_work);





static int stk3311_probe(struct i2c_client *client,                          const struct i2c_device_id *id) {


INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&work,stk3311_update); //stk3311_update是中断函数


queue_delayed_work(wq, &work, 0);//开启



queue_delayed_work(wq, &work, 0);//经过一段延时后再执行某一函数



static int stk3311_remove(struct i2c_client *client) { struct stk3311_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client); pm_runtime_disable(&client->dev); pm_runtime_set_suspended(&client->dev); cancel_delayed_work_sync(&work);// free_irq(client->irq, data); input_unregister_device(data->idev); return 0; }


static void stk3311_update(void) { int ret = 0; struct stk3311_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(global_client); pr_info("stk3311_update!!!algorithm_suspend_flag=%d \n", algorithm_suspend_flag); stk3311_algorithm_ps_data_value(data); if (algorithm_suspend_flag == false) queue_delayed_work(wq, &work, 1 * HZ); }





    它们是cancel_delayed_work(struct delayed_work *work)和flush_scheduled_work().



delayed_work的工作比较简单: 1:初始化: INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func); 2:启动: schedule_delayed_work(struct delayed_work *dwork, unsigned long delay);




直接上代码: 1:关键结构体:

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/*  * The externally visible workqueue.  It relays the issued work items to  * the appropriate worker_pool through its pool_workqueues.  */ struct workqueue_struct {     struct list_head    pwqs;       /* WR: all pwqs of this wq */     struct list_head    list;       /* PR: list of all workqueues */

    struct mutex        mutex;      /* protects this wq */

    int         work_color; /* WQ: current work color */     int         flush_color;    /* WQ: current flush color */     atomic_t        nr_pwqs_to_flush; /* flush in progress */     struct wq_flusher   *first_flusher; /* WQ: first flusher */     struct list_head    flusher_queue;  /* WQ: flush waiters */     struct list_head    flusher_overflow; /* WQ: flush overflow list */     struct list_head    maydays;    /* MD: pwqs requesting rescue */     struct worker       *rescuer;   /* I: rescue worker */     int         nr_drainers;    /* WQ: drain in progress */     int         saved_max_active; /* WQ: saved pwq max_active */     struct workqueue_attrs  *unbound_attrs; /* PW: only for unbound wqs */     struct pool_workqueue   *dfl_pwq;   /* PW: only for unbound wqs */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYSFS     struct wq_device    *wq_dev;    /* I: for sysfs interface */ #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP     struct lockdep_map  lockdep_map; #endif     char            name[WQ_NAME_LEN]; /* I: workqueue name */     /*      * Destruction of workqueue_struct is sched-RCU protected to allow      * walking the workqueues list without grabbing wq_pool_mutex.      * This is used to dump all workqueues from sysrq.      */     struct rcu_head     rcu;     /* hot fields used during command issue, aligned to cacheline */     unsigned int        flags ____cacheline_aligned; /* WQ: WQ_* flags */     struct pool_workqueue __percpu *cpu_pwqs; /* I: per-cpu pwqs */     struct pool_workqueue __rcu *numa_pwq_tbl[]; /* PWR: unbound pwqs indexed by node */ }; typedef void (*work_func_t)(struct work_struct *work); struct work_struct { /*  atomic_long_t data; */     unsigned long data;     struct list_head entry;     work_func_t func; #ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP  /* no define in 4-19 */     struct lockdep_map lockdep_map; #endif }; struct timer_list {     /*      * All fields that change during normal runtime grouped to the      * same cacheline      */     struct hlist_node   entry;     unsigned long       expires;     void            (*function)(struct timer_list *);     u32         flags; #ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP     struct lockdep_map  lockdep_map; #endif }; struct delayed_work {     struct work_struct work;     struct timer_list timer;     /* target workqueue and CPU ->timer uses to queue ->work */     struct workqueue_struct *wq;     int cpu; };


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#define __INIT_WORK(_work, _func, _onstack)             \     do {                                \         __init_work((_work), _onstack);  /* debug 相关 */         \         (_work)->data = (atomic_long_t) WORK_DATA_INIT();   /* 6~36 bit 为1*/\         INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(_work)->entry);    /* 初始化 list_head */       \         (_work)->func = (_func);    /* goodix_ts_esd_work */            \     } while (0) #define INIT_WORK(_work, _func)                     \     __INIT_WORK((_work), (_func), 0)     static void do_init_timer(struct timer_list *timer,               void (*func)(struct timer_list *),               unsigned int flags,               const char *name, struct lock_class_key *key) {     timer->entry.pprev = NULL;     timer->function = func;     timer->flags = flags | raw_smp_processor_id();     lockdep_init_map(&timer->lockdep_map, name, key, 0); } /**  * init_timer_key - initialize a timer  * @timer: the timer to be initialized  * @func: timer callback function  * @flags: timer flags  * @name: name of the timer  * @key: lockdep class key of the fake lock used for tracking timer  *       sync lock dependencies  *  * init_timer_key() must be done to a timer prior calling *any* of the  * other timer functions.  */ void init_timer_key(struct timer_list *timer,             void (*func)(struct timer_list *), unsigned int flags,             const char *name, struct lock_class_key *key) {     debug_init(timer);     do_init_timer(timer, func, flags, name, key); }     #define __init_timer(_timer, _fn, _flags)               \     init_timer_key((_timer), (_fn), (_flags), NULL, NULL)     #define from_timer(var, callback_timer, timer_fieldname) \     container_of(callback_timer, typeof(*var), timer_fieldname)     void delayed_work_timer_fn(struct timer_list *t) {     struct delayed_work *dwork = from_timer(dwork, t, timer);     /* should have been called from irqsafe timer with irq already off */     __queue_work(dwork->cpu, dwork->wq, &dwork->work); } #define __INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func, _tflags)          \     do {                                \         INIT_WORK(&(_work)->work, (_func));         \         __init_timer(&(_work)->timer,               \                  delayed_work_timer_fn,         \                  (_tflags) | TIMER_IRQSAFE);        \     } while (0) #define INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func)                 \     __INIT_DELAYED_WORK(_work, _func, 0) INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&ts_esd->esd_work, goodix_ts_esd_work);


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/**  * mod_timer - modify a timer's timeout  * @timer: the timer to be modified  * @expires: new timeout in jiffies  *  * mod_timer() is a more efficient way to update the expire field of an  * active timer (if the timer is inactive it will be activated)  *  * mod_timer(timer, expires) is equivalent to:  *  *     del_timer(timer); timer->expires = expires; add_timer(timer);  *  * Note that if there are multiple unserialized concurrent users of the  * same timer, then mod_timer() is the only safe way to modify the timeout,  * since add_timer() cannot modify an already running timer.  *  * The function returns whether it has modified a pending timer or not.  * (ie. mod_timer() of an inactive timer returns 0, mod_timer() of an  * active timer returns 1.)  */ int mod_timer(struct timer_list *timer, unsigned long expires) {     return __mod_timer(timer, expires, 0); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(mod_timer); /**  * add_timer - start a timer  * @timer: the timer to be added  *  * The kernel will do a ->function(@timer) callback from the  * timer interrupt at the ->expires point in the future. The  * current time is 'jiffies'.  *  * The timer's ->expires, ->function fields must be set prior calling this  * function.  *  * Timers with an ->expires field in the past will be executed in the next  * timer tick.  */ void add_timer(struct timer_list *timer) {     BUG_ON(timer_pending(timer));     mod_timer(timer, timer->expires); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(add_timer); static void __queue_delayed_work(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq,                 struct delayed_work *dwork, unsigned long delay) {     struct timer_list *timer = &dwork->timer;     struct work_struct *work = &dwork->work;     WARN_ON_ONCE(!wq);     WARN_ON_ONCE(timer->function != delayed_work_timer_fn);     WARN_ON_ONCE(timer_pending(timer));     WARN_ON_ONCE(!list_empty(&work->entry));     /*      * If @delay is 0, queue @dwork->work immediately.  This is for      * both optimization and correctness.  The earliest @timer can      * expire is on the closest next tick and delayed_work users depend      * on that there's no such delay when @delay is 0.      */     if (!delay) {         __queue_work(cpu, wq, &dwork->work);         return;     }     dwork->wq = wq;     dwork->cpu = cpu;     timer->expires = jiffies + delay;     if (unlikely(cpu != WORK_CPU_UNBOUND))         add_timer_on(timer, cpu);     else         add_timer(timer); } /**  * queue_delayed_work_on - queue work on specific CPU after delay  * @cpu: CPU number to execute work on  * @wq: workqueue to use  * @dwork: work to queue  * @delay: number of jiffies to wait before queueing  *  * Return: %false if @work was already on a queue, %true otherwise.  If  * @delay is zero and @dwork is idle, it will be scheduled for immediate  * execution.  */ bool queue_delayed_work_on(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq,                struct delayed_work *dwork, unsigned long delay) {     struct work_struct *work = &dwork->work;     bool ret = false;     unsigned long flags;     /* read the comment in __queue_work() */     local_irq_save(flags);     if (!test_and_set_bit(WORK_STRUCT_PENDING_BIT, work_data_bits(work))) {         __queue_delayed_work(cpu, wq, dwork, delay);         ret = true;     }     local_irq_restore(flags);     return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(queue_delayed_work_on); /**  * queue_delayed_work - queue work on a workqueue after delay  * @wq: workqueue to use  * @dwork: delayable work to queue  * @delay: number of jiffies to wait before queueing  *  * Equivalent to queue_delayed_work_on() but tries to use the local CPU.  */ static inline bool queue_delayed_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,                       struct delayed_work *dwork,                       unsigned long delay) {     return queue_delayed_work_on(WORK_CPU_UNBOUND, wq, dwork, delay); } /**  * schedule_delayed_work - put work task in global workqueue after delay  * @dwork: job to be done  * @delay: number of jiffies to wait or 0 for immediate execution  *  * After waiting for a given time this puts a job in the kernel-global  * workqueue.  */ static inline bool schedule_delayed_work(struct delayed_work *dwork,                      unsigned long delay) {     return queue_delayed_work(system_wq, dwork, delay); } schedule_delayed_work(&ts_esd->esd_work, GOODIX_ESD_CHECK_INTERVAL * HZ);








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