Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion 您所在的位置:网站首页 midasby Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion

Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion

2023-04-03 18:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If the headlines are to be believed, higher education is about to face its biggest disruption in history. But will AI tools really “end higher education as we know it,” “revolutionize the classroom,” or something else?

Faculty and others interested in adapting to such technology in the classroom joined our panel of distinguished educators, administrators, and researchers to learn about the principles and functionality of ChatGPT and other large language models, explore the implications of this new technology, discuss what roles AI can and should play in a classroom setting and develop concrete ideas for faculty to adapt to such technology.

Panelists and the audience discussed:

How the technologies underlying chatbots and language models work; Ways that student use of these tools that might disrupt existing assignments and evaluation techniques; Ways AI tools can aide teaching and learning; How faculty determine acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI tools in the classroom; What AI tools are currently good at and not good at (i.e. the errors they can introduce); The promises and pitfalls of AI detection; How AI tools are likely to evolve in the future and how faculty can be prepared for them.






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