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Stroll around

#Stroll around| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Kloosterstraat is located in the cosy, authentic neighbourhood in the St. Andries quarter. It's a nice street where you can stroll among special trinkets, art, antiques and alternative design. Don't forget to pass by the Kloosterstraat 81 where you can see the Guirlande of Antwerp: a cedar wall sculpture that is seen by many as a symbol of the street. The artwork, made by Bruno De Smedt, refers to typical elements of ornamentation and are harmoniously incorporated into an asymmetrical whole, including a cabinet, the cornucopia, an eagle and a Caryatid. With his characteristic organic style, the artist captured not only the essence of the Kloosterstraat (where you can find unique antiques and rare trinkets), he has also brought a tribute to the principal Tony Bogaert, an extravagant impish figure and sly businessman. Look for the fool’s cap and fox that refer to this !






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