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be sb doing sth与be of sb doing sth的疑问

2024-07-17 04:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



My job is selling insurance. 这个句子用动名词作表语,语法上是对的,它的意思是“我的工作是推销保险”,即“我的工作”与“推销保险”可以划等号,所以意思上都没有问题,也就是说这个句子在语法上和意思上都没问题,因此它是对的,是可接受的。


The story is playing basketball. 这个句子用动名词作表语,在语法上没什么问题,它的意思是“这个故事是打篮球”,这个意思通顺吗?合理吗?否!因为“故事”不是“打篮球”,两者不能划等号,应该是说“这个故事”是“关于打篮球的”,即关于打篮球的故事,应该改为:The story is about playing basketball. 这样就通顺了。


My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoying the biscuits with happy laughter.

很显然,“照片”与“我和教练一起欢笑着享用饼干”之间并不能划等号,所以尽管去掉 of 语法上并无不妥,但意思不通。所以这个 of 不能少。句子意思为:

My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoying the biscuits with happy laughter! 我最喜欢的照片是我和我的教练一起欢笑着享用饼干的那张!


My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the garden. 他在花园里给他的植物浇水的身影永远留在我的记忆中。

The movie’s opening shot is of a character walking across a featureless landscape. 电影开始镜头是一个人物走过平淡无奇的画面。

One of my abiding memories of him is of his singing to a small private party. 我对他难以忘怀的一幕是他在一次小型私人派对上献歌的情景。

One of my earliest childhood memories is of my mother reading stories to me by the fire.  我最早的童年记忆之一就是母亲在炉火边读故事给我听。

One of the film’s many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father’s gun. 电影中有很多令人不安的镜头,其中之一是一个小孩在摆弄父亲的枪。

Rodin’s sculpture ‘The Thinker’ is of a man sitting with his head in his hand, sunk in thought. 罗丹的雕塑《沉思者》刻画的是一名坐着的男子,他手托着下巴,陷入沉思。






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