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famine 相关例句


1. famine的意思

1. Drought has caused famine in Africa.    干旱在非洲造成了饥荒。

2. famine

2. Many people die of famine every year.    每年有很多人死于饥荒。

3. There was a famine of water in this locality.    这地方有过水荒。

famine 网络解释

1. famine什么意思

1. 饥饿:是以牛津大学学术委员会的前两个字母(Ox)和饥饿(Famine)前一部分组成. 在全世界15000多家店铺中销售捐献的物品或是通过募集筹集资金. 早期的焦点集中于消除饥饿,但渐渐将目光放到了根本性解决贫穷和饥饿的问题上.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 荒:3DO开发的角色扮演游戏>(The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)已经吸引了众多玩家的注意,它其中包含的四个部分内容:战争(war)、饥荒(famine)、死亡(death)和瘟疫(pestilence)已经有两部分发布了,

3. famine的反义词

3. 饿:是以牛津大学学术委员会的前两个字母(Ox)和饥饿(Famine)前一部分组成. 在全世界15000多家店铺中销售捐献的物品或是通过募集筹集资金. 早期的焦点集中於消除饥饿,但渐渐将目光放到了根本性解决贫穷和饥饿的问题上.

famine 双语例句

1. According to the latest research, CiGangRen ancestor's ancestral home India punjab, about the tenth century A. D. tribal war and famine, and by CiGangRen began to leave, they migrate in India, but no fixed place in the home and transportation caravans to busk, one living in cities, gradually become world-famous wandering peoples.    据最新的考证,茨冈人的祖先是祖居印度旁遮普一带的部落,大约公元10世纪以后,迫于战乱和饥荒,茨冈人开始离开印度向外迁徙,他们没有固定的居所,而是以大篷车为家和交通工具,以卖艺为生,在一个个城市间游荡,逐渐成为世界闻名的流浪民族。

2. danci.911cha.com

2. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you.    我必救你们脱离一切的污秽,也必命五谷丰登,不使你们遭遇饥荒。

3. Angel want to take the forms of Taiwan Study Tour and Famine 30 from him.    天使要去拿那个台湾观摩团还有饥饿30的表格。

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Wolf won in the spring famine food preparation, as well as being paid a wolf den circumstances, a strong feeling of revenge, and the outbreak of the white winds wipe out the use of Troops - a horrible action.    狼在被夺了预备春荒的食物,又被掏了狼窝的情况下,产生了强烈的复仇情绪,并爆发了利用白毛风全歼军马群的惨烈行动。

5. Experts in the United Nations'World Food Program are warning that this year North Koreans may face the worst food shortage since a famine claimed a million lives in the 1990s.    联合国世界粮食计划署的专家警告说,朝鲜今年可能面临上世纪90年代导致百万人饿死的饥荒以来最严重的粮食短缺。4月中旬也正好是所谓的春荒季节的开始。

6. Their choice is justified, is genetically passed down, now is the spring famine tough season, you see, a group of magpies is hovering flying a small restaurant in the village and an empty field of garbage, and some simply headlong into the mill yard, pick up the Salou food.    它们的选择是有道理的,是基因相传的,现在正是春荒难熬的季节,你瞧,一群喜鹊正徘徊飞舞在村头小饭馆的垃圾场上空,有的索性扎进了磨坊院里,捡拾着撒漏的粮食。

7. Experts in the United Nations'World Food Program are warning that this year North Koreans may face the worst food shortage since a famine claimed a million lives in the 1990s. Mid-April also happens to be when the so-called choongoong, or spring poverty, season begins.    联合国世界粮食计划署的专家警告说,朝鲜今年可能面临上世纪90年代导致百万人饿死的饥荒以来最严重的粮食短缺。4月中旬也正好是所谓的春荒季节的开始。

8. In the famine periods in North China, peasants who had to give land as security for grain borrowed during the spring, within a space of two or three years would lose everything.    华北荒年期间,农民为了借粮度过春荒,必须拿地作抵押,两三年内无力赎回就完了。

9. Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation.    为什么?我要去探望受饥饿和劫掠困扰的伊拉克人民。

10. First time in history, Zhu Su conducted and recorded systematic analysis and study on the functions and effects of some esculent wild plants in the times of famine, which started a key branch of botany.    明初朱撰写的《救荒本草》是我国一部科技名著,它首次对野生可食用植物的救荒作用和效果进行系统分析和研究,开启了植物学研究的一个重要分支。

11. In the famine I got familiar with this famous family name/surname.      在饥 荒中,我熟悉了这个有名的姓。我熟悉 425。

12. famine的解释

12. The famine is one of the main factors of restricting the social development.      灾荒是制约社会发展的主要因素之一。

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Famine is the impact of Chinas history of social development of important issues.      灾荒是影响中国历史社会发展进程的重要问题。

14. Millions of people died that way in famine.      在灾荒中,千百万的人就这样死了。

15. danci.911cha.com

15. The First part expound the question of famine relief.      第一部分重点探讨了宋代的灾荒救助问题。

16. famine的解释

16. Due to the limitation of human knowledge and activities, factors which would bring famine still exist.      回顾中国共产党救治灾荒的历史,总结其经验教训对更好地建立和谐社会将具有重要的启示意义。

17. famine的翻译

17. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.      陷入饥荒的儿童、被压迫的受害阶层、无法抚养子孙的无助的老人们、以及全世界的孤独、贫困正讽刺着人类生活的现在和未来。

18. The US and Britain immediately pledged $90 million in famine relief.      美国和英国立即认捐9000万美元在饥荒救济。

19. famine什么意思

19. If I go forth into the fields, behold the slain with the sword: and if I enter into the city, behold them that are consumed with famine. The prophet also and the priest are gone into a land which they knew not.      我若走入田间,看见刀杀的遗尸;我若进入城里,看见饥馑的可怖惨状;就连先知和司祭们也流亡到他们素不相识的地方。

20. Or, that a cursing should come upon you for the space of many generations; and ye are visited by sword, and by famine, and are hated, and are led according to the will and captivity of the devil.      或是一个诅罚要临到你们,直到许多代;你们要遭受战争饥荒的灾祸,要被憎恨,并且要在魔鬼的意思和俘囚中被牵引著。

famine 词典解释

1. 饥馑;饥荒    Famine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die.

    e.g. Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine...           成千上万的难民陷于战争、旱灾和饥荒之中。    e.g. The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.           内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。

famine 单语例句famine什么意思

1. That kind of nighttime celebration is unthinkable this year for most Somalis, who are enduring the worst famine in a generation.

2. The landlord and his hired hand turn into equals in famine, which runs counter to the theory of class struggle we grew up with.

3. From the wave of illegal immigration that has lasted over a decade, one might conclude there has been massive famine or even war where they came from.

4. Shipments of wheat and rice to drought and famine victims in the Horn of Africa have already left China.

5. While working to resolve the power famine and severe drought resulting from high temperatures, central government is calling for more efforts to fight against floods in other provinces.

6. A stark example is the Bengal famine of 1943, during the last days of the British rule in India.

7. But Somalia is the " epicenter of the famine, " said UN World Food Program executive director Josette Sheeran.

8. Reviewing what our forefathers suffered in times such as the famine of 1942 will remind us to be grateful to life.

9. Idris fled to Mogadishu despite fighting there in search of food, but the situation in the city has since also spiraled into famine.

10. Liu Zhenyun discovered many survivors of Henan province's famine 70 years ago have forgotten about the disaster when he was doing research for his novella.

famine 英英释义


1. a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death

2. an acute insufficiency

    Synonym: dearth shortage



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