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ehshell.exe command line

2024-06-30 15:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I would like to launch ehshell.exe and have it either play all of the slide shows under the Picture Library in Pictures + Video or Play Favorites.

Is the a command line option to do this? poking around on the web I found posts of how to start WMC in live TV mode or how to bring up the guide, or to default the startup page to a given WMC area -- but no dice on actually having it to start playing pictures.

Also, I'm curious if someone has a concise list of all of the command support by /mcesuperbar

I've only be able to come across the following two:

/mcesuperbar://guide -- starts WMC in the guide mode /mcesuperbar://tv?live=true -- starts WMC in live TV mode






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