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Leading with Distinction: 11 Keys to Excellence in Leadership

#Leading with Distinction: 11 Keys to Excellence in Leadership| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Leaders are the ones that inspire people to be the best version of themselves. They lead by example and help everyone around them achieve their full potential. Leadership is about making a difference in your organization, community, and family. A good leader will always put the needs of others before their own needs because it makes them better at what they do. Here are 11 keys to becoming an excellent leader:

1. Value excellence

The first step in leading with distinction is to value excellence. Whether you have been a leader for years or are just beginning your leadership journey, there are many opportunities to show your commitment.

In what ways can we all demonstrate our commitment?

In our personal lives: The best leaders lead by example and make good choices--both personally and professionally--in order to set a high standard that others will want to follow. When we choose wisely, those around us see that we value excellence and worthiness of respect. When we don't live up those standards ourselves (e.g., when we are late), it sends mixed messages about what kind of behavior is acceptable from leaders and employees alike."2. Never settle for average

As a leader, you have the choice to be excellent or average. Excellence is not a destination; it's a journey. It's not about getting there and then stopping, but about being excellent every day of your life--and inspiring others to do the same.

Excellence is also not something that can be achieved through hard work alone; it requires passion, creativity and leadership skills as well as commitment from everyone involved in creating excellence in your organization or team.

3. Pay attention to the right detailsPay attention to the right details.What are the key elements of your mission? What do you need to accomplish in order for it to be successful? Focus on these things, and ignore everything else.4.Focus on what matters and remain committedFocus on what matters and remain committed

One of the most important skills of an effective leader is the ability to focus on what matters, especially when other things distract you from your goals. You must be able to keep your eye on the ball and remain committed to your vision even in difficult circumstances. In order to do this, you need to have a clear sense of purpose for both yourself and for others so that everyone knows what success looks like in their role within the organization.

With this understanding in place, it's easier for everyone involved--including yourself--to stay focused on achieving those objectives despite any challenges along the way (or even outside forces).

5. Have and show integrityHaving and showing integrity is the foundation of trust.It's essential for leadership.Integrity is a personal choice, but it also can't be separated from you as a leader.Core values are what define who you are and what you stand for--and integrity is one such core value that should never waver in your life or career.People respect leaders who have the strength to do the right thing even when no one else will see them do it--especially if those actions don't benefit them directly!7. Have and show respect to others

Respecting others is a sign of respect for yourself.

It's important to respect others because they are human beings.

Respect shows strength and maturity in a leader, as well as intelligence: the ability to understand that every person has value regardless of their position or title, and that this value should be recognized by everyone involved in an organization's activities.

8. Go the extra mile

Going the extra mile is an important part of being a great leader. It's also one of the most difficult things to do, but it will pay off exponentially if you can get yourself into the habit of doing it. Here are some examples of going the extra mile:

In a meeting, instead of just making sure everyone has understood what was said and answering any questions people have asked, try asking them what they think about what was said and whether they have any suggestions on how we can improve as a team or company. This shows them that you value their opinion and want feedback from them in order for us all to grow together as professionals.When someone asks for help with something at work, go above-and-beyond by offering additional services like printing documents out for them or taking a task off of their plate so they don't have to stress as much during busy times too! These kinds gestures show others around us how much respect we have for each other even though we may not always agree on everything all day long."9. Be consistent in words and actionsBe consistent in words and actions.Don't say you're going to do something and then not do it. If you say you're going to do something, then follow through with your word.10. Never stop improving

A leader who is always looking for new ways to improve will be better able to lead with distinction.

To do this, set goals for yourself and then work toward them. Look for feedback from others and be open to changing your approach if necessary; it's important that you don't stick with the same old thing just because it's comfortable or safe. And finally, be willing to make mistakes--in fact, encourage them!

Leaders who are constantly learning will always have an edge over those who aren't willing or able to learn new things; they'll also find themselves much happier in their roles as leaders because they're constantly growing both personally and professionally.

11. Always give 100%

When you're leading with distinction, you have to be willing to take risks and fail. You have to be willing to ask for help, even when others don't offer it first. You need to ask for more time and resources if necessary--and then do whatever it takes in order to get those things from your team members or higher-ups at work.

In other words: "Always give 100%."


You cannot achieve excellence by accident. Excellence is not a gift; it's something you must work for. It takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. If you want to be a leader that people respect and follow, then start by setting high standards for yourself and others will follow suit.






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