std::vector::clear 您所在的位置:网站首页 clewar std::vector::clear


#std::vector::clear| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[edit template]   C++ Compiler support Freestanding and hosted Language Standard library Standard library headers Named requirements Feature test macros (C++20) Language support library Concepts library (C++20) Metaprogramming library (C++11) Diagnostics library General utilities library Strings library Containers library Iterators library Ranges library (C++20) Algorithms library Numerics library Localizations library Input/output library Filesystem library (C++17) Regular expressions library (C++11) Concurrency support library (C++11) Technical specifications Symbols index External libraries [edit]  Containers library Sequence array(C++11) vector deque forward_list(C++11) list Associative set multiset map multimap Unordered associative unordered_set(C++11) unordered_multiset(C++11) unordered_map(C++11) unordered_multimap(C++11) Adaptors stack queue priority_queue flat_set(C++23) flat_multiset(C++23) flat_map(C++23) flat_multimap(C++23) Views span(C++20) mdspan(C++23) Iterator invalidation Member function table Non-member function table [edit] std::vector Member types Member functions vector::vector vector::~vector vector::operator= vector::assign vector::assign_range(C++23) vector::get_allocator Element access vector::at vector::operator[] vector::front vector::back vector::data Iterators vector::beginvector::cbegin(C++11) vector::endvector::cend(C++11) vector::rbeginvector::crbegin(C++11) vector::rendvector::crend(C++11) Capacity vector::empty vector::size vector::max_size vector::reserve vector::capacity vector::shrink_to_fit(C++11) Modifiers vector::clear vector::insert vector::emplace(C++11) vector::insert_range(C++23) vector::erase vector::push_back vector::emplace_back(C++11) vector::append_range(C++23) vector::pop_back vector::resize vector::swap Non-member functions std::swap eraseerase_if(C++20)(C++20) operator==operator!=operatoroperator=operator(until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(until C++20)(C++20) Deduction guides(C++17) [edit]  void clear(); (until C++11) void clear() noexcept; (since C++11) (until C++20) constexpr void clear() noexcept; (since C++20)

Erases all elements from the container. After this call, size() returns zero.

Invalidates any references, pointers, or iterators referring to contained elements. Any past-the-end iterators are also invalidated.  

Leaves the capacity() of the vector unchanged (note: the standard's restriction on the changes to capacity is in the specification of vector::reserve, see [1])

Contents 1 Parameters 2 Return value 3 Complexity 4 Example 5 Defect reports 6 See also [edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value


[edit] Complexity

Linear in the size of the container, i.e., the number of elements.

[edit] Example Run this code #include #include #include   int main() { std::vector container{1, 2, 3};   auto print = [](const int& n) { std::cout






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