雅思8分作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 charity的名词 雅思8分作文


2023-12-01 08:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Some people prefer to help or support directly in the local community for people who need it; however, others prefer to give money to the national or private charities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Philanthropy is an increasingly discussed concept in modern society, especially as inequality grows across the world. (引出话题关键词)It’s natural for those with more than enough money to want to help out people with less than them, however, the way to go about it is debated.(引出观点的讨论) Some people may choose to donate their money to charities or government organisations to try and make a difference. (反方观点)Others prefer to get out and volunteer themselves.(正方观点)

Key words and phrases:

1. Philanthropy  n. 慈善 (专有名词)

2. Inequality  n. 不平等   反义词:equality

3. Donate  v. 捐赠,捐献   Donation  n.


The benefits of donating to a charity are fairly straight-forward. (观点句)If an individual does his or her research surrounding the organisation, and chooses an Appropriate charity based on correct information, then it is generally assumed that the action of donating to the charity will have a positive effect on the parties involved. (分论点1) Donating directly to a charity provides a way for people with little spare time to still contribute to making a difference. (分论点2)Many of the world’s richest people, such as Bill Gates and Jack Ma are known for their regular large donations to organizations fighting poverty and helping the world become a better place.(举例论证)

Key words and phrases:

1. Straight-forward  adj. 直接的

2. Appropriate  adj. 适当的,合适的

3. It is generally assumed that  一般认为

4. Poverty  n. 贫穷,贫困  (poor是形容词,这两个单词用法不同)


Volunteering directly is a good way to get hands-on experience and fully utilise one’s skillset to improve the lives of others. (观点句)This type of charitable behaviour can be quite exhausting, but also very rewarding.(解释说明) During the coronavirus pandemic, many medical personnel volunteered to go to hotspots to help fight the virus. They put their own health and safety on the line to help make their local communities a better place. (举例论证)

Key words and phrases:

1. Hands-on  adj. 亲身实践的

2. Utilise  v. 使用  同义词:use

3. Skillset  n. 技能组合

4. Charitable  adj. 慷慨的,仁慈的  charity 的衍生形容词

5. Exhausting  adj. 使人筋疲力尽的  同义词:tiring

6. Hotspot  n. 热点地区


It is very easy to argue that helping out directly is a more effective way of actually helping people, but I would emphasize that donating to charities and organisations is simply a more realistic option for most people. (强调主观观点:选择反方)Nowadays, most people have their own families and careers to maintain, and taking out too much time to volunteer can be unrealistic. (解释原因)However, people should be careful about the organizations that they donate to, and do their own research that these charities are ethical and not damaging. Volunteering in the local community is also something that people should do if they have time or if their profession is specifically in demand, but it is not the only way to help out. (对于双方面观点给出合理建议)

Key words and phrases:

1. Realistic  adj. 现实的  反义词:unrealistic

2. Emphasize  v. 强调

3. Ethical  adj. 道德的









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