Game of Thrones Alum Natalie Dormer Knows How the Series Ends 您所在的位置:网站首页 高评分医疗剧 Game of Thrones Alum Natalie Dormer Knows How the Series Ends

Game of Thrones Alum Natalie Dormer Knows How the Series Ends

2022-05-11 16:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Apparently, the biggest perk of having once starred on Game of Thrones is getting the inside scoop on how the HBO drama ends. At least, that appears to be the case for Natalie Dormer, who played Margaery Tyrell for five years before her character, sadly, bit the dust thanks to—who else?—Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey). Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Dormer said she already knows where the series is headed for its ultimate goodbye—but as for how it gets there, she’s just as curious as the rest of us.

“I’m really excited to see the next season,” Dormer told T.H.R. “I’m on the edge of my seat like everybody else is, so I can’t wait.” Unlike the rest of us, however, the actress has some inside scoop: “I know A to B,” Dormer said. “I know what B is, but I don’t know how they get to B.”

Dormer’s intel—limited as it might be—speaks to the closeness of the Game of Thrones family, even after cast members depart. Jason Momoa, for example, is still synonymous with his old character, Khal Drogo, despite the fact that he was only on the series for roughly one season—and now has a role in another major franchise. Momoa and his former co-star Emilia Clarke appear to still keep in touch as well; Momoa recently commented on Clarke’s Instagram farewell to the show.

As for what we do know about the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones? Some highlights: prepare to (probably) watch Jon Snow (or should we call him Aegon?) and Daenerys duke it out for the Iron Throne—likely souring, if not completely ruining, their budding romance. Jaime, finally done with his sister’s shenanigans, is headed north to help fight. And Theon will be on a quest to murder Euron and rescue Yara. (For a more detailed preview, V.F.’s own Joanna Robinson has got you covered.) Unsurprisingly, HBO is being very careful about spoilers—even supposedly filming multiple endings to make sure the series’s conclusion doesn’t leak early. But there is one thing we can all get excited about: the rise of Sansa Stark.






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