2024年高考第一次模拟考试(山东专用)英语听力录音附试卷含答案含听力原文 您所在的位置:网站首页 高考第一次模拟考试时间 2024年高考第一次模拟考试(山东专用)英语听力录音附试卷含答案含听力原文


2024-07-10 08:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)










1.When will the train arrive?

A.At 4:50.B.At 5:10.C.At 10:15.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.B.In a class.C.In a family.

3.How does the man usually go to work?

A.By car.B.By bike.C.By taxi.

4.How does the man find the advice from the woman?


5.What happened to the woman last night?

A.She lost her cell phone.B.She fell asleep in the cinema.C.Her car broke down on the way.


听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What will the woman do this Sunday?

A.Review her lessons.B.Take a math exam.C.Tend to her cousins.

7.Who is expert at making pizzas?



8.What does the man usually do when he gets up?

A.Do the housework.B.Meet some friends.C.Do some exercise.

9.When does the man go shopping?

A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.

10.How does the man spend the winter evenings?

A.By watching TV.B.By painting pictures.C.By dancing in the park.


11.What is John Mansfield?

A.A salesman.B.A painter.C.A hiker.

12.What do we know about the first painting?

A.It is painted by the man speaker.

B.It is quite popular with the hikers.

C.It is a picture of a walking route.

13.How much should the woman pay?

A.180 pounds.B.250 pounds.C.300 pounds.


14.Where did the man have a picnic last Sunday?

A.Above the valley.B.In the park.C.By the waterfall.

15.What did the man think the best part of the day?

A.Taking photos.B.Having a picnic.C.Swimming in the sea.

16.What happened to the man on the way back?

A.He lost his way.B.He fell asleep.C.He had a headache.

17.What did the man think of his trip?



18.What is the purpose of National Hugging Day?

A.To be in memory of a famous American.

B.To promote the emotional benefits of hugging.

C.To remind people of the coming of Valentine’s Day.

19.What is the speaker’s advice about hugging?

A.Refusing to hug strangers. B.Hugging as long as possible.C.Asking before hugging.

20.What is mentioned in the book Brighter Baby?

A.January 21 is a good day for hugging.

B.Hugging makes kids more intelligent.

C.Kissing is acceptable in most societies.



【原文】M: The train should arrive now. What’s the time by your watch?

W: Let me see. It’s ten to five. We’ll have to wait another twenty minutes before it arrives. Just be patient.


【原文】M: I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake. I haven’t ordered this course.

W: So sorry, I must have confused the orders. I’ll bring you a hot one right away and this course is for you without extra money.


【原文】W: Harry, where are you working? In a steel factory?

M: No, I serve as a secretary in a big company.

W: How do you go to work? By car or by bus?

M: Usually by bike, but I take a taxi when the weather is bad.


【原文】M: The loud noise is killing me.

W: Oh, we have no choice but to put up with it; the house next door is being decorated. Maybe you can work on your design in the evening.

M: Are you joking? It is due tomorrow.


【原文】M: Why didn’t you come to the cinema last night? You didn’t even call me!

W: I’m sorry. My car broke down on the way and when I wanted to call you, I found I didn’t have my cell phone with me. When I got home, it was already midnight and I thought you must have been asleep already.

6.A    7.B

【原文】M: Hi, Alice, I’m going to hold a party this Sunday. Would you like to come?

W: Oh, I’d love to, but I have to study to prepare for a math exam on Monday. Thank you for inviting me. Who else will go to the party?

M: Well, a number of people haven’t replied yet. But Peter and Mike are going to help out with the cooking.

W: Hey, I know Peter is skilled at making pizzas.

M: That sounds delicious! My Italian cousins are going to be there. I’m sure they will love it.

W: Really? Hope you all have a good time!

8.C    9.A    10.A

【原文】W: How do you usually spend your time, now that you’ve retired?

M: Well, I nearly always get up at dawn and then do some exercise.

W: What do you have for breakfast?

M: I usually eat bread, but sometimes I cook a traditional English breakfast.

W: That sounds nice. How do you spend your mornings?

M: I usually do the housework in the morning. Afterwards, I always drive to the big supermarket in the city center for shopping.

W: How do you spend your afternoon?

M: I usually meet some friends and we play sports together, or I might spend some time painting and writing. The days are longer in summer than in winter, so I spend winter evenings watching TV at home, but I spend summer evenings dancing in the park.

11.B    12.C    13.C

【原文】M: Hello! What can I do for you?

W: Hello! I’m just looking at some of your paintings. I think I really like this one. Can you tell me a bit more about it?

M: Certainly. It was painted by a local painter. His name is John Mansfield. It is a picture of a local walking route which is quite famous and popular with hikers.

W: OK. I especially like the colors of it. How much is this painting?

M: One hundred and eighty pounds.

W: Well, that’s a bit beyond my budget. Let me see, that painting looks quite nice, too. How about if I buy both of them? Would you like to give them to me for 250 pounds?

M: 250 pounds is too low. Why don’t we say three hundred?

W: That sounds good. Thanks a lot. I’ll take them.

14.B    15.C    16.B    17.A

【原文】W: John, did you enjoy your trip last Sunday? Tell me something about it, will you?

M: Well, we started early in the morning and drove there all the way through the valley. It was a wonderful sight!

W: Did you stop at the Niagara Falls for some pictures?

M: Sure, we wouldn’t miss it. After that, we took a short cut to the National Park. There was very little traffic, so we got there in less than an hour.

W: You were lucky then.

M: Yeah, we spent the whole morning in the park and we had our picnic under the tall trees.

W: What did you do after that?

M: We went for a swim in the sea. I had the best time there.

W: So you must have had a busy and enjoyable day last Sunday.

M: Yes, you are right. And I was so worn out that I slept all the way back. My muscles ached for several days. Nevertheless, I don’t think the trip could be better.

18.B    19.C    20.B






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