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 2002年3月 上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试

参考答案: http://tr.hjenglish.com


Part A: Spot Dictation

ed by sunlight                     11.Swedes and Norwegians the south                            prescribed be some truth                      rd tablets or pills d to                                  sustained recovery sed and lethargic               days of treatment ined of depression             marginally better 7.a couple of hours' sunlight             6 weeks 8.a range of people                        depressed all ages                                   19.Woman and teenagers different nationalities          discernible difference

Part B: Listening Comprehension

1- 5    CBDAD                               6-10       CDBDB11-15  CDADA                             16-20       DDACB


1-5  CBBDA                                 6-10      BCCDA 11-15  DBADC                            16-20   CBACD

SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST            成人世界与儿童世界分界线的划分有许多方式。比如,许多美国家长可以完全脱离于教会,或者对上帝的存在深表怀疑,但他们却送自己的孩子上主日学校,并帮助他们祈祷。美国家长在一个竞争的世界上苦苦奋斗,在这个世界上狡诈和欺骗往往得到回报且受人尊敬,但他们却给孩子们灌输正义与邪恶做斗争、最终正义总是取得胜利而邪恶必然受到惩罚的童话故事。在美国,夫妻失和时,仍然在子女面前表现出和蔼可亲的样子。即使在生意上或个人生活上遭了大难,美国家长也会觉得应该对自己的子女说:“宝贝,一切都会好起来的。”美国人想把孩子的界与成人的世界分开的这一愿望,还反映在这样的事情上:如果有父母亲在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将这一消息告诉他们的子女。因此,总的来说,美国家长面对的是一个现实世界,而他们的许多子女却生活在一个近乎理想的不真实的境界中,在这个境界中,家长所生活的世界里的规则是不适用的,是要打折扣的,或者甚至是颠倒的。


Part A: Note—taking and Gap—filling 1. women's                  11. female ;       l                        ;       ne                    inate ent                  cal                   ed ce                    cated               ication ;        ng

Part B: Listening and Translation Sentence Translation 1.  至少有45 人死于加州地震。美国统将于今天访问该地区,(亲自)视察灾情。 2. 坦率地说,由哪座城市主办奥会,或设施有多优良,并不真正重要,奥运会的核心是竞赛。3. 互联网被看作是信息高速公路,但也可被看作是错误信息高速公路,在第五届互古代网国际会议上有一位心理学家这样警告说。 4. 不管怎么说,这是我第三次出庭。这件事拖了又拖,我紧张得令人难以置信。你知道,我浑身冒汗,无法开口,连一句话也说不全。 5.  这些公司中有许多(公司)利用股东大会的场合宣布任命新董事长、首席行官和经理,以及公司最高管理层的其他变更。 http://tr.hjenglish.com

Ⅱ. Passage Translation 1.  现在播送本地消息。皇家银行市中心分行昨日发生的抢劫案正披露更多细节。银行发言人说,有价值6 万美元的现钞和旅行支票被劫。无银行职员受伤,但有两位出纳和一名公众事后因受惊而接受了治疗。劫案发生于昨天下午银行停业之前不久。警方今天采访了目击证人,并且把通过特别热线搜集到的线索集中分析。许多当地居民次对本市闹市区上升的罪案表示关切。 http://tr.hjenglish.com

2. 对于诸位两次赐予我机会,能为你们服务,为你们工作并与你们一起工作,为我国进入21 世纪做好准备,我表示深切的感激。在我作为 统的所有工作中,我做出的所有决定、采取的所有行政行为、提出并签署的所有提案,我都试图竭力为全 美国人民提供途径与条作,在一个良好的社会里,同一个经济强盛、环境更干净,更自由、更安全、更繁荣的世界(一起),建设我们梦想中的未来。

SECTION 5:READING TEST  (答案要点) 1. an entrepreneur received higher  education in America / with three of family members either  kidnapped or killed / left own country for America / trend or wave of Colombian immigration/ chaos of social order / "anarchy", lawlessness and social and political disorder in Colombia

2. 1950s, civil war, thousands fleeing;    1980s, lawless social order / sale of illicit drugs; most fleeing to New York & New Jersey;    1990s, depressing economy, threat of kidnapping, "anarchy"  Professionals with "First World education and experience" http://tr.hjenglish.com

3.  more  Colombians  are  leaving  their      country   for  Miami  /   many    of  them  professionals  &  business  people  /  "the  best  and brightest" /  "brain  drain" /  support  and  develop  economic growth in Miami / Florida benefits from the brain drain

4. naturalist /  love of ants / research fields: from the earth's smallest  creatures (insects) to the whole   living   planet  (human    society   /community)     /  founder   of  a  new   field  of  science: sociobiology / study of social interaction and organizations from ants to birds, lions, monkeys, apes and humans

5.  study  of  social  systems   of  "non    human"  species  /    highly   appreciated  /  same  approach applied  to  human  behaviour  and culture  /  criticized  or  attacked  /.  Primary  function  of  the organism is to reproduce genes http://tr.hjenglish.com

6. based on his research on the earth's "little creatures"   insects /  "sixth extinction" /  "man  made biodiversity crisis"  destruction of / threatening complicated, closely  knit  natural system / destruction of species

7. comparing flying experience with economic development or crisis / when one or more engines out of order / pilot not dealing properly / with false expectation... / destructive consequence / similar, possible situation in economy http://tr.hjenglish.com

8. when economy healthy /  globalization spreads positive results throughout \the world / when bad time comes / world economy depressing / unemployment increasing / possible economic crisis

9. although situations different / a good lesson to remember / at the beginning of the depression / market  crash  considered to be  controlled /  collapse  of  the  Austrian  bank  leading to  world depression  /   "a  small  spark   can  start  a huge   fire"  without   correct  expectation  /   greater  consequence possible

10.  some  against    such  rescue  package  /   consider   it  using  American  tax     payers'  money  to support a country with debt crisis / some hold "pragmatism" is more important / if not lending the money, worsening situation in Argentina could start a "real crash"

SECTION 6: TRANSLATION TEST http://tr.hjenglish.com            His story has eloquently shown that the division of labor established between China and the United  States  on the basis of  equality  and mutual benefit  constitutes the most  reasonable and practical  international  relationship.  Inexpensive  but  good        quality  products  manufactured  in China keep flowing to America's supermarkets, while American farm produce and high grade and advanced technological products, together with the capital and technology of multinational corporations,  are  pouring  into  the  mainland  of  China.  The  industrious  Chinese  people  have contributed to the enhancement of the well  being of the American people and the upgrading of the American industry, while the fine products from; the vast and fertile land of North America have helped to promote the modernization process of China. Cooperation in economy and trade is the best area where the two countries can find common ground. To work for common interests so as to minimize or mitigate differences in ideology and conflicts of real interests was and will be the only way for the two parties to seek peaceful coexistence. http://tr.hjenglish.com

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