《“一国两制”下香港的民主发展》白皮书(双语全文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 香港现在的发展情况 《“一国两制”下香港的民主发展》白皮书(双语全文)


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六、香港特别行政区民主发展前景光明VI. The Prospects Are Bright for Democracy in Hong Kong

“一国两制”不仅是解决历史遗留的香港问题的最佳方案,也是香港回归后保持长期繁荣稳定的最佳制度,并且是香港特别行政区民主发展的根本保障。经过二十多年的探索实践,中国共产党和中国政府对在“一国两制”下发展符合香港实际情况的民主制度,认识更深刻,方向更明确,思路更清晰,信心更坚定,步伐更稳健。The policy of One Country, Two Systems is the optimal solution to problems carried over from history. It is the best policy for sustaining prosperity and stability following Hong Kong’s return, and it provides the fundamental safeguard for the development of democracy in Hong Kong. With more than 20 years of experience, the CPC and the Chinese government have gained a deeper and clearer understanding of how to develop democracy in accordance with the policy of One Country, Two Systems and in line with the realities in Hong Kong. We will continue to take more solid steps to advance democracy in the right direction with greater confidence.

(一)“一国两制”为香港特别行政区民主发展提供了根本保障1. The Principle of One Country, Two Systems Provides the Fundamental Guarantee for the Development of Democracy in HKSAR

中国共产党是“一国两制”方针和事业的创立者、领导者。“一国两制”作为中国共产党和中国政府长期坚持的一项基本政策,自二十世纪八十年代以来,一直被中国共产党历次全国代表大会和重要会议所确认,并被载入所有重要文件、文献当中,还被郑重载入中国宪法,并通过香港基本法予以制度化、法律化。全国人大及其常委会就香港问题所通过的一系列决定、全国人大常委会对基本法的解释,也都坚定不移并全面准确贯彻执行了“一国两制”方针。The CPC created the One Country, Two Systems policy and has guided its development ever since. Upheld by the CPC and the Chinese government as a basic long-term policy, it has been confirmed by all the CPC National Congresses and other important meetings, and written into all major documents promulgated since the 1980s. It is also enshrined in the Constitution, and codified and institutionalized through the Basic Law. It has been fully and faithfully implemented in the decisions on Hong Kong made by the NPC and its Standing Committee, and in the interpretation of the Basic Law made by the NPC Standing Committee.

2021年11月11日,中共十九届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》,把“一国两制”事业作为党百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的重要组成部分。这是中国共产党关于重大历史问题的决议首次载入港澳问题和“一国两制”内容。新时代推进“一国两制”事业,必须继续坚定不移并全面准确贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针,坚持和完善“一国两制”制度体系,坚持依法治港,落实中央对香港特别行政区全面管治权,落实特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制,落实“爱国者治港”原则,维护宪法和基本法确定的特别行政区宪制秩序,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,维护特别行政区社会大局稳定,保持香港长期繁荣稳定。要把坚持“一国”原则和尊重“两制”差异、维护中央对特别行政区全面管治权和保障特别行政区高度自治权、发挥祖国内地坚强后盾作用和提高特别行政区自身竞争力有机结合起来。要毫不动摇地坚信笃行,确保“一国两制”方针不会变、不动摇,确保“一国两制”实践不走样、不变形。这为香港特别行政区民主发展提供了根本保障。On November 11, 2021, at its Sixth Plenary Session, the 19th CPC Central Committee adopted the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century. One Country, Two Systems is included as one of the Party’s important achievements and a major contributor to its experience. This is the first time that Hong Kong and Macao affairs, and One Country, Two Systems have been listed in such a momentous document. To carry forward the policy of One Country, Two Systems in the new era, we must continue to abide by a set of key principles: Hong Kong governed by the people of Hong Kong, a high degree of autonomy for the region, upholding and improving the policy of One Country, Two Systems, Hong Kong governed in accordance with the law, and overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong by the central authorities. The legal systems and supporting mechanisms in the HKSAR must maintain national security, sovereignty and development interests, ensure overall social stability, and sustain lasting prosperity and stability. The principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong must be implemented to consolidate the order established by the Constitution and the Basic Law. We should implement the policy of One Country and respect the differences of the Two Systems. We should ensure overall jurisdiction by the central authorities over Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong. The central authorities should continue to provide full support to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong, on its part, should improve its competitiveness. We should ensure that this policy will remain unchanged and that it is implemented faithfully. This is the fundamental guarantee for the development of democracy in the HKSAR.


——准确把握“一国”和“两制”的关系,坚持“一国两制”实践正确方向。坚持“一国”是实行“两制”的前提和基础、“两制”从属和派生于“一国”并统一在“一国”之内的基本逻辑。国家主体实行的社会主义制度与特别行政区实行的资本主义制度并行不悖,但主次关系不能颠倒。中国共产党领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,是宪法确定的国家宪制秩序的核心,是国家宪法制度的灵魂,在特别行政区必须得到切实尊重和维护。必须牢固树立“一国”意识,坚守“一国”底线,坚定维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,坚决防范和遏制外部敌对势力干预香港事务。任何危害国家主权安全、挑战中央权力和基本法权威、利用香港对内地进行渗透破坏的活动,都是对底线的触碰,都是绝不能允许的。“一国”底线越牢,“两制”空间越大。– Gaining a full understanding of the relationship between One Country and Two Systems and faithfully applying this policy One Country is the prerequisite and basis for the Two Systems, and the Two Systems are subordinate to and derive from One Country. The socialist system practiced on the mainland, the main body of the country, and the capitalist system in Hong Kong, run in parallel. However, the fact that the latter is subordinate to the former is not to be challenged. Leadership by the CPC is the defining feature of Chinese socialism, and it is at the core of the order established by the Constitution. As such, it must be truly respected and upheld in Hong Kong. We must foster a strong sense of One Country as a fundamental state policy. We must safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests, and take resolute action to prevent and stop external interference in the affairs of Hong Kong. Any activity that jeopardizes China’s sovereignty and security, any activity that challenges the right of the central authorities and the authority of the Basic Law, and any infiltration or sabotage directed at the mainland via Hong Kong are in violation of the One Country policy and will not be tolerated. The more we adhere to the policy of One Country, the greater the scope there will be for Two Systems.


——严格依照宪法和基本法办事,坚持依法治港。必须巩固宪法和基本法共同构成的宪制基础,维护宪法和基本法确定的特别行政区宪制秩序,把宪法和基本法作为处理特别行政区事务的最高准则。巩固基本法在特别行政区法律体系中的宪制地位,完善与基本法实施相关的法律制度和执行机制,确保基本法的各项规定得到落实,基本法的权威得到有效维护。– Governing Hong Kong in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic LawWe must consolidate the base of the HKSAR underpinned by the Constitution and the Basic Law and uphold the order in Hong Kong decided by the Constitution and the Basic Law. These should be the overarching norms in handling the affairs of Hong Kong. We must consolidate the constitutional status of the Basic Law in Hong Kong’s legal system, improve the legal system and mechanisms for enforcing the Basic Law, and ensure all its provisions are implemented and its authority is upheld.


——正确处理中央和特别行政区的关系,坚持中央全面管治权与特别行政区高度自治权相统一。中央对特别行政区拥有全面管治权,特别行政区享有法定的高度自治权。特别行政区政府必须向中央政府负责,执行中央政府依法发出的指令;在行使高度自治权的时候,必须接受中央政府的监督和问责。不能以特别行政区享有高度自治权为由,排斥和对抗中央政府依法行使有关权力。中央政府各部门和各地方要切实尊重和保障特别行政区依法享有的高度自治权,不干预特别行政区自治范围内的事务。– Properly handling the relationship between the central authorities and the HKSAR and ensuring both overall jurisdiction by the central authorities and a high degree of autonomy in Hong KongThe central authorities have overall jurisdiction over the HKSAR, and the HKSAR enjoys a high degree of statutory autonomy. The HKSAR government is answerable to the central government and must implement the directives issued by the central government in accordance with the law. While exercising autonomy, the HKSAR government is under the supervision of the central government and is accountable to it. The HKSAR government should not exploit its high degree of autonomy to challenge or confront the exercise of relevant statutory powers by the central government. All central government departments and local governments should truly respect and uphold the statutory autonomy enjoyed by the HKSAR and not interfere in the affairs within the scope of its autonomy.


——坚持以行政长官为核心的行政主导体制,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政、积极作为。全力支持行政长官领导特别行政区政府依法施政,支持行政、立法、司法机关依法履职,支持特别行政区政府团结带领全社会集中精力发展经济、切实有效改善民生、坚定不移守护法治、循序渐进推进民主、包容共济促进和谐。支持特别行政区政府积极回应社会发展新要求和广大居民新期待,着力破解影响香港经济社会发展和长治久安的深层次矛盾和突出问题,不断提高施政能力和管治水平,实现良政善治。– Practicing the executive-led system with the Chief Executive at its core and supporting the Chief Executive and the HKSAR government in exercising law-based governance and efficiently performing their dutiesWe fully support the HKSAR government in exercising law-based governance under the leadership of the Chief Executive. We support the HKSAR executive, legislative and judicial branches in performing their statutory duties. We support the HKSAR government in rallying all sectors of Hong Kong, in pursuing economic development, in taking effective steps to improve people’s wellbeing, in firmly upholding the rule of law, in making gradual and orderly progress towards greater democracy, and in building a more inclusive and harmonious society. We support the HKSAR government in actively responding to the need to advance social development, in meeting the new expectations of the Hong Kong people, and in solving the deep-rooted and acute problems influencing Hong Kong’s economic and social development and its long-term peace and stability. We support the HKSAR government in improving its governance capacity and performance.


——促进香港融入国家发展大局,支持香港同各国各地区开展广泛交流合作。支持香港对接国家发展战略,参与、助力国家全面开放和现代化经济体系建设,参与建设粤港澳大湾区,打造共建“一带一路”功能平台,实现优势互补、协同发展。支持香港继续保持单独关税区和自由港地位,加强与各国各地区的交流合作,巩固和提升国际金融、航运、贸易中心和国际航空枢纽地位,强化全球离岸人民币业务枢纽、国际资产管理中心及风险管理中心功能,建设国际创新科技中心、亚太区国际法律及解决争议服务中心、区域知识产权贸易中心以及中外文化艺术交流中心。– Integrating Hong Kong into China’s overall development and supporting Hong Kong in extensive exchanges and cooperation with other countries and areas We support Hong Kong in defining its development strategy within the national development strategy and in contributing to the national effort to open up and build a modern economy. We support Hong Kong in playing its part in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, in creating a platform for the Belt and Road Initiative, and in tapping into its strengths to realize coordinated development with other parts of the country. We support Hong Kong in continuing to be a separate customs territory and a free port, in strengthening global exchanges and cooperation, in consolidating its international status as a financial, shipping and trade center and an aviation hub, and in boosting its role as a global center for offshore Renminbi business and asset and risk management. We support Hong Kong in building itself into an international center of innovation and technology, an international legal and dispute resolution services center in the Asia-Pacific Region, a regional center of intellectual property trade, and a center of cultural and art exchanges between China and other countries.


中国政府在提出“一国两制”方针之初,就十分重视保护各国投资者在香港的合法利益,明确香港特别行政区可同英国和其他国家建立互利经济关系,英国和其他国家在香港的合法经济利益将得到照顾。基本法和香港本地法律进一步对此作出具体规定,对世界各国、各地区投资者在香港特别行政区的合法权益予以全面平等保护。中国政府愿意与各国共享香港国际金融经贸平台,分享中国改革开放带来的红利。From the outset, when it adopted the policy of One Country, Two Systems, the Chinese government attached great importance to protecting the legitimate interests of foreign investors in Hong Kong. It made clear then that Hong Kong may establish mutually beneficial business ties with the UK and other countries and that due regard would be given to their legitimate economic interests in Hong Kong. More detailed provisions in this regard are laid out in the Basic Law and local laws, which give comprehensive and equal protection to the legitimate interests of investors from around the world. The Chinese government is ready to share with all other countries the gains of reform and opening up through Hong Kong, an international financial, business and trade center.

中国共产党和中国政府坚守“一国两制”的初心使命坚定不移,建设符合香港实际优质民主的决心也坚定不移。The CPC and the Chinese government are committed to the principle of One Country, Two Systems, and to building a high-quality democracy conforming to the realities of Hong Kong.

(二)坚决贯彻落实“爱国者治港”原则2. Remaining Committed to the Principle of Hong Kong Patriots Governing Hong Kong

确保“一国两制”实践行稳致远,继续推动香港民主发展,必须坚决贯彻落实“爱国者治港”原则。这是事关国家主权、安全、发展利益,事关香港长期繁荣稳定的根本原则。爱国是从政者必须遵循的基本政治伦理。爱国者治国是世界各国的政治通例。“港人治港”就是由爱国的港人来治理香港。这是“一国两制”的应有之义,是香港特别行政区民主实践的本质要求。在新的形势下发展香港特别行政区民主,必须全面贯彻“爱国者治港”原则,确保所有治港者都是爱国者,确保反中乱港分子一个也不能进入特别行政区的治理架构,坚决防范香港管治权被反中乱港势力及其背后的外部敌对势力所攫取,确保特别行政区政权安全。To ensure that One Country, Two Systems will make steady progress, and to further the development of democracy in Hong Kong, we must remain committed to the principle that Hong Kong is governed by Hong Kong patriots. This is a principle that has a fundamental bearing on China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests, and on the sustained prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. Loving one’s country is a basic requirement for anyone engaged in state governance. Patriots governing their country is a universal practice around the world. Hong Kong governed by the patriots of Hong Kong is essential to the One Country, Two Systems principle, and quintessential to democracy in the region. To develop democracy in Hong Kong in the new era, the region must be governed by patriots and patriots only. No instigator of disorder should be allowed into the governing body of the HKSAR, and resolute measures must be taken to guard the region’s administration against destabilizing influences and the forces behind them. The governance of the HKSAR must be secure.


爱国者的标准是客观的、清晰的,就是尊重自己民族,诚心诚意拥护祖国恢复行使对香港的主权,不损害香港的繁荣和稳定。在香港已经回归祖国、重新纳入国家治理体系之后,就是要求爱国者必须真心维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,尊重和维护宪法和基本法确定的宪制秩序,维护香港的繁荣稳定。任何香港居民,只要秉持爱国爱港立场,不从事危害国家主权、安全、发展利益和香港繁荣稳定的活动,都可以依法参与香港的选举和治理;只有那些危害国家主权、安全、发展利益的人,挑战宪法和基本法确定的宪制秩序的人,破坏香港繁荣稳定的人,才没有治港者的资格。The criteria for a patriot are objective and clear. A patriot is one who respects the Chinese nation, sincerely supports the motherland’s resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong, and wishes in no way to impair Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. Now that Hong Kong has returned to China and has been reincorporated into the national governance system, a patriot is required to safeguard China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests, respect and uphold the order established by the Constitution and the Basic Law, and work for prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.Any Hong Kong residents can stand for election and participate in governing Hong Kong in accordance with the law, as long as they love the country and Hong Kong, and are not involved in activities that undermine national sovereignty, security and development interests, or jeopardize Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. Those who take the opposite view will be disqualified from governance.


强调“爱国者治港”,不意味着不允许持不同政见或主张者存在,也不意味着压制批评政府的声音。香港特别行政区的民主具有充分包容不同政见和不同政治派别的空间,不存在“清一色”的问题,而是在爱国爱港旗帜下实现最广泛的团结,不断扩大团结面,增强包容性,建构最广泛的“一国两制”统一战线。Having Hong Kong patriots govern Hong Kong does not exclude people with different political views or ideas, nor will criticism of the government be suppressed. Democracy in the HKSAR allows ample room for different opinions and political groups, and there will be a plurality of voices in the government. All those who love the country and Hong Kong should stand together to form the most extensive united front, and expand it and make it more inclusive under the One Country, Two Systems framework.

中央政府和香港特别行政区政府将不断健全选拔和培养爱国爱港治理人才的长效机制,选贤任能,形成人才辈出的良好局面。The central government and the HKSAR government will continue to improve the system for selecting and cultivating patriotic individuals for Hong Kong’s governance, promoting the upright and competent, and ensuring more patriots participate in Hong Kong’s governance.

(三)坚定走符合香港实际情况的民主发展道路3. Developing Democracy in Line with Hong Kong’s Realities

世界上没有放之四海而皆准的民主标准,也不存在统一的民主模式。只有符合自身实际、能够解决自身问题的民主才是好民主。近年来一些国家和地区出现的社会政治危机及种种乱象昭示人们,世界上没有绝对完美的民主制度。不顾自身实际情况,盲目照搬其他国家和地区的民主制度,往往给本国本地区人民带来动乱和灾难。There is no single set of criteria for democracy and no single model of democracy that is universally acceptable. Democracy works only when it suits actual conditions and solves actual problems. The social and political crises and turbulence in some countries and regions in recent years are evidence that there is no perfect democracy anywhere in the world. Disregarding the reality of one’s own country and blindly copying the systems of others often causes chaos and brings disaster to the people.

“一国两制”下香港特别行政区的宪制地位和实际情况决定了其政治体制的基本属性是一种地方政治体制,因此其民主制度不应照搬任何其他地方的模式,必须按照“一国两制”方针和基本法,切合香港的政治、经济、社会、文化、历史等条件,探索具有香港特色的民主发展道路。The political system of the HKSAR applies locally. This is determined by the region’s constitutional status under the One Country, Two Systems framework and by its actual conditions. Therefore, the system of democracy in Hong Kong should not be a replica of some other model. Rather, a path to democracy in Hong Kong should be explored under the policy of One Country, Two Systems and the Basic Law and in keeping with its political, economic, social, cultural and historical conditions.

——坚持中央主导,依法循序渐进。香港特别行政区实行什么样的民主制度,事关国家主权安全,事关中央和特别行政区的关系,事关香港的长治久安和长期繁荣稳定,中央对此拥有主导权和决定权。只有坚持中央主导,香港民主才能健康发展。中央依法行使宪制权力,由全国人大及其常委会对香港特别行政区选举制度作出修改完善,合宪合法、合情合理。这是香港特别行政区民主发展的正道。任何民主的发展都要循序渐进,不可能一蹴而就。“循序渐进”的“进”不应只追求民主“量”的增加,更应强调民主“质”的提升。香港特别行政区民主的发展必须在中央主导下依法有序推进,建设优质民主。– Democracy in Hong Kong should be guided by the central authorities and make steady progress in accordance with the lawThe central authorities have the final say in determining the system of democracy in the HKSAR, which is a matter of national sovereignty and security, a reflection of the nature of relationship between the central authorities and the HKSAR, and one that affects the region’s long-term peace, stability and prosperity. Only under central guidance can Hong Kong expect its democracy to make healthy progress. The central authorities exercise their constitutional power by law, and the NPC and its Standing Committee revise and improve the electoral system in the HKSAR, according to a process that is fair, just, lawful and constitutional. This is the path along which democracy should progress in Hong Kong. Any system of democracy takes time to form and proceeds in stages. These stages are more than simply quantitative units; they should also be measured against quality.


——巩固宪制秩序,维护国家安全。香港特别行政区民主发展必须巩固宪法和基本法确定的宪制秩序,体现“香港特别行政区是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分”“是中华人民共和国的一个享有高度自治权的地方行政区域,直辖于中央人民政府”的宪制地位,以维护国家安全为前提。国家不安全,香港难安宁,民主也就无从谈起。二十多年来香港民主发展过程中出现的主要问题,实质不是要不要民主的问题,而是要不要维护“一国”原则的问题,是分裂与反分裂、颠覆与反颠覆、干预与反干预的问题。香港特别行政区民主发展必须把维护国家安全放在更加突出的位置,消除可能危害国家安全的各种隐患和风险。– The constitutional order must be consolidated to safeguard national securityIn developing democracy in Hong Kong, it is imperative to consolidate the order established by the Constitution and the Basic Law and ensure Hong Kong’s constitutional status as stipulated in the Basic Law: “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China.” “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be a local administrative region of the People’s Republic of China, which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy and come directly under the Central People’s Government.” National security is the prerequisite for peace and democracy in Hong Kong. Without national security, there would be no stability in Hong Kong, and no prospects of implementing democracy. The key issue that has emerged in the course of developing democracy in Hong Kong over the past two decades is not whether Hong Kong should pursue democracy. Rather, it is an issue of upholding the One Country principle and opposing separatism, subversion and intervention. Safeguarding national security must be a focus in developing democracy in Hong Kong, and all latent threats and risks that could undermine national security must be neutralized.


——落实行政主导,致力良政善治。香港特别行政区民主的发展,必须有利于落实行政主导,强化行政长官在特别行政区治理中的核心地位和权威,提高施政效能。在立法会要形成稳定支持行政长官和特别行政区政府的强大力量,破解立法机关与行政机关长期对立、立法会内部长期对抗的困局,使特别行政区政府和各界能够集中精力发展经济、改善民生,不断增强香港在激烈竞争中的优势。– The executive-led system should be implemented to ensure good governanceIn developing democracy in Hong Kong, it is imperative to implement the executive-led system and consolidate the Chief Executive’s core position and authority in the region’s governance. There should be strong and steady support for the Chief Executive and the HKSAR government in the Legislative Council to end the long-standing conflict between the legislature and the executive and resolve the internal strife within the Legislative Council. This will enable Hong Kong and its government to focus on economic development, improve people’s lives, and boost Hong Kong’s strengths in the face of fierce international competition.


——体现均衡参与,保持多元开放。“一国两制”下香港将长期保持资本主义制度和生活方式不变。香港特别行政区民主的发展必须有利于促进资本主义经济发展,依法保障社会各阶层、各界别、各方面的利益,形成广泛的民意代表机制,实现均衡的政治参与。香港特别行政区民主的发展既要有利于香港融入国家发展大局,也要有利于香港保持高度对外开放的特色,继续成为所有以香港为家的中外居民安居乐业的共同家园,成为各国企业家投资兴业的沃土。– There should be balanced participation in governance, and Hong Kong should remain open and pluralisticUnder the One Country, Two Systems framework, Hong Kong will maintain its capitalist economic model and way of life for a long period of time. Development of democracy in Hong Kong must be conducive to economic development under capitalism, and the interests of all social groups, sectors and stakeholders should be protected by law. A broadly based mechanism of public representation should be formed to advance balanced political participation. Development of democracy in Hong Kong should help the region to integrate into the broader framework of national development, and keep it highly open, as the common home of both Chinese and foreign residents who work and live here, and a destination of opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.


——坚持法治原则,保障自由人权。香港特别行政区民主的发展必须坚持法治原则,在宪法和基本法的轨道上推动民主的发展完善。任何偏离宪法、基本法和全国人大及其常委会有关决定的主张和做法,都违反法治原则,损害法治权威。香港特别行政区民主的发展还应当充分维护宪法和基本法保障的香港居民的各项权利和自由,有利于香港居民依法行使各项权利,享有各种自由,包括选举权和被选举权,言论、新闻、出版的自由,结社、集会、游行、示威的自由,组织和参加工会、罢工的权利和自由等。– The rule of law will be upheld to protect personal rights and freedoms In developing and improving democracy in Hong Kong, it is imperative to follow the rule of law in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law. Any proposition or act that is incompatible with the Constitution, the Basic Law, and the relevant decisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee goes against the principle of rule of law and undermines its authority. Development of democracy in Hong Kong should protect the people’s rights and freedoms provided for in the Constitution and the Basic Law, and it should ensure that they enjoy these rights and freedoms and exercise them. These include freedom of speech, the press and publication, freedom of association, assembly, procession and demonstration, the right to vote and stand for election, and the right and freedom to organize and join trade unions and strikes.


——丰富民主形式,提升民主质量。民主形式丰富多样,民主制度并非选举一途。不能把民主简单等同于选举,把选举简单等同于直接选举,把民主进步简单等同于增加直选议席,而要看有关安排有没有扩大民意代表性,能不能反映广大居民的根本利益和共同意愿。香港特别行政区民主的发展,不仅要完善、优化相关选举制度,还应当积极探索协商、咨询、听证、对话等多种民主形式,开拓更多民主渠道,重在提升民主质量,追求实质民主。– Democracy should be promoted in many forms Democracy comes in many forms. It cannot be reduced to the simplistic question of whether there are elections, and elections themselves cannot be defined exclusively as direct elections. Nor can progress in democracy be defined only as more representation from direct elections. What matters is whether public representation is expanding and whether the fundamental interests and the common will of the people are faithfully represented. For democracy to develop in Hong Kong, measures should be taken to improve the electoral system, and more forms of democracy – consultation, inquiry, hearing and dialogue – should be tested, to open up more channels for democracy of quality and substance.


——推动经济发展,增进港人福祉。民主与经济社会发展要相互促进,良性互动。判断任何民主优劣成败的标准,归根结底要看全体民众从中是真正受益还是受损。只有能够不断增进民众福祉的民主才是好民主。损害经济民生的民主不是好民主。中央政府坚定不移推动香港特别行政区民主发展的根本目的,就是为了通过建构、实践符合香港实际的民主制度,更好地促进香港经济高质量发展,不断改善民生,增进港人福祉,切实解决香港居民急难愁盼的问题和深层次矛盾,让经济社会发展的成果更加公平地惠及全体香港居民,保持香港作为国际金融、航运、贸易等中心的地位,从而确保香港长期繁荣稳定,确保香港在中华民族伟大复兴进程中不仅不掉队,而且增光添彩,发挥更大作用。香港经济社会的高质量发展,也必然为民主的进一步优化提升提供坚实的物质保障。– The economy will be boosted for the greater benefit of the people of Hong KongDemocracy should progress side by side with the economy and society. The main criterion for evaluating any form of democracy should always be whether it allows the whole of the population to prosper. Only those models that continue to improve overall wellbeing are good; those that undermine the economy and the lives of the people are not. The central government is determined to promote the development of democracy in the HKSAR in line with the region’s realities, in ways that will help generate high-quality economic growth and improve quality of life. It is intended that this will also be a practical means of addressing the most troublesome and long-standing problems that beset Hong Kong society, so that economic and social progress will benefit every local resident in a fairer way, and that Hong Kong will maintain its status as an international financial, shipping and trade center. This will ensure lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong, enabling it to play a more prominent part in national rejuvenation. Quality economic and social development in Hong Kong will also prepare the region for further democratic progress.


中央政府将继续按照宪法、基本法和全国人大及其常委会有关决定,不断发展和完善符合香港实际情况的民主制度,并与香港社会各阶层、各界别、各方面人士一道,为最终实现行政长官和全部立法会议员由普选产生的目标而共同努力。“一国两制”之下,香港特别行政区民主发展前景光明,民主道路必将越走越宽广。The central government will continue to develop and improve democracy in Hong Kong in line with its realities and in accordance with the Constitution, the Basic Law, and the relevant decisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee. It will work with all social groups, sectors and stakeholders towards the ultimate goal of election by universal suffrage of the Chief Executive and all members of the Legislative Council. Under the framework of One Country, Two Systems, the prospects are bright for democracy in Hong Kong.



民主是中国人民矢志不渝的追求。中国共产党一直高举人民民主的旗帜并为之不懈奋斗。一百年来,中国共产党领导中国人民经过长期斗争和艰辛探索,走出了一条中国式民主道路,占世界约五分之一人口的十四亿多中国人民在自己的国家实现了当家作主,中国人民享有广泛充分、真实具体、有效管用的民主,过上美好生活。中国共产党坚持人民至上、立党为公、执政为民,实现党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国的有机统一,健全完善人民当家作主制度体系,不断发展全过程人民民主。这为“一国两制”下香港特别行政区的民主发展提供了有力依托。The people of China have always yearned for democracy, and the CPC has always stayed true to the mission of delivering their dream. Over the past century, the CPC has led the Chinese people on a long and arduous journey to establish a model of democracy with Chinese characteristics, and it has enabled 1.4 billion Chinese, one fifth of world population, to run their own country with extensive and substantive democratic rights. Their satisfaction with the results proves that this effort has borne fruit.The CPC puts the people first, serves the public good, and exercises power in the interests of the people. It ensures that the Party exercises leadership, the people run their country, and governance is based in law. Through systemic and institutional improvements, it has championed whole-process people’s democracy in China, and this has laid the groundwork for developing democracy in Hong Kong under the framework of One Country, Two Systems.


作为中国共产党和中国政府的伟大创举,“一国两制”在香港的实践已经取得巨大成功,显现出强大生命力和制度韧性。中国共产党和中国政府有信心、有智慧、有能力,既把实行社会主义制度的内地管理好、建设好,也把实行资本主义制度的香港管理好、建设好,并把符合香港特别行政区实际情况的民主建设好、发展好。The policy is a creative innovation of the CPC and the Chinese government. Robust and resilient, it has proved to be a great success in Hong Kong. With their political vision, the CPC and the Chinese government are certain of the long-term success of the socialist system on the mainland. They are equally certain of the long-term success of both the capitalist system in Hong Kong and a form of democracy suited to its realities.

香港特别行政区正迎来拨乱反正、由治及兴的新阶段。随着香港国安法的实施和选举制度的完善,“爱国者治港”的局面将更加稳固,香港的法治和营商环境将更加优良,社会氛围将更加和谐,长期困扰香港的各类深层次矛盾和问题将更有条件得到有效解决。一个政治民主、法治健全、自由开放、包容和谐、繁荣稳定、胸怀祖国、面向世界的香港必将更好地呈现在世人面前,“一国两制”在香港的实践必将取得更大的成功,香港这颗璀璨的明珠必将绽放更加绚丽夺目的光彩!Hong Kong is entering a new stage of restored order, a thriving society, and further prosperity. With the Hong Kong National Security Law coming into force, and with improvements to the electoral system, governance by patriots will be further strengthened, the rule of law and the business environment will continue to improve, and Hong Kong will become a more harmonious society. This will create the conditions required to effectively resolve long-standing and deep-seated problems in the region. Rooted in the motherland, and buttressed by democracy and the rule of law, a free and inclusive Hong Kong will continue to prosper, to enjoy enduring stability and harmony, and to open itself to the world. The policy of One Country, Two Systems will be a resounding success story in Hong Kong, and this dynamic region will continue to prosper.













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