南北方文化差异英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 饰品小店装修效果图大全 南北方文化差异英语作文


2024-04-29 08:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”南北方文化差异“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cultal differences beeen South and North China。以下是关于南北方文化差异雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cultal differences beeen South and North China

We know that there are too many differences beeen eastern and Western cultes. I can't enumerate their different aspects one by one. I'll focus on the differences in eating habits and teaching so that you can understand them better.

I'll give examples of China and the United States. There is no dou that Chinese people use chopsticks as a tradition, but Amecans prefer forks and knives. The different results are based on different foods.

They are just like the Amecans who eat steak, bread and salad, while the Chinese choose noodles, pancakes and ce. The Chinese tea dnking custom and the Amecan coffee dnking custom are particularly pminent. Howr, the food in both countes tends to be mixed.

For example, coffee and bread are intduced to KFC in China, which is very popular among children in China and China There is a big gap in the teaching in the United States. Chinese students always complain that they have too much homework, which limits the time for exercise and relaxation. They have to recite a lot of things to get high marks.

Homework is their first. They think that learning in the United States is interesting. Teachers pay attention to the cultivation of students' thinking ability in real life, and do not emphasize the importance of memory There are also great differences in the school attendance rate, teaching salary and the work of members of the chch.

It should be said that the Qima government should make great efforts to impve its teaching . I also look forward to the day when the West cheers o country .




Sunflower the sun gradually ses, countless warm sunflowers ist their gentle body to the sun, shyly open the sun, the sun is shining on the sunflower, the warm feeling is so betiful, the sun starts to walk in the sky, the sunflower follows and looks at the sun, it is already late at night, n waiting is so wonderful /,.




As we all know, different countes have different cultes. Culte is a collective planning idea that distinguishes one gup of people fm another. Cultal differences inevitably have an impact on business.

For example, when a company is in a meeting, the vocabulary they use in Amecan English means to put something on the agenda, but in Btish English, it means to put something on the agenda The matter was erased fm the agent. This example shows the influence of culte on enterpses. Hofstede's research defines fo cultal dimensions: power distance, avoidance of uncertainty, individuali and masculinity.

The most important influence of cultal differences is the extent to which employees accept that their boss has power and to what extent they accept the opinions and decisions of their supeors Right, becse he / she is the most oental corporate culte of boshamon. Due to hierarchical , highly centralized power is sometimes called power oented culte. Due to histocal reasons, this culte is a culte of high power distance.

In this case, s make decisions and put forward higher requirements for their decisions, which are always closely supervised by subordinates The 's disagreement is not considered.



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