有趣英语俚语:love是“爱”,birds是“鸟”,lovebirds是什么意思? 您所在的位置:网站首页 顶是什么意思情侣 有趣英语俚语:love是“爱”,birds是“鸟”,lovebirds是什么意思?


2024-06-30 20:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


"Lovebirds"最初指的是鹦鹉科中的两种鸟类:Masked Lovebird(面具鸟)和 Fischer's Lovebird(费舍尔鹦鹉)。这些小巧可爱的鸟儿是非洲原产的,其鲜艳多彩的羽毛和其亲密的伴侣关系使它们备受喜爱。





The term "lovebirds" originated from referring to a specific group of birds in the parrot family. Lovebirds are known for their strong bond and affectionate behavior towards their mates, which became the inspiration for this slang expression.

Originally, "lovebirds" referred to two specific species of birds in the parrot family: the Masked Lovebird and Fischer's Lovebird. These small and adorable birds are native to Africa and are loved for their vibrant and colorful feathers as well as their close bond with their mates.

Over time, "lovebirds" became an adjective used to describe couples who display a great deal of affection and intimacy. The slang emphasizes the close and loving relationship between partners. People compared two lovebirds sitting closely together to a couple in love, hence the term "lovebirds."

The usage of this slang gained popularity in the first half of the 20th century, particularly in American English. It is used to depict the deep affection and sweet behavior between couples, as well as their intuitive understanding of one another.


Today, "lovebirds" has become a commonly used slang term to describe any couple exhibiting a close and loving relationship. It is frequently used in casual conversations, social media, and romantic contexts, evoking warm and adorable feelings.

In summary, the term "lovebirds" originated from referring to specific bird species in the parrot family and evolved into a slang expression to describe couples who share an intimate bond. It conveys romantic, affectionate, and happy emotions, becoming a popular term to express a sweet relationship between partners.

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