听歌学英语:教你唱《化身孤岛的鲸》英文版(上) 您所在的位置:网站首页 韩语听力在线听音乐 听歌学英语:教你唱《化身孤岛的鲸》英文版(上)


2024-07-04 20:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I am a lonely blue whale in the sea 我是只化身孤岛的蓝鲸 Like an island with a breeze 有着最巨大的身影 Fish are swimming in the weeds 鱼虾在身侧穿行 Birds are whispering over me 也有飞鸟在背上停 I’ve seen so many fascinating scenes 我路过太多太美的奇景 Like the Eden in my dream 如同伊甸般的仙境 Yet the ocean is fuss-free 而大海太平太静 Too many stories, unknown they’ve been 多少故事无人倾听 Mediterranean1 sunshine 我爱地中海的天晴 Siberian snowy night 爱西伯利亚的雪景 Eagles high up in the sky 爱万丈高空的鹰 Algae2 waving with the tide 爱肚皮下的藻荇 I had been trying hard to sympathize 我在尽心尽力地多情 Until that day arrived 直到那一天 Despite your worn-out shirt 你的衣衫破旧 Your voice was rather tender 而歌声却温柔 Together we just wandered’til we got tired 陪我漫无目的地四处漂流 I thought that I had withered3 我的背脊如荒丘 But you smiled with a comfort 而你却微笑摆首 Saying I was your entire world 把它当成整个宇宙 You waved up to the skyline 你与太阳挥手 You hailed mews by the seaside 也同海鸥问候 Followed me to all the places far and wide 陪我爱天爱地的四处风流 A shame it was, our divide 只是遗憾你终究 You’re no longer by my side 无法躺在我胸口 Now alone I marvel4 at starry5 nights 欣赏夜空最辽阔的不朽 With stars shining so bright 把星子放入眸 I am a lonely blue whale in the sea 我是只化身孤岛的蓝鲸 Like an island with a breeze 有着最巨大的身影 Fish are swimming in the weeds 鱼虾在身侧穿行 Birds are whispering over me 也有飞鸟在背上停 I’m barely passionate6 to anything 我有着太冷太清的天性 But a cloud above the canopy7 对天上的她动过情 She was far beyond my reach 而云朵太远太轻 I guessed I had to let it be 辗转之后各安天命 Never been to prosperity 我未入过繁华之境 Never heard that much of dins8 未听过喧嚣的声音 Never seen so many things 未见过太多生灵 Never felt such strong feelings 未有过滚烫心情 So the silence in the gigantic sea 所以也未觉大洋正中 Never bothered me 有多么安静 Despite your worn-out shirt 你的衣衫破旧 Your voice was rather tender 而歌声却温柔 Together we just wandered’til we got tired 陪我漫无目的地四处漂流 I thought that I had withered 我的背脊如荒丘 But you smiled with a comfort 而你却微笑摆首 You said I was your entire world 把它当成整个宇宙 You waved up to the skyline 你与太阳挥手 You hailed mews by the seaside 也同海鸥问候 Followed me to all the places far and wide 陪我爱天爱地的四处风流 A shame it was, our divide 只是遗憾你终究 You’re no longer by my side 无法躺在我胸口 Now alone I marvel at starry nights 欣赏夜空最辽阔的不朽 With stars shining so bright 把星子放入眸 Your touch was very gentle 你的指尖轻柔 So I was willing to show 抚摸过我所有 Every awful scar made by storm and billow 风浪冲撞出的丑陋疮口 Seasons changed in your pupils 你眼中有春与秋 They were sweeter than all the hills 胜过我见过爱过 And rivers that I had adored 的一切山川与河流 I used to think that I could 曾以为我肩头 Be tough enough to conquer 是那么的宽厚 Every kingdom every city every hill 足够撑起海底那座琼楼 But after our encounter 而在你到来之后 I dreaded9 lack of power 它显得如此清瘦 Cuz I wanna be a knight10 in armor 我想给你能奔跑的岸头 Make you queen of my world 让你如同王后 I am a lonely blue whale in the sea Like an island with a breeze Fish are swimming in the weeds Birds are whispering over me whale n. 鲸 巨大的人,特别出众的人,巨大的事物 口语点津1】Having a whale of a time玩得非常痛快,快乐有鲸鱼那么大 Dear Mum and Dad, We are having a whale of a time in San Francisco. Wish you were here with us。 亲爱的妈妈爸爸,我们在旧金山玩得很痛快。真希望你们也在这。 口语点津2】size of a whale字面上就是说有鲸鱼那么大,这个短语形容某人块头很大、身体过胖、体型超重。注意这是一个非礼貌用语。 Breeze是微风的意思。大家在超市购买纸巾的时候,可以观察一下哈,清风牌的纸巾上面的英文品牌名就是breeze。 Weed n. 野草 杂草; Wisper  耳语;私语,轻声说 I’ve seen so many fascinating scenes Like the Eden in my dream Yet the ocean is fuss-free Too many stories, unknown they’ve been Fascinating adj. 迷人的 Eden n. 伊甸园;乐园 -free无...的 免除...的 trouble-free无忧无虑的 tax-free免税的 免税店:tax-free shop;duty-free shop; duty-free store; Fuss是大惊小怪的意思。fuss-free就是“不会大惊小怪的“, 习惯上用于表示很贴心,给人温馨的感觉。 类似的表达还有: fuss-free supper(让人惬意,温馨的晚餐) fuss-free living (让人惬意,愉悦的生活) Mediterranean sunshine Siberian snowy night Eagles high up in the sky Algae waving with the tide I had been trying hard to sympathize Until that day arrived Mediterranean  adj. 地中海的 n. 地中海 Siberian adj.西伯利亚(人)的;来自西伯利亚的 Eagle n.鹰;鹰状标志; 有个乐队就是TheEagles老鹰乐队,经典的歌曲加州旅馆-Hotel California,你一定听过。 Algae   n. 水藻;海藻 Sympathize   vi. 同情;同感;赞成 口语点津】同情某人:sympathize with I sympathize with you; I've had a similar unhappy experience myself. 我很同情你,我自己也有过类似的不幸遭遇。 I’ve been doing... 我一直在... try hard to尽心尽力地做某事 I am a lonely blue whale in the sea Like an island with a breeze Fish are swimming in the weeds Birds are whispering over me whale [we?l]   n. 鲸 巨大的人,特别出众的人,巨大的事物 口语点津1】Having a whale of a time玩得非常痛快,快乐有鲸鱼那么大 Dear Mum and Dad, We are having a whale of a time in San Francisco. Wish you were here with us。 亲爱的妈妈爸爸,我们在旧金山玩得很痛快。真希望你们也在这。 口语点津2】size of a whale字面上就是说有鲸鱼那么大,这个短语形容某人块头很大、身体过胖、体型超重。注意这是一个非礼貌用语。 Breeze是微风的意思。大家在超市购买纸巾的时候,可以观察一下哈,清风牌的纸巾上面的英文品牌名就是breeze。 Weed  n. 野草 杂草; Wisper 耳语;私语,轻声说 I’ve seen so many fascinating scenes Like the Eden in my dream Yet the ocean is fuss-free Too many stories, unknown they’ve been Fascinating adj. 迷人的 Eden n. 伊甸园;乐园 -free无...的 免除...的 trouble-free无忧无虑的 tax-free免税的 免税店:tax-free shop;duty-free shop; duty-free store; Fuss是大惊小怪的意思。fuss-free就是“不会大惊小怪的“, 习惯上用于表示很贴心,给人温馨的感觉。 类似的表达还有: fuss-free supper(让人惬意,温馨的晚餐) fuss-free living (让人惬意,愉悦的生活) Mediterranean sunshine Siberian snowy night Eagles high up in the sky Algae waving with the tide I had been trying hard to sympathize Until that day arrived Mediterranean  adj. 地中海的 n. 地中海 Siberian adj.西伯利亚(人)的;来自西伯利亚的 Eagle n.鹰;鹰状标志; 有个乐队就是TheEagles老鹰乐队,经典的歌曲加州旅馆-Hotel California,你一定听过。 Algae  n. 水藻;海藻 Sympathize vi. 同情;同感;赞成 口语点津】同情某人:sympathize with I sympathize with you; I've had a similar unhappy experience myself. 我很同情你,我自己也有过类似的不幸遭遇。 I’ve been doing... 我一直在... try hard to尽心尽力地做某事  






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