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2024-07-09 22:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Rats! You’ve received the dreaded “thank you for your interest but...” letter, and you really thought you were going to get that job. Maybe you were the number 2 or number 3 candidate.瞎扯!你已经收到了那封写着可怕的信了:“感谢您对本公司的兴趣,但是……”,并且你“真的”认为你会得到那份工作,也许你只是二号或三号人选而已。

Close, but no cigar. Dang!很接近了,但是还不够。!

What now? Move on to the next opportunity, right? Of course. But first...怎么了?该寻找新机会了,对吗?这是当然的,但是首先……

Try turning that rejection letter on its head! Convert it into an opportunity. Maybe.试着从头改变那封拒绝信!把它转变为一个机会。可能的话。

Send a Thank You Note!发送一封感谢信!

Hopefully you wrote thank you notes to the interviewers after the job interviews. (Right?) So, if you really liked the people and the organization and would want to be considered when another opportunity opens there, send a nice thank you note to the hiring manager, the recruiter, and everyone else who was in the interview process.面试结束后,你会充满期待地给面试官发送感谢信。(对吗?)因此,如果你真的喜欢那里的人和组织架构,也很希望被纳入其他职位空缺的考虑范围,那么就给招聘经理,招募者,以及任何参与面试过程的人发送感谢信吧。

A Thank You Note? For a Rejection? Really? Yes!感谢信?感谢拒绝?你确定吗?没错!

At this point, what do you really have to lose?到了这个地步,你还有什么能输的?

They’ve already offered the job to someone else and probably gotten an acceptance. But that person may change their mind and never start the job. Or that person may take the job but prove to be unsatisfactory. It happens more often than you think.他们早已把工作机会给了别人,并且很可能已经被对方接受了。但是那个人可能会改变想法并且不会入职工作。或者那个人可能会接受工作,但最后发现是不合适的。事情发生的可能性比你能想象的多得多。

So, what does the employer do when they face this situation? They groan, roll their eyes, and take another look at the applicants who almost got the job. Why? Because they really don’t want to start from scratch, post the job, review the resumes, schedule interviews, spend time in meetings discussing the job and the candidates, etc.那么,雇主在面对这种情况的时候一般会怎么做?他们咕哝埋怨,翻白眼,然后再看看其他的求职者信息,看看谁比较有资格。为什么?因为他们真的不想重新从划掉名字开始,然后投放职位广告,浏览简历,安排面试,花时间讨论职位与求职者了。

Filling a job takes an employer a lot of time and energy. Staff time for interviews plus the cost of posting the job, etc. is expensive for most employers. So, if the new employee failed quickly, they may reach back to the almost-hired list to see who is available. If the new employee stayed a while before they failed (or left), a new job may be posted, but you might have an “inside track” IF you made a positive impression on them.填补职位空缺会耗费雇主大量的时间和精力。为面试而设的员工时间,加上投放职位广告的成本等等对于大多数雇主来说都是昂贵的。所以,如果新员工无法顺利适应新工作,雇主们就可能会回看那一份最可能录用的名单,看看谁还没找到工作。如果新员工工作了一段时间之后表现不好(或离职),那么就可能会有新的职位空缺,而你很可能占据了“内部的有利位置”,如果你之前给他们留下深刻的印象的话。

What to Write应该写些什么内容

This is where your thank you notes come in handy. It reminds them of you (nicely) because you included the following elements in your note:这就是感谢信派上用场的时候了。它能够(善意地)提醒雇主你的存在,因为你能够在感谢信内包含这些要点:

Thank you for letting you know the outcome of the search, even though they didn’t choose you.感谢他们让你知道求职的结果,即使他们没有选择你。 Thank you for the time, courtesy, and consideration shown you during the interview process. (Hopefully true!)感谢对方为你面试所使用的时间,为你所体现的理解与体贴照顾。 Express your disappointment in not getting the job.表达你无法获得工作的失望。 Express your appreciation for the opportunity to learn about the organization and meet the people working there.表达你对有机会了解公司机构以及与那里工作的人们会面的感谢。 Reiterate of your continued interest in working in their organization.重申你对在这家公司工作的持续兴趣。 Request that they get in touch with you for the next time a job is opened.请求对方与你保持联系,如果下一次有新的职位空缺可以联系你。

Thank you notes are rare. And, a thank you for a rejection is so unusual that they can be very effective, possibly bumping you up from number two or number three to number one on the almost-hired list.发送感谢信的行为很少见。再者,一封回复拒绝的感谢信也是那么的不寻常,却是相当有效的,也许就把你从二号或三号人选拉到了一号人选了。

Don’t try to fake enthusiasm you don’t feel — it will be visible. If you really didn’t like the people you met and don’t want to work there, don’t bother with writing this note.不要假装你对这份工作的热诚——别人很容易就能发现。如果你真的不喜欢那里的人,也不想在那里工作,那就不必在这封感谢信上费心了。

Bottom Line总结

A sincere thank you note after a rejection will really stand out. The probability that it will pay off may be less than 5 percent, but that probability may show a higher return on the investment of your time than any other job search action you take that day, and it won’t take long to do.求职被拒后,发送一封真诚的感谢信确实会让你与众不同。虽然这么做而获得成功的可能性低于5%,不过这个可能性可能会比你给其他职位搜索所投入的时间获得更大的收获,并且不会让你花太多时间。







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