IPv6静态路由配置 您所在的位置:网站首页 静态路由特性 IPv6静态路由配置


2023-03-07 17:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


配置完成后,在系统视图下,在DeviceB上执行display current-configuration | include nqa命令,可以看到IPv6静态路由已经绑定NQA测试例。执行display nqa results命令,可以看到NQA测试例已经建立。

# 查看NQA for IPv6静态路由的配置。

[~DeviceB] display current-configuration | include nqa ipv6 route-static 2001:db8:7:: 64 GigabitEthernet0/1/1 2001:db8:3::2 track nqa admin test nqa test-instance admin test

# 查看NQA测试结果。

[~DeviceB] display nqa results test-instance admin test NQA entry(admin, test) : testflag is active ,testtype is icmp 1 . Test 359 result The test is finished Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 3 Completion:success RTD OverThresholds number:0 Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0 System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0 Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0 Destination ip address:2001:db8:3::2 Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 1/3/2 Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 7/19 Last Good Probe Time: 2012-11-14 12:15:22.3 Lost packet ratio: 0 %

可以看到“Lost packet ratio: 0 %”,这说明链路状态完好。

# 查看DeviceB的路由表,可以看到静态路由存在于路由表中。

[~DeviceB] display ipv6 routing-table 2001:db8:7:: Routing Table : _public_ Summary Count : 1 Destination : 2001:db8:7:: PrefixLength : 64 NextHop : 2001:db8:3::2 Preference : 60 Cost : 0 Protocol : Static RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0 Interface : GigabitEthernet0/1/1 Flags : D

# 查看DeviceA的路由表。

[~DeviceA] display ipv6 routing-table 2001:db8:7:: Routing Table : _public_ Summary Count : 1 Destination : 2001:db8:7:: PrefixLength : 64 NextHop : FE80::2200:10FF:FE03:0 Preference : 150 Cost : 10 Protocol : OSPFv3ASE RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0 Interface : GigabitEthernet0/1/0 Flags : D

可以看到有一条到2001:db8:7::1/128的路由,出接口为GigabitEthernet 0/1/0,cost值为10,因此业务流量会优先走链路DeviceB→SwitchA。

# 关闭DeviceB的GigabitEthernet 0/1/1接口,模拟链路故障。

[~DeviceB] interface GigabitEthernet 0/1/1 [*DeviceB-GigabitEthernet0/1/1] shutdown [*DeviceB-GigabitEthernet0/1/1] commit [~DeviceB-GigabitEthernet0/1/1] quit

# 查看NQA测试结果。

[~DeviceB] display nqa results test-instance admin test NQA entry(admin, test) : testflag is active ,testtype is icmp 1 . Test 1156 result The test is finished Send operation times: 3 Receive response times: 0 Completion:failed RTD OverThresholds number:0 Attempts number:1 Drop operation number:0 Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:3 System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0 Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0 Destination ip address:2001:db8:3::2 Min/Max/Average Completion Time: 0/0/0 Sum/Square-Sum Completion Time: 0/0 Last Good Probe Time: 0000-00-00 00:00:00.0 Lost packet ratio: 100 %

可以看到“Completion:failed”、“Lost packet ratio: 100 %”,这说明链路发生了故障。

# 查看DeviceB的路由表,可以看到静态路由消失,路由变为了从DeviceA学来的OSPFv3路由。

[~DeviceB] display ipv6 routing-table 2001:db8:7:: Routing Table : _public_ Summary Count : 1 Destination : 2001:db8:7:: PrefixLength : 64 NextHop : FE80::3A00:10FF:FE03:0 Preference : 150 Cost : 20 Protocol : OSPFv3ASE RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0 Interface : GigabitEthernet0/1/0 Flags : D

# 查看DeviceA的路由表。

[~DeviceA] display ipv6 routing-table 2001:db8:7:: Routing Table : _public_ Summary Count : 1 Destination : 2001:db8:7:: PrefixLength : 64 NextHop : FE80::3A00:10FF:FE03:107 Preference : 150 Cost : 20 Protocol : OSPFv3ASE RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0 Interface : GigabitEthernet0/2/3 Flags : D

因为DeviceB上的NQA测试例与静态路由是联动的,当NQA检测到链路故障后,就迅速通知DeviceB与其绑定的静态路由不可用,DeviceA也不能从DeviceB处学到通往2001:db8:7::/64的路由。但是DeviceA可以从DeviceC处学到通往2001:db8:7::/64的路由,因此可以看到通往2001:db8:7::/64的路由的出接口变为GigabitEthernet 0/2/3,cost值为20。业务流量切换到链路DeviceC→SwitchA。






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